The decoration of the walls is an obligatory stage in the design of the room. Today we will consider in detail the option of decorating the wall - painting. It is a popular and popular way to update and diversify the interior.
- To make the interior coloring, only interior paints are needed, on the packages of which there is a note "for internal works".
- The way the paint interacts with water affects its use in various rooms: rooms with high humidity (bathroom, kitchen) need a moisture-resistant paint. For other rooms, where there is no dampness and moisture, you can use non-moisture resistant paints.
- All coloring materials are also divided into two groups: breathing and not. Paro-impermeable (non-breathing) paints should be chosen only for premises where it is planned to spend a little time. The walls in the bedroom, for example, are painted only with vapor-permeable paint. This is the key to healthy circulation and air renewal.
- Wear resistance. This is an important indicator of paint, which shows the degree of its resistance to abrasion. For example, if a frequent wet cleaning of the walls is planned, the paint should be durable.
- Hiding power, that is, the ability of the paint to cover the surface. This directly affects its consumption. Hiding power on the jar indicates how much paint you need to cover 1 square meter of the surface.
All these parameters must be taken into account when selecting to get the desired result. However, that's not all. The paints themselves are divided into types, all the advantages and disadvantages of which we now disassemble.
Acrylic water-based paint
This dye is one of the most popular and popular. Basically it has polyacrylate resins.
Advantages: excellent hiding power, simply applied, unlimited opportunity in tinting. The inexpensive advantage of the paint will be low cost. Does not burn, moisture resistant, wear-resistant. It has no unpleasant odor, is nontoxic. Also, the merits of paint can be attributed to the fact that it is easy to use and suitable even for those who did not take the brush in hand.
Disadvantages: high consumption. When using this type of paints, it is often necessary to apply more than one, and even two, layers of paint to achieve the desired result. Less paint and what is affected by sunlight. Also, this paint does not withstand the effects of fungus and mold.
Silicone Paint
These paints were named because of the silicone resins they contain. These coatings refer to a new generation of paints that have the advantages of water-dispersed and silicate dyeing materials, and the disadvantages are eliminated. It is often used in facade works.
The advantages of silicone paint are that it is vapor permeable and waterproof. It is resistant to sunlight, does not burn out, is not afraid of high temperatures. Resistant to alkali and dirt. The scope of silicone paint is almost unlimited due to its excellent performance, durability and a variety of options in decorative design.
The disadvantages of silicone dyes include high cost. When applied on a large area, this paint is quite expensive. But here we take into account the fact that the durability of this paint, its durability and resistance to damage, will very quickly pay off all investments.
Latex paint
This dye is water based, contains a latex. The paint is known for its high wear resistance.
Advantages of latex paint are moisture resistance and strength. The surface can be subjected to wet cleaning without damage to the coating. This paint is universal: it is applicable to concrete, wood and paper. Latex paint coating looks impressive and can decorate the interior. The paint is non-toxic, vapor-permeable, has excellent thermal insulation qualities, is very economical in consumption and dries quickly.
Из недостатков указывается то, что стены под покраску нужны идеально ровные. Latex paint абсолютно повторяет всю поверхность стены. Также, краска не обладает устойчивостью к температурам ниже нуля. В помещении, где будет проводиться окрашивание подобной краской, не должно быть сильных перепадов температур, иначе нет смысла ее использовать. Высокая стоимость тоже может отпугнуть, но, как и в случае с силиконовой краской, это будет выгодным вложением денег в долгосрочность и износостойкость покрытия.
Vinyl Paints
It is created on the basis of vinyl compounds and is practically forced out from the market by acrylic paints. Pros of vinyl paint at a low cost. This coating does not turn yellow, its decorating ability is quite high. Resistant to solvents and chemicals. Eco-friendly: it is allowed for painting walls and ceilings in children's rooms.
See also: Ways to decorate the wall above the sofa
There are a lot of drawbacks: strong shrinkage when drying, which often requires a second coat of staining. The paint has proved itself, as not too durable. The disadvantages include low vapor permeability.
Acrylic and Vinyl Paint
Dye, which is based on PVA. Suitable for interior decoration. A budget option. Undoubted plus at an affordable cost.
