A magnificent direction in the art of wall painting received a capacious name - a fresco. Refined painting is created by applying an image to a specially prepared surface. The technology of creation is laborious and requires creative inspiration. The master must have the patience and great willpower to become a professional fresco painting. However, you can learn to create exquisite pictures in the interior yourself. There are technologies that can be learned independently. About how the frescoes in the interior decorate the house, in detail we will tell further.
To create these modern decor elements use only natural ingredients. These are coloring mixtures and adhesive compounds based on substances of natural origin, as well as linen canvases. Their quality is selected in such a way that moisture, temperature changes and ultraviolet rays do not affect the finished image. The decorative product should not burn out. Therefore, designers are not afraid to use frescoes even on the facades of country houses. The picturesque elements in the exterior create a unique artistic style of the whole building. The unique mood and magical atmosphere draws the attention of all lovers of architectural beauty.
Depending on the aesthetic preferences of the owners, the stories can relate to different epochs and stylistics. It can be the High Revival of the genius of Da Vinci, the early twentieth-century Modernity or the cutting-edge high-tech. It is important that the choice of the owner corresponds to the functional purpose of the place where the painting is planned. For example, recently it became a fashion trend to decorate fashionable restaurants with elegant medieval frescoes.
Types of frescoes
Since there are many technologies for applying this pictorial element, the masters began to classify varieties as follows:
Based on plaster
This variety can be safely considered the most in demand. Consumers are attracted by the availability and high performance of the finished image. As a basis for its creation is a special plaster with elastic properties. Due to the reinforcement of the base with the mounting mesh, such plaster does not allow cracks. Italian technology implies the use of environmentally friendly paints and any harmless glue. The advantages of the species include the following:
- Quality imitation of manual work;
- Moisture resistance of materials;
- Counteracting ultraviolet rays;
- Texture in the style of ancient frescoes;
- Affordable cost.
Wallpaper murals
It also uses Italian design. Thanks to the plaster coating on the non-woven base, the owners can calmly decorate a large space. Since the joints will not be visible even in spacious mansions on the walls. In this case, the usual glue binder, which comes with the same fleece wallpaper, is used. This species has several subspecies, differing in the way they cover and transmit the plot. It is allowed to use specialized printers. Subsequently, the surface with the image is additionally covered with a special impregnation, which makes it possible to adequately simulate the antique effect. Microscopic cracks form a thin ligature, giving the fresco motifs of antiquity. However, some prefer to do without cracks.
On Holst
The laborious option involves exclusively manual work for the production of images. The sequence of stages remains the same:
- Preparation of the basis for plastering;
- Drawing a drawing;
- Artificial aging;
- Transferring the finished image to the canvas.
Natural materials are supplemented with conventional mounting glue. Therefore, among the minuses of such frescos, there is a certain fragility. They can not be washed with the help of household washable products, because you can spoil the work of the masters. Create such masterpieces in the Apennine and Iberian peninsulas. Expensive masterpieces belong to the elite segment. They are usually ordered by those who wish to be aware of the presence of an exclusive hand-made decor in the house.
On a rigid basis
Unlike previous versions, an extremely rigid base for plaster is used here. This is necessary to create special chips at the edges of the fresco, which have a special artistic value. This circuit effectively emphasizes the authenticity of the work. The only drawback of such products is considered to be heaviness. Therefore, it is difficult to find outline products in this technique. However, even small frescos will be expensive.
On self-adhesive basis
It implies the use of a strong base for applying a special formulation. Fine-grained sand of river origin is transferred to the plane in a digital way. This makes for some simplicity in creating a fresco on the wall. You need to remove the protective film to glue the image on the surface with your own hands. However, this option has a significant drawback. A thin layer of plaster leaves visible defects and protrusions of the walls. Therefore, it is important to prepare the surface before applying the pattern. Another disadvantage of the variety on a self-adhesive basis is the absence of the effect of antiquity. They are more like modern photo wallpapers than on old works. Among the producers of such semi-finished products are the same Italy and Spain. They refer to budgetary options.
In the style of the interior
Thanks to the possibilities of industrial production, the arrangement of frescos on the walls of modern houses and even apartments became available to most citizens. Any image can decorate the decor in classic, baroque, provence and other styles. There are many well-known stories that are always popular. Usually it is a medieval painting of the Renaissance. However, to create an exclusive design, it is recommended to focus on a particular room. Depending on its value and the location of the frescoes, the artistic value of the antique decor element can be highly modified. The greatest effect is achieved in a room with a large area.
Attention! Masters recommend choosing a story and a thematic motive in advance. This will allow you to correctly select the application technology and prepare the surface for the product. While modern production allows you to equip a masterpiece at any stage.
Decoration of architectural forms
With the help of decorative frescoes, it is interesting to decorate country houses. Some owners gravitate to elaborate architectural forms in antique stylistics. The decoration of the columns with an ancient image is capable of introducing the very element of exclusivity that is lacking in standard projects. A curious option of finishing can also be considered the use of frescoes in specially equipped niches. The general mood is emphasized by individual accessories of the same time as the plot in the image. Decorative vase, coupled with a thematic picture will bewitch any guest.
In the living room
The most common version of the arrangement of the fresco involves its placement in the living room. Often this is expressed in the classic scenes and reproductions of masterpieces of the cult Renaissance. Stylistics of such a powerful in its artistic content of the product favorably emphasizes the status of the main room in the house. The front room becomes the visiting card of the hosts. Also scenes with elements of the life of the East are also welcomed. However, the last time in fashion includes the industrial landscape and everything that can be associated with it. For example, the subway tunnels act as a contrast to the mural technique itself. A compromise option for all is the use of seascapes and village pastors.
In the bedroom and nursery
For the bedroom, you need to carefully select the plot to keep the lulling atmosphere of the room. Typically, this involves angels in the clouds and waves at sunset. Seascapes together with exotic islands invariably lead a weak half of humanity into ecstasy. Romantic mood forms in them a genuine sense of heavenly bliss.
See also: Decorative wallpaper stickersAttention! In order not to weight a small space with such a remarkable element of decor, many place a mural above the head of the bed. However, if desired, it can be located anywhere.
As for the children's room, it is important to please the child, not the adult. The plot should be simple and very clear. It can be some scene from your favorite cartoon, floral motif or starry space. It is necessary to focus on the baby's preferences and sex. And that the child could dream before bed, the image is desirable to place on the opposite wall from the bed. Then his sleep will be strong and serene.
In the kitchen and dining room
For a kitchen area, fresco is a rarity, as an aggressive environment repels designers and owners from risk. The surface of the product should be extremely resistant to any impact. As for the options for decor, there are no restrictions. It happens as a complete abstraction, and a thematic plot in the tone of the interior. Often there is an image of a French cafe or Provencal house on the south coast. Rural themes are well combined with ancient technology.
Attention! Designers recommend using 3D technology, if the room is not large in size. Panoramic fresco improves the perception of a small space. As an example, you can bring the same rural road or a window overlooking the sea.
In the hall
Here, designers gravitate toward abstraction. The hall area is not a place where you need to stay for a long time to consider something. However, the appearance on the wall of a colorful fresco allows you to instantly assess the taste of the hosts. Therefore, the selection of the application technology is based on these postulates. First quality, then adherence to the color scheme and stylistics of the corridor interior. And the genre and the plot already after.
If earlier these elegant elements were adorned with religious palaces and antique cathedrals, now everyone has the right to use ancient techniques to decorate his own house. The return of frescoes to fashion is due to the development of modern production and human love for an ancient culture, distinguished by aesthetic qualities. The affordable cost of decorative paintings allows everyone to have a beautiful design.