A wide range of building materials allows you to get a truly unique design of the room. Decorative putty - this is one of the most popular types of decor. Ease of care, aesthetic appearance, environmental safety have made it a worthy alternative to wallpaper, ceramics, staining or other types of wall decoration. Use the finish not only as a self-sufficient material for decorating walls, but also as an invoice for painting.
Depending on the binder used, these varieties of plasters are distinguished.
The binding agent is acrylic resin - a polymeric high-molecular compound. Thanks to the polymer component, the applied layer is very elastic. The presence of mineral and organic pigments provides different shade variations. Acrylic putties are sold as ready-to-use mixtures. Minus acrylic is that the decorated surface does not "breathe", the vapor permeability of the material is extremely low. In addition, the surface is sensitive to sunlight; over time, it begins to crack. Special pigment pastes help to color the surfaces in different colors.
In mineral mixtures, cement is a binder. Such mixtures are sold in dry form, they are diluted with water. Mineral formulations are best suited for outdoor work and the design of wet rooms (eg bathrooms). This is an environmentally friendly option, resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Over time, the coating becomes more durable. But he also has a drawback: plaster is unstable to mechanical influences. For cleaning, it is undesirable to use devices that deliver the detergent composition under pressure. The standard shade is light.
As a connecting element, liquid glass (a mixture of quartz sand, potassium hydroxide and carbonic acid alkali potassium) is used here. The surface is very durable, unattractive for fungus and mold, and also with a water repellent effect. The finished mixture simultaneously has astringent, impregnating and adhesive properties. Refractoriness and vapor permeability are also at an altitude. Sold such a coating in the form of a finished composition of different colors. This is the most reliable option listed, with a lifetime of half a century or more. Use silicate compounds for the decoration of the facades of houses in a damp climate.
According to the type of filler, there are 3 kinds of putties:
- The Venetian.
- Invoice.
- Structural.
The last two types of putties form surfaces with relief. As for the Venetian plaster, they are perfectly flat. All listed types of decorative materials for walls are made of reliable, durable and environmentally friendly components.
This putty differs coarsely dispersed structure. As a filler, use flax fiber, mica, wood, mineral (granite, marble) crumb, small pebbles. The field of application is decorative decoration of plastered, wooden, concrete surfaces, as well as bricks. Decor is equally suitable for indoor and outdoor works. Large particles make it possible to hide irregularities in the surface. For the application there is no need for preliminary preparation of the walls. Preparatory work consists in drying, removing the peeling coating, as well as applying an adhesive composition, for better adhesion of the coating to the wall.
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Textures can be different: imitation of leather, textiles, wood or natural stone. This is the most diverse kind of decorative putty. Its important advantage is low cost. Plaster is delivered in ready-made form or as a dry mix. It is undesirable to putty in exterior work in the rain or at an air temperature of less than 7 degrees. One of the main advantages is the ease of application. Even with the independent design of the walls, there may be a huge number of options.
There are such subtypes of textured surfaces:
- Lamb is a fine-grained texture of putty solution from stone grains.
- Fur coat - a mixture based on cement. The surface turns out to be rough, with the effect of hairiness.
- Bark beetle. The surface resembles wood damaged by the pest of the same name, and has a peculiar furrowed texture. Looks great with rattan furniture or wood.
This is a thin-layer material based on acrylic or silicate composition. The structure-forming substance is quartz or crumb of marble. It is used for interior and facade work. Depending on the structure-forming components, the surface can be perfectly flat or medium-grained. Structural mixtures are excellent for decorating gypsum plasterboard partitions in the interior, as well as for most of the mineral surfaces. This material should not be used in outdoor applications and in wet rooms. The ways of applying the decoration are different: using a spatula, roller or spray.
The Venetian
This multi-layer interior coating with the addition of hydrated lime and fine marble chips. This is one of the oldest types of decoration, which was widely used in ancient Rome. Waste from the processing of marble started up. It was a mirror-smooth, unusually beautiful surface, reminiscent of onyx or natural marble. The cost of the material is high, the application technology is not easy, but the result is worth it.
Suitable styles of design are classical, antique or baroque. With the help of colors you can get different shades, including pearl shade or imitation of precious metal. Beautifully looks "Venetian" and as a basis for painting, paintings and panels (for example, the popular drawing "butterfly", "shell" or the use of plant motifs).
Smooth surface is equally suitable for spacious and small rooms, with a limited number of square meters. The room will seem more spacious. And in a large apartment you will get a truly palace interior.
Advantages of the decorative mixture
Like all building materials, decorative putties have their strengths and weaknesses. The advantages include:
- Practicality, long service life. If you correctly apply the materials on the wall and observe the rules of operation, the coating will last you a very long time. In addition, most of the modern materials are resistant to mechanical stress.
- Elimination of wall defects. The use of a textured material helps hide the unevenness of the walls. The best option in this respect is a mixture with cellulosic filler.
- Versatility - the ability to use for different types of surfaces.
- Resistance to external factors.
- Environmental Safety. The coating for walls does not contain toxic substances, has no unpleasant odors, does not absorb harmful components contained in the air. Most of the modern coatings "breathe" due to the porous structure. The putty is also a good soundproofing.
- A lot of design options. You can decorate the walls according to your taste.
Of the disadvantages can be noted the high cost, the complexity of application and dismantling.
