Everyone who was looking for a style for his house encountered a Mediterranean style in the interior, watched photos, admired. But very few people understand the whole "zest" of this style. In this article, we will try to uncover the mystery, reveal the whole point.
The whole territory, which is considered the Mediterranean, is very similar, but it's the same as the other. Greece, Spain, Italy, Algeria, Morocco, France, Turkey, the north of Egypt - all these states are territorial, historical progenitors of an eclectic mixture of simplicity, cordiality and friendliness called "Mediterranean style"
Many people think that this style was invented by Greeks or Romans, but this is not entirely true. Italy at one time conquered all these territories, and Greece gave rise to the cultural development of the region. But the style is most influenced by nature. In all elements of the interior its influence is felt.
Features and Varieties
The Mediterranean style is the interior and architecture, covered by the sea wind, resistant to the sea sun. A feature of the interior is the widespread use of natural materials: ceramics, wood, cotton, forged products - all the most natural, and sometimes even rude. In all types of interior, light, gentle tones, associated with the sea, the sun prevail. If you remember, we, going to the sea, take light clothes with them, which is made entirely of pleasant natural materials, and when we are there we are pleased to look at the trees and vegetation that give us a feeling of freshness and coolness.
The combination with a simple, rugged architecture unique houses of Mediterranean style. Remember the photo where white or beige houses stand on the beach, with a natural roof, a wooden door. Is it nice to get a shower? Everyone agrees that it's simple and tasteful. No pretentiousness, catchy elements. The country house merges with the scenery, the inner walls with the house, the walls with furniture, furniture with decor, and the decor with a view from the window. The circle closes into a symbiosis, and life acquires meaning.
And if you add national ornaments, the houses in the Mediterranean style become special and unique, acquire a fascinating charm, bring in the national way of life, traditions.
Consider the distinctive features of the national interior:
- Greek style is characterized by the maximum use of white, combining with blue or blue. Greeks give the Mediterranean style a note of antiquity, which is especially noticeable in the burden of large spaces. Very well suited for design studio apartments, free planning, using suite rooms, which are separated only by arches. In addition, it allows you to evenly distribute cool air throughout the room.
- Italian tastes differ by using more saturated colors, more warm. Also, a distinctive national feature of the interior is the desire to connect various natural elements on one subject of the interior or site. In Italian houses or apartments you can often find a symbiosis of wood with leather or wooden blinds, for example. They also use furniture made of wood (mostly dark), forging. The Roman Empire added to the interior an untreated stone, decorative elements of Roman style.
- In Spain, at one time, the Arab world had a very strong influence. It also touched the design of Spanish dwellings in the Mediterranean style. It appears with ornaments, mosaics on the floor, very often there is a thinly painted ceramic tile, which is actually Arabic. Spanish style distinguishes terracotta shades, white, blue, less often green, red, which is complemented by a gamut for accentuation. The Spaniards have a huge deficit of wood, so it is practically not used. But other natural materials (clay, stone, fabric) are used everywhere. The furniture is simple, strict, and the houses themselves allocate rather low ceilings.
- The French direction allocates capes, lacy napkins and other needlework. Also stands out wicker tables, chairs, as well as a wider color palette. In the interior, French dreaminess and romanticism are felt.
- We will single out an Arab group by a separate group. This includes the Algerian, Moroccan, Turkish, Egyptian nationalities. Virtually it is not used in its pure form. A distinctive feature is a lot of pillows on the floor, low sofas, tables. A lot of national patterns in mosaic, woven cloths, carved furniture sharply distinguishes these styles, allow to be easily recognizable. You can also easily recognize by the presence of paintings and frescoes that are of a religious nature.
All the colors used to decorate houses in the Mediterranean style, fresh, light, are endowed with naturalness. A wide range of colors: from white to deep green or blue. Yellow, gold, beige, pink colors - all of them are used in all tones. It is important to determine the basic color of the interior, then go to complementary colors that will be present on the decor elements.
