Owners of small apartments have to refine themselves with the design of the premises and look for non-standard interior solutions. Combined zones - a stylish and versatile option. Modern design methods allow you to create two completely different areas within a single room, which absolutely do not interfere with each other. Bedroom-living room and kitchen-dining room is no surprise, but the combination of the room for sleep and work area still looks fresh and original. This option is suitable for those who need a space for activity, but there is nowhere to organize it. In the daytime the bedroom is usually empty, so no one will interfere with the work, and the competent zoning of the room will allow workaholics to sit up late. Consider the nuances of registration of such premises, their pros and cons.
If a workaholic conducts important negotiations from his home, the type of the disassembled bed and the general mess that sometimes remains in the room in the mornings can spoil the impression of the interlocutor. The most difficult is to smooth the contrast between the zones. The bedroom is traditionally decorated in soothing colors, its interior should be adjusted to sleep and relaxation, while in the office the working atmosphere is necessarily maintained. The settings of these zones do not match, they are contrasting and the designer's task: smooth out these differences and find the balance point. For this reason, it is necessary to demarcate space competently so that both platforms can be used autonomously, without contact with each other, without disturbing the integrity of the room. Disadvantages of the bedroom cabinet are removable, which means that the combination can be carried out effectively.
Space allocation rules
Usually the bed and bedroom itself occupy the lion's share of space, and the office gets at its best a quarter. If the room is rectangular, then it is conditionally divided into three equal areas, two of which occupy a resting place. Zoning can be organized using several methods:
- Decorative arches and podiums. Used as symbolic delimiters, they only conditionally let you know where the bedroom ends and the work area begins.
- Partitions made of plywood or plasterboard. They quite unambiguously share the room, but are not suitable for small rooms, since they crush them even more. Such variants are also inconvenient for rooms with one window, which remains on one side of the improvised wall and deprives the second natural light. But in plasterboard or plywood, you can make decorative niches, complementing the interior picture.
- Zoning with furniture. Very convenient option in the bedroom, where as a border "pillar" is used a cabinet or a rack with working equipment. Other bulky furniture that will go beyond the wall, in this room is usually not used.
- Mobile constructions. Screens, partitions or simple curtains, which are removed if necessary, are simple and effective in use.
- The "green" wall. Organically looks in eco-style and other directions, gravitating towards natural elements in the interior, but ineffective for light and noise insulation.
- Cabinet in the closet. Perhaps the most nontrivial solution. In this case, the cabinet is placed behind the decorative wall (built-in wardrobe) in the manner of the dressing room. It is visible only during work. The rest of the day the cabinet is securely hidden from prying eyes, and the bedroom seems to be an ordinary room used strictly for the purpose.
All of the above methods of zoning space are universal and suitable for any interior styles.
Organization of work area
The most common is the placement of the cabinet near the window, and the sleeping area - in the back of the room. During the day, you can do business in natural light, and at night the windows are covered with curtains and install a mobile partition. The main thing in this design: do not deprive the bedroom of sunlight. Otherwise, it will become "cold" and uncomfortable. In the study room, the minimum necessary for work is placed: a computer desk, a chair, shelves or shelves with books and objects necessary for activity. If the area allows, then in the working area additionally put a sofa or a pair of soft pouffes in case you want to relax, and the bed spread in the middle of the day for these purposes is inconvenient. All elements of furniture must be placed compactly and economically.
Choice of colors
When choosing a palette, the colors are repelled from two aspects:
- On which side the windows come out, that is, whether this room is often visited by the sun's rays.
- General style of the room.
If the bedroom cabinet is on the shady side, and the sun rarely looks into the room, then the deficit of light is compensated by warm shades of the spectrum:
- Yellow;
- Orange;
- Peach;
- Pink.
In sunny bedrooms-working areas of light and heat with an excess, so it is permissible to use cold colors:
- Blue;
- Lilac;
- Green (the mint shade is especially in demand);
- Fuchsia.
Avoid too dark colors, as they give the room an unnecessary "weight". Additionally they are diluted with neutral, pastel tones. In the bedroom, this is simply necessary, because here a person must psychologically relax.
In the office, it is permissible to use several bright accents, but within the general color composition.
Choosing furniture
The working area is always associated with functional office furniture, which is not the place in the bedroom. In this situation, we will have to seek a compromise. In both zones, the furniture should be as neutral and versatile as possible, but without the sense of a "government house", which is often found in the offices. The minimum set includes a sleeping area, a wardrobe, bedside tables or a chest of drawers, a workplace, a chair, a rack. Original looks with the beds-transformers. At night, the sleeping place is in the unfolded form, and in the afternoon it is compactly assembled and turns into a cozy sofa. Thus, it will be possible to kill two birds with one stone: to free space for movement without interference, to equip a cozy corner for daytime rest. In apartments with panoramic windows the bed is generally set with a headboard to the windows. The special design of the model allows it to be folded into a double-sided sofa with one common back. This non-standard solution allows you to arrange two independent zones at once: to see the surrounding beauties and to tea with guests. A great opportunity to find your quiet corner for those who like solitude. The cabinet and the rack can be combined into one complex construction. Some models provide both internal filling, and shelves on the back side, which is not supposed to be moved to the wall. It is important to know. For demarcation of premises it is still better to use a rack with through shelves. In small rooms, it will create a sense of lightness of the barrier, which does not heavier and does not clutter up space.
