White walls in the interior - the leading trend of many modern styles, and a great opportunity to translate any ideas and use a variety of decor.
The white color has a mass of semitones, which you can play in the interior. He will have to court in any style and performs a variety of tasks: emphasizes the shape of contrasting silhouettes and complex decor elements, shows the complexity of other colors, in addition, it is an excellent linking element.
Of the negative, one can note only its impracticality, but this defect is completely leveled by modern finishing materials - washable paint, dust-repellent materials. Many believe that snow-white brings to the interior some hospital sterility and lifelessness, but this does not happen if it is harmoniously diluted with other colors, bright accents and contrasts.
White has a huge number of shades, all of which are actively used by designers to create fashionable and cozy interiors. Let's look at several groups of shades:
- Cold shades - snowy, frosty, sterile, porcelain, opal are best suited for creating bold contrasting interiors in combination with black and its derivatives. Cold tones are easy to recognize - they give away a blue or gray;
- Smoky is a mixture of white, gray and slightly beige shades. Atmosphere smoky - nobility and peace;
- floral white - a shade of a flower bud, a symbol of cleanliness and freshness. Here you can include numerous warm tones - ivory, milky halftone, the color of melted milk. These combinations are the leaders in creating a soft living room atmosphere;
- sea shades - pearl (slightly grayish color with matte shine) and sea foam (beige-white, lighter than cream);
- linseed, coconut, lunar, white chocolate - warm colors against which any bright accents will acquire the status of conceptual dominant things.
Functions and meaning
White is the choice of independent, free and liberated people. Seeing in the interior of the interior with a predominance of white, you can safely say that the owner of the apartment - a person in himself confident, successful and accurate. After a hard working day, white will help restore strength, calm down, relieve stress. He even restores the structure of brain activity.
In color therapy, a positive effect of white on mood is noted. With him pass all experiences, anxieties and fears. It stimulates the endocrine system and the organs of vision. The perception of color is also through the skin, so in color therapy it is used to treat certain dermatological diseases.
The fundamental quality of white is equality, since it encloses all colors within equally. He always inspires - people like him are creative. However, if it is a lot, negative characteristics can gain strength. Due to its physical properties, white has a unique ability to expand space. The white ceiling in the interior will look higher, the walls are wider, the interior elements will appear larger.
White is a good background for bright accents, strengthening them and drawing attention to them. Black table on the white floor will look more spectacular and elegant, like beautiful curtains with red large flowers in a white kitchen. In addition, in interior solutions it is used to neutralize the contrast between the two colors. More and more popular in the interiors are black-red-white kitchens or black and white-green.
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Use in different rooms
White firmly entered modern interiors. Light in the walls in the room:
- visually increase space;
- combined with any furniture;
- improve the illumination of the room;
- are the best backdrop for the decor.
However, so that the snow-white does not seem like a state and the color of sterility, one should pay attention to the illumination of the room - only a bright light in large quantities will enable it to play in all its splendor. If there are small windows in the room or simply they go to the north side, it is better to choose the shades. Interiors using ivory or beige are very cozy and fresh.
In the living room
Choosing white as the main for decorating the living room, a person wants to get a bright, spacious, light room, the whole atmosphere in which will have to relax with the family. For small living rooms and asymmetric rooms, all shades of this color are almost the only way to smooth out the unevenness of the room.
White living room can be performed in any stylistic direction - from retro and classic to ultra high-tech hi-tech. To change the mood of the living room, you can simply change the accents - another decor or textile will radically transform the interior on a light background. Well here will look an accent wall of photo wallpapers. In the loft - a white brick wall in a light interior or brown. Ideally harmonious to create an interior of a white room will become a floor of dark wood or imitating its flooring.
For a variety of color palette of a white living room, you can choose one or two bright colors. With white, any color will be combined: from orange to turquoise. The role of color contrast can play bright furniture upholstery, carpeting, curtains, lampshades or paintings.
In the kitchen and dining room
White kitchen is practically the embodiment of harmony. White color is ideal for the kitchen. He combines strictness, orderliness and restraint. A little bit to revitalize the impeccable interior will help color partners. Since it perfectly fits literally with all colors and shades, color preferences can be chosen according to their desires.
Do you want speakers? Red facades will add expression. Did you miss techno? Gray countertops and a kitchen apron made of stainless steel will remind you of the world of technological discoveries. The soul craves peace and comfort? The green upholstery on chairs and green skinning combined with a short kitchen curtain make the interior warm and natural.
Of course, you can not say nothing about the unconditional hit of recent years - a black and white kitchen. This is the choice of people who are calm and balanced. Black glossy facades, white stretch ceiling, geometric two-tone ornament on textiles and decor - an excellent choice for modern interiors.
In the bedroom
The white bedroom is filled with light and space. It can be implemented in any style: from rural Provence, to Japanese laconicism, from a brooding shine-chic to a rough loft. Combining the numerous shades of white you can avoid the feeling of its oversaturation.
For a comfortable perception of a monochrome bedroom, you can enter into the interior warm shades - for example, a wooden floor. The tree looks great in combination with white and gives the room a certain geometric outline. If you increase the amount of wood in the interior: put a wooden bedside table, bench, table or chairs, then the style will smoothly flow to country or provence. Add room flowers on the walls and windowsill, curtains with a small color print, a picture with lavender fields - and enjoy the simplicity of country.