The disadvantage is that for indoor painting, there should be favorable conditions, without temperature changes and with perfectly aligned surfaces. The paint is not wear-resistant, so do not expect miracles from it.
Acrylic-latex paint
Contains the qualities of latex dyes. Wear resistance, long-term operation without loss in protective properties and decorative qualities.
Structural Paint
The viscosity of this material allows the paint to keep the desired relief. Advantages of coverage are many: from nontoxicity and lack of odor to the possibility of making a unique relief pattern with different degrees of roughness on a given surface. The paint is waterproof, well cleaned, capable of masking surface imperfections. Very durable.
Of the disadvantages is worth mentioning only a fairly high cost.
The quality of the paint and the operating conditions - that's what should excite you when choosing a dye. Do not overpay for the brand or for minor improvements, with which manufacturers often overstate the price. You can always find a quality product according to your budget. Address to the seller-consultant.
Wall Preparation
Prepare the walls - this is perhaps one of the most important stages. For starters, it's worth removing all the previous covers. All roughness, cracks and irregularities are carefully rubbed off. Smooth surface - this is the guarantee of an excellent result after painting. After leveling, the surface must be cleaned of dust. Brush, soft cloth and vacuum cleaner - any of these items will cope with this task.
The next step is priming. This is necessary in order to fill the small defects in the surface and strengthen the adhesion of the wall and paint. Very popular acrylic primer. It is great for all surfaces. For priming walls and interior partitions, you can use several options for equipment: roller, sprayer or a wide brush. After the primer is applied, it must be left to dry completely. It will take about 5-6 hours.
After the drying of the soil, shpatlevanie is carried out. For the application of the first layer it is necessary to use the starting putty. It exists both in the finished version and in the form of a dry mixture. The first layer is applied over the mesh, which consists of fiberglass. After the plaster has dried, it is rubbed with a special device. Then you need to apply a layer of finishing putty, which is also rubbed after drying.
Acrylic primer not only strengthens the grip, but also has antibacterial properties that prevent the fungus and mold from multiplying on the wall.
What gamma to choose
The choice of colors has a strong influence on the interior in general. Two different shades of the same color can both spoil and decorate the room. When choosing a color scheme, you need to take into account the lighting, the desired color of furniture and textiles, the mood that you want to create in the room.
In a home interior neutral colors always look like a win-win: yellow, coffee, apricot. It's quite easy to choose an interior and these colors have a beneficial and calming effect on the psyche. The bright colors of the walls will require more attention and effort in order to find the right environment for them. Designers advise not to use more than five colors in one room.
Trend colors in the interior
Fashion comes and goes, dictating its rules, including in the interior. The most important thing is that the situation suits you. Let's consider what colors are relevant for today:
- White color immediately evokes a sense of purity. White-unchanging wand-wand, if you want to expand and expand the space. Recommended for small and dark spaces.
- Black, on the contrary, reduces space. In poor lighting, this color can turn the room into a very dark and gloomy. Designers are advised to dilute the black glossy or mirror surfaces.
- Gray. This color is often associated with the background for very expensive things in the interior setting. It should not be done as the main color of the room, because it itself is rather boring. Light gray color with the addition of different color spots in the environment will perfectly decorate the interior, will give comfort and renovation to the room.
- Red color, as you know, stimulates appetite and increases blood pressure. It is used with caution in living rooms, especially in children's rooms. If you use it as the main color in the room, it will produce a crushing impression. It is used as an additional accent, especially in the interior of cool colors. This will make the room cozy.
- Yellow influences intellectual development, so it is suitable for a children's bedroom. This color is also used in rooms that are located on the north side.
- Orange color has the ability to harmonize the situation in the room. This color has to communicate, so it is perfect, for example, for the living room. With orange you need to act as neatly as with red. Do not make it the primary color in the room, as it can quickly get bored.
- Brown color, especially its light colors, is considered a classic example of color in the interior. With it, beige shades, peach, and also coffee are ideally combined. Noble, creating a cosiness, color.
- Blue color gives a feeling of peace and relaxation. This color reduces appetite, adjusts to a wave of relaxation. Ideal for bedroom. A light shade of blue can expand the space.