Read also: Interior of the guest room
Lighting классифицируют на несколько типов:
Central or general. | These include ceiling chandeliers and plafonds. |
Local. | It includes wall sconces and floor, table lamps. The main task of local lighting is to create a soft, relaxing environment. |
Accent. | Just suitable for zoning space. As a basis, point light sources are often used. |
Working or directional. | The type is used to improve the "visibility" within one small area when engaging in any activity. |
In the bedroom-cabinet will have to combine not only two functional areas, but almost all types of lighting. Without central lighting, the room will seem gloomy. In the area to relax, a couple of sconces or lamps on the bedside tables. Accent stresses the boundary of the zones. For example, a decorative arch or podium is marked with spotlights. They do not exaggerate the eye, but add a room of stylishness and elegance. Directional lighting must be applied in the working area (table lamp) and possibly in the area of the bed, if the hosts love to read before going to bed.
Stylistic direction
In minimalism, the oriental portable screens seem to be effective in the role of the delineator of the combined zones. Style came to us from Japan, so the pictures also use thematic: a geisha with an umbrella, a cherry branch, a pagoda, a lotus, a fan. The advantage will be given to white, gray, black colors. As a "live" note it is permissible to use very light shades of green, pink, lilac, blue. If the owner of the work zone gives preference to creative disorder, his inventory will have to be stored in closed shelves, and the rack should be selected corresponding. This oriental style does not tolerate unnecessary details and chaos. To combine the bedroom with the cabinet in the classics use luxurious arches with stucco and monograms. In the room there will prevail calm colors (beige, chocolate, honey hues), expensive and heavy textiles, an abundance of gold, crystal, bronze and light patterns. The secretary and four-poster bed are a great addition to the overall elegant and expensive picture. At the heart of this style is strict symmetry. The classic room should be unobtrusive to talk about the prosperity of the owners, so in its design only natural, and therefore expensive materials are used.
The neoclassic in this respect is less demanding. Style allows the use of imitation, creating only the illusion of naturalness. Although both of these styles have passed almost the same story of formation, as a result they have a number of differences. Neoclassicism more suits the needs of modern man, but not without prejudice to the luxury of the situation. In the Scandinavian direction, a lot of white is used in combination with shades of blue. It is a "cold" style that prefers the abundance of light that winter lacks. For rooms overlooking the shady side, it is an excellent option to make up for lack of heat and sun. Combining directions is permissible in eclectic and fusion. Both directions bring light confusion to the room, but it revitalizes the situation and makes it more colorful. Suitable design for positive people who are morally resting in a creative mess.
See also: Bedroom design 13 sq.m. m - interior photo
Study in a small bedroom
In the small bedroom and the cabinet will be appropriate. Suitable for these rooms is an ultra-compact version: a working place in the closet. On the lower border in the decoration of the walls are often allowed horizontal lines or ornament that will expand the space. In this room, there is an abundance of light and pastel shades. Windows are not curtained with heavy curtains, light curtains or bamboo panels that maximally open the opening during the day. In small rooms, the use of full walls is unacceptable. In their role can only be mobile structures or light racks with books, painted in white and its shades. One of the popular options - false glass from frosted glass. They can be etched out drawings, if the style of the interior allows it. Often, zoning is generally abandoned, and the workplace is placed on one side of the head of the bed or in the legs. Unfortunately, such an option is not very convenient if one person is asleep and the other is working. In rooms with an acute shortage of space (for example, 4 sq.m.) you can not choose. If the room is of a non-standard form and there is a niche in it, then the working zone is placed in it.
Workplace in a spacious bedroom
A spacious room provides designers with great opportunities. Here you can arrange two independent from each other zones without compromising the space. In the course are decorative walls and living, "green" delimiters. The office is drawn up according to all canons: with a place for activities and a corner for rest. Organic look such rooms with elements of industrial style, loft or high-tech. Destinations prefer freedom to embody luxury and stylish ideas. If there are two windows in the room, then such a gift is disposed of to the maximum: one opening is left for the rest zone, and the second is requisitioned for the office. It is from the windows that they repulse when designing the functional zones. In the decorative walls make niches for the placement of jewelry and souvenirs. Original combinational partitions look original, where glass alternates with opaque materials. Geometric patterns of such combinations can be very different: from rectangles to smooth, wavy lines.
Bedroom with study on the balcony
In Khrushchev, where not only the apartment is small, but the rooms themselves, the working zone is organized on the balcony. In the conditions of "struggle" for each meter, this option combines the economy of space and high functionality. The balcony should be naturally insulated, so that the rooms have a uniform temperature regime. This joint planning involves the dismantling of the window, and sometimes the demolition of the partition, which used to be part of the wall and a support for the window sill. Although in some cases it is left, and on top the empty window opening is decorated with shelves. Thus it turns out simultaneously to combine spaces and outline their contours. Undeniable plus in this situation - the minimum cost of furniture, so the option is suitable for budgetary redevelopment.
The design of a bedroom with a study room is not as elaborate as it might seem at first glance. The main thing in combination of two zones polar in activity is to find a compromise border that will smooth out their inconsistencies. Taking as a basis a few simple rules and inspiration, you can get a unique design option, in which you will relax with pleasure, and work with enthusiasm.