Choosing a putty
When choosing a putty take into account such criteria:
- Characteristics and purpose of the premises.
- Specificity of the surface.
- "The price of the question." This is relevant if financial opportunities are limited.
An important point is a variety of filler. In essence, it determines what the owner will see on the walls after the repair. The more granularity of the filler, the more strikingly the pattern is obtained. This or that decorative effect depends on the method of application. Not every kind of material is suitable for this or that technology.
Tools and application rules
Смеси для оштукатуривания поверхностей продаются в разных видах. Это может быть сухая смесь. Водный раствор смеси необходимо выработать, чтобы он не утратил своих качеств. Гораздо удобнее приобрести готовую для применения шпатлёвку, которая долгое время сохраняет свойства. Для самостоятельного нанесения особенно удобна декоративная штукатурка фактурного типа. Специалисты утверждают: чтобы испортить такое покрытие, надо очень постараться. Кроме того, нет необходимости в слишком тщательной подготовке стен. Invoice смесь при шпатлевании сама отлично сглаживает дефекты.
Before applying the coating, the wall is cleaned of the old decor, the cracks are closed. This preparation is sufficient for plastering "bark beetle". And, for example, the Venetian cover involves much more thorough preparation, for example, leveling the walls to the ideal state.
The minimum required for the puttying tools is as follows:
- Set of spatulas.
- Smoothing iron.
- Grater made of plastic or wood.
- Roller for plaster.
- Capacity for water and ready-mixed solution.
Ways of application and preparatory work
The method of preparation of the mixture is available on the packaging. To obtain a usable solution, compliance with the instructions is mandatory. It is equally important to correctly calculate the portion at a time. Otherwise, the mixture will solidify already in the container. The prepared solution should be worked out as soon as possible. The application of decorative putties does not tolerate long breaks in work. To obtain a unique surface, you can use wave-like or circular application, "rain", horizontal reliefs. With the use of a texture roller, the relief is simplified many times. Particular attention should be paid to the joints of the plots, so that there will be no rush. After about 15-20 minutes. surface treated with a smoothing iron. For complete hardening of the plaster will take about a day. The processing of fine sandpaper will help to eliminate all surplus decor.
Fur coat
This coating looks great outside and inside the house. To work, you need a solution and pieces of polyethylene. For a more inviting pattern, dense polyethylene is used. With a thin polyethylene, a smoother coating is obtained.
Apply the mixture to the wall. Too careful preparation is not needed, since the decor will hide small flaws. Now you can do the decor. Crumple polyethylene and apply it to the wall to get the desired texture. For a smoother texture, a soft material is applied to the wall, the area of which coincides with the coating.
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This is an unusual and non-standard texture, which is almost impossible to repeat. Coat the paint roller with leatherette so that it is covered with chaotic creases. After surface treatment, an unusual structure is obtained.
Bark beetle
To begin with, level the largest swings, then clean the surface. Next, apply a primer, preferably with quartz sand. Put plaster in small layers using a trowel. The directions of the trowel can be different depending on what kind of original pattern you want to get. The best is a diagonal "ragged" pattern. Ornament is obtained by air under the instrument.
Fish Scales
This pattern is created with a spatula. And, the wider it is, the bigger the picture. Apply a coating on a small area, with a palm. The thickness of the application is about 4 mm. Starting from the corner, apply a spatula, pushing it into the uncombined mixture. To make the picture look more beautiful, make sure that on all sites the force of pressing was the same.
Self-made decorative mixture
It happens that the options available in the store for some reason do not fit. You can make a mixture yourself, from improvised materials. This approach allows you to save considerably. However, it must be remembered that in terms of quality and durability, the mixture prepared independently yields to the goods of factory manufacturing. But if we take into account the relative cheapness of the finishing materials, the period of 10-15 years is quite suitable. For the manufacture of decorative coatings with their own hands, the usual putty on gypsum or cement is suitable.
Here is the simplest way of cooking:
- Take the starting and finishing shpaklevku in equal proportions. Starting filler can be replaced with gypsum plaster.
- Pour the mixture into a bucket with lukewarm water.
- Add a little diluted wallpaper glue to the finishing material. The mixture freezes somewhat more slowly, it can be used longer. In addition, this makes the wall unattractive for fungus and insects.
- Mix the mixture with a construction mixer or with a drill with a nozzle.
Try to prepare for 1 time the amount of solution that you can work out in 15 minutes. It is even more effective to work together: one is occupied directly by plastering the wall, the other by drawing a pattern.
If you use this coating in the kitchen or in the bathroom, you need an additional coating of water-repellent varnish. There are master classes on the Internet. For facade works, a coating based on cement mortar with a small amount of a primer is suitable. That the received decor kept an attractive kind as it is possible longer, it is necessary not simply to plaster a wall, and to cover with a facade paint. Finish can be solid or in the form of panels.
The concrete choice of a covering for walls depends on taste of the owner of a premise and from requirements to received result. Considerable importance is also the budget, because the cost of different types of decorative putties differs by an order of magnitude. It is necessary to look at the complexity of the application. With Venetian plaster, for example, only experienced plasterer will cope, and the usual textured and structural mixes are applied quite simply. You can make a mixture with your own hands or use factory products, for example, Travertino or Bayramix. Neighbors and guests will envy you!