- Violet color, especially its dark shades, can cause a feeling of fatigue. Its use in the interior should be approached with caution.
- Green is considered favorable for the eyes, and for peace of mind. Green is in both warm and cold. It is believed that this color helps to concentrate, so it is often used for workrooms. Designers often use pistachio and olive colors in their decisions: they are considered successful for the interior. It is not always easy to choose furniture to green walls so think it over in advance if you are going to use this color.
Combination of colors and methods of applying paint
Combining colors is not as easy as it sounds. For bright spots in the interior is to use a neutral and calm tone. Also, the combination of related flowers is always considered successful. Connect different shades of the same color and get a harmonious interior. Let's consider the basic methods of applying paint with a combination of colors:
Horizontal division
This is a visual division of the wall into two horizontal bands: it becomes two-colored. Most often used proportions one to one or two to one. The upper band is painted in a dark tone, the lower one becomes lighter. For the clear separation of bands, the use of molding is permissible.
Colored inserts
Design with the design of colored inserts can be suitable, for example, for the children's room. The basis is taken by a neutral shade: beige, white. Against this background, make a drawing: geometric shapes, which are then painted over with vivid colors.
Immediately it is worth mentioning that furniture in the interior can also be an accent. If you want to pay attention and focus on bright solutions to the walls, it is better to choose one or two walls and paint in a saturated shade. The rest is left in neutral colors, so as not to overdo it with accents.
Gradient and ombre
The idea to make a gradient on the walls is considered one of the most popular in the interior design. This method of coloring is obtained when different shades of the same color are applied to each surface of the wall or a separate part of it.
The method of painting an ombre is that the hue on one wall of the room changes in a horizontal or vertical direction. To get the entire gamut of shades of the same color on the wall, you must first paint the surface in the lightest of the available shades. Then the wall is divided into quarters and the lowest quarter is to be painted in the darkest shade.
The next step is to mix the dark shade with a little light and color the part of the surface above the dark piece. In this case, you need to step a little on the dark surface. In the very center, the most intense and bright color is usually applied, smoothly smoothing it to the light part that is at the top.
Horizontal and vertical stripes
This design move can be performed in a variety of ways. If the house has low ceilings, then you can fix it with the help of narrow vertical stripes. This visually draws the walls and increases the height. To expand the space, you can paint a horizontal wide strip on the wall. It is usually decorated with various interior items: lamps and paintings.
This method involves covering the surface of the wall with various images of figures. For a significant simplification of work, a stencil is used, which is manufactured independently or buy a ready-made version in a building store.
Geometric shapes
To create the desired style in an apartment, you need to apply geometric shapes to the walls. Rhombuses, peas, squares are a few examples for decoration. This way of painting the walls requires a lot of patience, because applying a drawing by hand will take a lot of time and effort.
The textural method of coloring is to obtain a surface with a unique structure. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. The stores now have all the materials that are needed to implement this idea. This method perfectly masks surface irregularities.
This method of decoration is suitable even for beginners. Painting the wall follows a thick paint, which does not dry immediately, but will give time to create a unique pattern on it. To do this, immediately after staining, take a crumpled piece of paper or a sachet of polyethylene and dip the entire painted wall, each time stepping on the previous print.
To implement this idea we will need a conventional sponge or a soft-nosed brush. The usual water-based paint will do just fine. To draw a picture, a sponge is taken, dipped in the paint, and then slightly pressed against the surface of the wall. So the whole area is processed. This way of decor visually increases the area of the room.
old lock
This method of decoration can often be found in the hallways of country houses. This decor creates an imitation of natural stone. It is considered expensive due to the fact that it is difficult to do it on its own and it is required to attract masters who are able to do it professionally.
See also: Wall-paper for a brick +75 photos in an interior
Modern ideas of painting walls
Often mistakenly believe that the wallpaper look much more profitable than the painted walls. This is not true! And the examples of the decor of houses with the help of paint, which in no way inferior to the decoration of wallpaper. The future design is limited only by imagination. Modern materials can help make a dream come true. Consider the recommendations of designers for decorating walls:
Living room
Living room в каждом доме выполняет различную функцию. Это самое представительное место в доме, но используется оно везде по-разному. В одном доме эта комната является залом и местом для встречи всей семьи и гостей, в другом — тихое и уединенное место для чтения. Важно определиться с функциональной нагрузкой этой комнаты, ведь от этого зависит ее цветовое решение!