See also: Design of wallpaper for the hall: 110 examples - combine and combineAnimated wallpaper will help to revive the interior with two different textures. The wallpaper with a soft pattern, embossing or print can be given one wall at the head of the bed. The interior of the bedroom will be more harmonious if the texture or shade of the accent wall can be used in other decor objects.
In the nursery
The use of white color as a dominant in the nursery is considered inexpedient for child psychologists. It is believed that the child develops better and faster, if it is surrounded by a variety of bright colors. It will look good light background of a white shade - it will create a sense of freedom and freshness in the nursery, but it must be diluted with bright furniture, a warm floor, a practical colored carpet.
In the hallway and corridor
The hallway is traditionally in our country considered a place more dirty than the kitchen. Therefore, few will agree to have a white corridor - the source of the headache of any mistress. And yet, this color is worth paying attention if the hallway is very small. The combination of light walls, glossy ceilings, mirrors on a light wardrobe and good lighting will help visually expand the small corridor, giving it a sense of spaciousness.
In the hallway, you can also create an interior with additional colors for any style. The combination of white and black is customary for minimalism, brown and green for natural eco-style, acidic shades will help to embody the cocky pop art in your corridor. Just stylish look like a combination of white / beige, gray, wooden.
In the bathroom
White itself is a color of purity and freshness, so in the bathroom it will have to come in handy. Excellent look in the bathroom combination with other colors - for example, the traditional white and blue marine combination. If the white and blue bathroom seems a bit cold, you can replace the blue color with warm beige, coffee, cream, etc. You can dilute the color with mosaic or colored panels.
If you do not want to divide the color with inserts of other colors, you can make emphasis on the features of the texture. In the finishing shops are widely represented lines of glazed tiles or tiles, imitating any texture to wood and stone.
Use in different stylistic directions
All the shades of white in the interior were popularized by America and Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. In that era, this color was a symbol of aristocracy and prosperity, a sign of luxury and wealth. In the nascent minimalist interiors of the 60's it was already used in a different quality - it emphasized the laconicism and functionality of spacious rooms in rooms with a minimal amount of furniture. This color is an expression of comfort and naturalness.
Scandinavian style is unthinkable without white. Left out of cold Scandinavia, where the night is more often than the day, the Scandinavian style brings light shades like a dream of light.
Minimalism is an aesthetics of laconic contrast with black. Straight lines, minimal decor, minimal design - white perfectly copes with the tasks assigned to him.
White perfectly copes with the role of the formation of a single space in modernity. In this direction, it is necessary to combine several dynamic deep saturated colors and without it it can be difficult to do.
White will be an ideal background for modern contemporary. Cheerful, not having strict limitations and rules, the contemporary broke into our lives just a few years ago. It perfectly combines the elements of all styles and only harmony, comfort and functionality are important.
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White will soften the realm of metal and glass in high-tech and industrial. Bright blinds, decor elements will bring coziness in the technical.
The universality of white in combination with other
It is impossible to suspect a white color in any color preferences. It is equally well combined with all colors and shades. Moreover, it has the ability to enhance brightness:
- with black - the classic of contrasts, which sometimes needs accent dilution. In almost 90% of interiors, white in this combination plays the role of a background;
- with gray - a business card of techno. Gray metallic, gray steel, gray graphite - almost all shades of gray in combination with white - a new aristocratism of modern fashion. White with a light gray forms a soft combination, and with saturated gray tones - variants of varying degrees of contrast.
- Black-white-gray interior is common in minimalism, you can meet this three leaders in the Scandinavian style;
- tandem with red - a catchy, bold and spectacular combination that will be appropriate in the living room and kitchen. Deep rich red (dark cherry, bordeaux) in this tandem will be good for classics, and for oriental style, and for catchy modernism.
- The duet with blue looks bright and festive, and with a rich blue, solemnly and severely. They like such combinations of adherents of Scandinavian interiors, Mediterranean, they are also found in the classics;
- white is the best pair for brown. When creating a white and brown interior, you need to consider that the real white looks harmonious only with cold shades of brown. A warm brown is optimally combined with milk or the color of sheep's wool;
- with green - a source of cheerfulness and optimism. White with light green shades will make a magnificent design for Provence and country, and the combination with rich green will look good in classical and eastern interiors.
Bright accents
Стиль оформления любого помещения, выполненного в белых тонах, диктует свои акцентные предпочтения. На кухне разбавит насыщенный монохром штора на окне или жалюзи, перекликающиеся с цветом скинали. In the living room хорошо будет смотреться контрастная стена с фотообоями или ковровое покрытие. In the bedroom дуэтом с ним может выступить постельный текстиль с портьерами или шторами. В ярких интерьерах модерна и контемпорари допустимо участие двух дополнительных цветов.
White brick wall
White brick wall традиционно является элементом оформления индустриальных стилей — лофта, индастриал, однако этим не ограничивается область её применения. В кухне кирпичная стена над рабочей зоной может прекрасно уживаться с деревенскими и даже с романтическим стилем. В комнате белый кирпич обрамляющий дверной проем и камин станет завершающим элементом классического стиля, викторианского и даже шале в сочетании с бревном и брусом.
Do not love white - how not to love the air. Color interiors are much more difficult to embody - imagination and experience are required. White, black and white, gray interiors are easier. With white everything looks immediately fashionable. He is not as petty-bourgeois as beige, and not depressed as gray.
Completely white interiors though frighten, but uniquely impressive. Using a variety of textures, a monochrome interior can be made much more interesting. On a white background, modern furniture, avant-garde elements, sculptures and paintings will look. In general, in any encroached situation - paint the walls in white and dance from it.