The main color should be as light as possible, but not bright, they paint the walls. It is best to choose for this white, it does not cause aggression, irritation when decorating the living quarters in it, creates a wonderful mood. Also suitable beige, light orange, creamy white, terracotta, brick pistachio, warm gray, the main thing that they look natural, looked at ease, as if the material was painted with such color under the influence of wind, direct sunlight. Such colors will create a cozy atmosphere at home that you do not want to leave. Do not forget that the Mediterranean style is first and foremost simplicity, comfort. It is not necessary to select too saturated colors, because it brings an element of luxury into a house or apartment, and such dwellings "press" on the psyche of people. And the colors of the interiors are aimed at relaxation and relaxation.
From the choice of the primary color depends the further possible palette of colors. With white, gray, beige or beige, yellow or pink, beige will perfectly match. Gray is perfectly suited for white, beige, pink, blue, brown. Selecting green as the primary color, you can choose several suitable ones from it: white, beige, brown, gray. Playing with shades of green will bring a lot of benefit to the interior. For example, the office can be painted with olive oil, and the bedroom is light green. They will still be combined and harmonized. Yellow is perfect for orange, white, green, gray.
Design and design of walls
The Mediterranean style of the interior must be created with your own hands, because the simplicity and economy are at the heart of it. The classic wall decoration material is stucco - a mixture of water, gypsum, lime, very small particles of marble. The wall is rough, but very pleasant to the touch, looks very natural. Again, simply, tastefully. Sometimes you can simply roughly round the inner or outer corners. It will save time, energy, it will look very stylish.
They are usually painted white, but the Greeks can add a little paint to the solution, then the wall has a light tint. Light turquoise or light blue is very pleasant for the eye, this technique is especially suitable for a bathroom. Having made a wall of sun-yellow can fill the room with body and light. Suitable for rooms on the north side or residents of northern countries who want to make repairs in this interior style. Mills pink shades, especially pink, similar to strawberry ice cream, will look harmonious in the bedroom or living room. The Italian Mediterranean makes the texture of the walls more complex. This is achieved by applying layers of different shades of color or mosaics and murals.
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It is very important that you immediately need to choose the colors of the floor, furniture, decor elements.
All diligence can be in vain if you put a cabinet that has plastic doors or a too bright sofa. The color scale should be thought out in advance, strictly sustained, otherwise instead of pleasant simplicity one can get bad taste.
Decoration of the ceiling and floor
The ceiling in the Mediterranean style is a kind of constant. In all houses the ceiling is made of wood, the beams are carried to the ceiling. But then you can already give vent to fantasy, having covered it with warm colors or giving it the appearance of very old wood, which has a gray color. Such wood has a gray appearance, as if it spent centuries under the salt sea winds, the burning summer sun. It looks very impressive, noble. If you need to build a house or apartment to give a Mediterranean look, you can do with cheaper materials, such as drywall. Beams visually impart space to the house or room. Make at least stretch ceilings, which imitate wooden beams or slats. Sometimes, of course, in the Greek or Italian direction, the stucco ceiling is made in the same way as the walls. But then you also need to polish the floor, it turns out very interesting.
The floor in the Mediterranean style is desirable to be made of natural stone, although this is expensive. Marble is a very practical, beautiful material that exists in different colors. It can be combined, creating beautiful patterns, mosaic or simply picking a suitable warm shade and making it monophonic. It will last for many decades, and over the years will acquire very beautiful noble attrition. Greek style use tile, but it should be light, textured. If the ceiling and walls are made of stucco, then a very interesting option would be to make a floor of the same color from this mixture. Then the room will look like he was carved in stone. The tree is rarely used, choose very light wood or simply paint white or beige. But for the terrace, this material is quite suitable. From the budget options you can choose a laminate or high-quality linoleum, which have a picture of wood or stone. But remember that the color in this case should be perfectly matched, should not be conspicuous.
What furniture should be made of?