Если Вы любите яркие и насыщенные цвета, но боитесь их использовать, то решение есть. Выбирайте те же цвета, но более приглушенных оттенков. Коричневый, розовый, оранжевый, светло-зеленый, синий, серый, черный и фиолетовый цвет отлично разбавляется белым. Это цвет, который используется как в отделке, так и в мебельных решениях. Белый нейтрализует темные и насыщенные оттенки. Living room — то место, в котором есть возможность воплотить любую идею в жизнь!
Стены в спальне чаще всего красят водоэмульсионной краской. Она паропроницаемая и безопасна. С одинаковым успехом, ей можно доверить окрашивание деревянной, кирпичной и бетонной стены. Bedroom предназначена для отдыха и расслабления, поэтому и цвета следует выбирать соответствующие. Рассмотрим наиболее популярные стили интерьера, которые встречаются в спальнях:
Romantic Provence | Here, the most prevalent are gentle and transparent shades: light pink, lavender, soft blue, white and light lilac. |
Baroque multilayered | There are at least three aristocratic shades of these colors: noble emerald, tender green, gold, beige, walnut, black and burgundy. |
High tech | In such interiors only basic colors in cold colors are used: gray, light beige, white, cream. |
Minimalism | Minimum of colors, advantage over black, white and gray colors. |
Elegant classic | Classical neutral shades for wall decoration are used: beige, brown, light cream and milky. Painted walls are perfectly combined with furniture and dark-colored flooring. In the bedroom, all colors are used, only in a calm version. |
People spend a lot of time in the kitchen. They cook, eat, talk. The color solution of the kitchen is very important, since it can directly affect the mood from the very morning. The paint for this room should be waterproof and washable.
Bright yellow hues will always cheer up. Green color is suitable for those who constantly adhere to the diet: a positive effect and calms the appetite. Light and beige shades are ideal if you need an elegant classic kitchen. Red is a bold and bright solution, but requires careful handling, since it strongly affects the appetite.
The paint for the children's room is environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable and washable. Children often draw on walls and need a special coating, from which you can quickly wipe out pranks.
A suitable variant for a nursery: to paint in one base color, and then independently to add bright accents. These are bright stickers, drawn by felt-tip pens and paints, cartoon characters, fictional characters - that's enough for fantasy!
Preferred colors for the children's room: yellow, orange, blue, green, blue, tender pink.
Entrance hall
The corridor is the first thing a person sees when entering a house. It affects the impression of family members living here. When choosing a decor for the hallway, it is important to consider its dimensions: for small and narrow spaces it is undesirable to build frame structures and use dark colors. The paint should be easy to clean and damp.
Wear resistance - this is another condition when choosing a coloring material in the corridor. It should be borne in mind that light colors will be too marked in this place.
Bathroom and toilet
Thanks to water-based paints, which are not afraid of water, the painting of walls in the bathrooms began to displace the decoration with tiles. Here you can not be shy and express the design idea in full! Bright, muted, dark and light - a variety of colors and textures used in the bathrooms.
The main thing that should be taken into account: the paint should not be afraid of water, be resistant to pollution and durable. Often combine walls, decorated with tiles and painted.
Councils of masters for painting walls with their own hands
- After the package with the paint is opened, the dye is mixed to obtain a uniform color
- Painting takes place in a room where the temperature is not lower than 5 and not more than 20 degrees Celsius. Humidity is also important for obtaining the desired result. If the air is dry, it is better to switch on the humidifier or use a sprayer.
- Screws are excluded!
- If mold or fungus is present on the walls, then the surface is treated with an antiseptic solution before painting.
- Working brushes, as well as rollers, must be thoroughly washed from the paint and dried.
Summarizing, I would like to note that if carefully to observe the technology and use suitable materials and dyes, the result of staining will delight the years!