If it is decided to make gabions with their own hands, a step-by-step instruction is extremely necessary. These spectacular fences of garden plots are gaining popularity. And not in vain: gabions are extremely reliable and beautiful protection of suburban possession from the views and penetration of unauthorized persons.
In this article, read:
- 1 What is a gabion and what are its functions
- 2 The gabion device
- 3 What will be required for manufacturing
- 4 Selection of stones and gabion shapes
- 5 Manufacturing technology
- 6 Gabions in the garden, ready ideas. Video
- 7 Gabions on the plot of land
What is a gabion and what are its functions
The name of the fence has French roots and in translation means "a large cage". This is not accidental, since the metal frame is the main element of this fence. The contents of the cell are stones of different fractions: pebbles, gravel, dolomite, gravel, etc. The main functions of gabions are:
- strengthening the shores of any water bodies: ponds, rivers, creeks;
- creation of support walls for overhanging objects and plants;
- regulating the direction of the river bed;
- organization of embankments;
- strengthening of places with frequent landslides;
- the creation of a protective barrier against winds;
- decorative design of recreational areas and garden areas;
- the creation of fences.
Gabions are often used by landscape designers to make suburban chic and respectable. With the help of these structures, you can create spectacular "living" hedges and other elements of landscape gardening.

Use gabions to align the site.

Gabions for the construction of walls.
Device gabion
Gabion has an extremely simple device and is a metal frame in the form of welded or factory-made mesh, filled with stones. It can be made from rabitsa or any other canvas with a suitable size of cells. The drawer has a hinged or removable cover. The interior space is divided by means of mesh partitions into 2-3 sections.
Due to the presence of metal and stone, gabions are able to withstand serious weight loads. Each element of the fence, which is a kind of cell, is connected to another method of binding by a flexible metal wire.
The retaining wall of gabions will help the homeowner in case of partial soil movements related to the location of groundwater close to the surface of the earth or the seismic feature of the region. Enclosure of the site in the form of stable massive structures gives the property a look of solidity and security. Gabions look equally impressive regardless of whether they are made from a slab or some other metal mesh.

Elegant snail-gabion for a flower bed.

The use of gabions in the park area with a swimming pool.
What will be required for manufacturing
Since it is not difficult to make gabions with your own hands, special attention is paid to the choice of material. Optimal use of a metal grid with a cell within 5x5 - 10x10 cm. The choice of the parameter depends on which fraction of the stones it is planned to fall asleep.
Grid for gabions with a shallow cell is perfect for device steps, fencing beds, making stands for floral arrangements. In this case it is desirable to use beautiful stones of small size. If the homeowner needs a retaining wall of gabions, its device assumes the presence of a grid with a larger cell. Such containers are filled with a coarse bulk material, which will give the construction the maximum possible stability in a particular case.
The choice of stones and gabion shapes
A stone for gabions must meet the following requirements:
- be strong;
- frost-resistant (an important indicator for regions with harsh climatic conditions);
- have low hygroscopicity.
There are several types of gabions:
- complex configurations, made of a set of simple elements;
- in the form of a cylinder;
- "Reno mattress" - a flat box of rectangular shape, is most often used to strengthen the banks of water bodies.
Boxed gabions are the best option for self-manufacturing. If you plan to plant flowers or other plants in the upper part of the structure, you can save a lot on the purchase of the mesh, since in this case there is no need to make a lid.

Original ball-gabions in the bizarre landscape of the infield.

Elegant combination of stone and bamboo in the design of the recreation area.
Manufacturing technology
For the manufacture of gabions will require:
- Steel mesh.
- Stones.
- Metal rods to ensure the rigidity of the structure.
- Flexible wire for bonding elements or steel spirals.
First of all, you need to determine the purpose and dimensions of the future design. You can make a fence of gabions of different heights. If a complex multi-level design is conceived, it is recommended to draw a drawing indicating the dimensions of each element.
It should be noted that the most time-consuming operation is filling the boxes with stones.
The first lower layers can be sprinkled on their own, but for the upper ones you will certainly need the help of physically strong and hardy people.
It is necessary to determine the location of the boxes and prepare the ground: align it and carefully compact it. This will help to avoid further skewing of the structure associated with subsidence of the ground. If a high fencing device is required (more than 1 m), it is recommended to fill concrete. The thickness of the layer is 10-15 cm.

A separate theme in the design of the site is sculpted gabions. Fantasy, a cobblestone and strong, soft armature and a turtle on your site.

Original cartoon gabion in the gardenкамней. Manufacturing technology габионов поражает простотой исполнения и богатством разнообразия форм.
Stages of work:
- Cutting the grid according to the gabion's drawing. The metal cloth is spread on a flat surface and with the help of chalk and tape measure, markers are applied. First of all, draw the foundation of the box - its bottom. Then the sides of the gabion are measured in each of the 4 sides.
- Bend the mesh in the right places.
- Wire the walls of the structure.
- If possible, reinforce the joints with steel spirals.
- Place the gabion in the place intended for it.
- Fasten to the walls of the construction of metal rods that provide rigidity.
- Install the partitions.
Welded gabions are made in the same way. The difference is only in the way of joining the parts of the grid. Do not immediately fill the entire box with stones. First, just fill the bottom layer. After the whole range of containers is exposed, you can correct the location of each box. If this method is used, the fences from the gabions are made even and stable.
When filling the tank with stones, one should try to lay larger and more beautiful ones to the walls of the box, and in the middle to fill in small and externally less attractive ones. If the design provides a cover, after completion of the backfilling it is fixed with a flexible wire. Consistently following all of the above steps, you can quickly make a fence of gabions with your own hands.
Gabions in the garden, ready ideas. Video
Gabions on the plot