It is not surprising that the simplicity, practicality inherent in the interior in general, applies to pieces of furniture. It can be made by hand from a single piece of wood. Such a table or chest of drawers will fit into the atmosphere very well. The hue of the tree does not matter, but still most often use a grayish tree, which "tormented" the sea wave. It's up to the owner to decide what kind of furniture should be: rough or elegant, the tree will uniquely merge with the interior.
Very often objects such as a bed, table or chairs are made by virtuoso blacksmiths. Forged furniture will last a long time, will withstand heavy loads, will not succumb to the sun's rays. It is perfectly combined with wood, natural light cloth.
Rattan furniture is quite popular among the inhabitants of the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. This is the material that is a dried, then purified stalks of the kalamus. Wicker chairs give charm and comfort to the house or veranda. Such furniture is light, practical, ecological.
Use of textiles
Mediterranean interior, despite its simplicity, laconicism, is very rich in ornaments and textures. The influence of Turkey, Morocco, other Arab and Asian countries is affected here. This is especially true of textiles. Use only natural fabrics: linen, cotton. In the bedroom you can use hand-made cotton lace on the bed or embroidery. In Morocco, fine carpets are made that will add color, give a special comfort to the home, and many pillows scattered on the floor and low sofas will immediately make it clear that they will soon bring tea.
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Натуральными тканями можно обтянуть мягкие сиденья кованных стульев, сделать из них покрывала для кровати или дивана, скатерти, полотенца. Всё это можно украсить национальными мотивами, тем самым сделать дом незабываемым для всех, кто в нём побывал. Натуральные ткани очень практичны, также легко стираются. Colors очень лаконичные, простые: белый, бежевый или жёлтый. Кстати, привычные для всех занавески и шторы из ткани в интерьерах встречаются довольно редко. Гораздо более распространены итальянские или римские шторы, но выполнены они тоже из натуральных тканей. Правда, в современном мире предпочтения всё больше отдают жалюзи из дерева или бамбука.
The role of lighting in creating an interior
Sunlight - one of the main concepts, so lighting is not worth saving. The classic option - ceiling spots, beautiful lamps, chandeliers and soffits, which hang from the wooden beams. They will make the house warm, hospitable. Choosing fixtures, you need to be guided by the size of the room, the color scheme of their design, so that they do not bring dissonance into the overall interior. It is necessary to use so many lighting devices that they are enough to simulate sunlight even at night. No less beneficial will look different wall and floor lamps that can focus the light on the objects of the decor. Placement of LED ribbons along the entire perimeter of the ceiling is another good solution. LEDs have good lighting power with minimal energy costs.
Accessories and decor: inspire nature
It is decorations and decor elements that can create a unique atmosphere from a simple house. In the Mediterranean style, the accessories should reflect what this style is famous for - nature. Abundant vegetation can simulate a lot of pots with different indoor plants and flowers. The sea is recreated from bright panels, which are made of stones, shells, other fossils, inhabitants of the sea depths. Very characteristic for this style are wide open shelves made of wrought iron and wood, on which there is a bulk of decorative elements. Often in their role are ceramic plates, painted with national, marine, floral ornaments.
Of course, the decoration of rooms can serve as art: paintings, figurines, pitchers. Here you can give free rein to experiment a little, mixing Greek-Italian traditions with North African or Turkish motives. Often comes a good symbiosis, which looks great, refreshes the southern style, originally complementing the design. In the same way, you can color the stairs to the second floor, laying out the vertical part with a patterned tile.
At what each step can be laid out different, which will emphasize the variety of style. Windows, for example, can be decorated with shutters that can be painted, painted, or simply made of carvings. A good idea will be the use of ropes in the decor, because the style is directly connected with the sea. They can tie the railing of the stairs or frame something.
It is very important that you need to be careful with decorating, to know the measure because you can lose that simplicity, which is famous for style.
Simplicity and ease - this is how you can describe the houses in the Mediterranean style. The most important advantage is the low cost of processing rooms for stylization. The second advantage is the attraction to nature, which gives such simplicity, freshness, comfort. The decision to design a house or an apartment in this style will be excellent, because it circulates with warmth, coziness and ease.