The houses of the P-44T and P-44K series are quite popular constructions that are erected on the site of demolished five-story buildings. The number of floors in them is from 17 to 25, the number of entrances is 2-8. The attractiveness and popularity of this housing is also in the fact that it has loggias. With a reasonable approach, it is possible to turn them into a living room or to equip a separate functional space. For this reason, it is not necessary to begin repair without preliminary development of the thought out design project.
The apartment is called a "ruler" because all its windows face one side. The hallway is rectangular in shape, and the rooms are fan-shaped from it. On the right is a large extended room, the second is straight. To the left there is a bathroom, a little further - a kitchen. The advantages of this option include good illumination. To drawbacks - a poor natural air circulation and a smaller area compared to the angular two-piece. The difference in the footage is almost 10 "squares". At the same time, a flat apartment is cheaper than a "paschonka". Buying housing of this type in house P44, you invest money in good quality, besides, liquid, real estate. Everything rests at a relatively low price.
Sweep type
There are 2 common options. From the end of the house there are two-room apartments with bay windows in the living room. They are a minority. There are options without a bay window. The peculiarity of the layout is that the hallway or hall is located in the inner corner. The difference from a linear apartment is that the rooms are somewhat more spacious. Due to the fact that most of the walls are carriers, cardinal redevelopment of the house interior will not work. Make rooms more convenient by their functional filling. In the end apartments, experiments with zoning with furniture and (or) mobile partitions are possible.
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The first variant of design
This is the solution for a young childless couple. Perhaps someone is working from home, remotely. In this case, the traditional functional purpose of the rooms is preserved. The smaller by square. m room is allocated to the bedroom, large under the living room. Here, the hosts will be able to arrange gatherings with friends. A large corner sofa with decorative pillows is appropriate in the hall. The corridor from the living room is separated by a deaf bar counter. The home office cabinet is conveniently located on the glassed-in loggia.
The second variant of design
A cozy house for a couple with 2 children. It happens that there is no possibility to purchase more spacious housing, so you have to proceed from what is. In this case, the nursery is convenient to place in a larger room. A smaller room will serve as a bedroom for parents. The children's room is free to accommodate 2 beds, a wardrobe and a place for classes. The second desktop should be taken to a warm loggia.
If one child is much older, it is advisable to purchase a folding sofa for him. In this case, you will save space, and functionality and convenience of sleeping places will not suffer in any way. The bathroom is better not to combine to avoid the queue in the toilet and bathroom.
The third variant of design
The most popular design repair for a family of 3 people, where the child goes to school or another educational institution. He needs a personal space with sleeping and working places, as well as a closet for things. In this case, the apartment has two separate bedrooms. A place for family gatherings is the kitchen. It is better not to combine the bathroom. In the bathroom, to save space, you can use a bath with a shower instead of a bath.
Whether to combine a bathroom and a bathroom?
In the houses of the series P-44T the bathroom is separate. The exception is only one-bedroom apartments. This creates certain difficulties in the design of the design, because the rooms are quite tiny. Even when uniting the area of the room no more than 4.5 "squares". In addition, the vent box "eats" part of the useful space in the toilet. The maximum size of the bath in length is 1.6 m, so some families prefer to abandon it altogether by installing a shower. According to designers, both options: to unite two rooms or leave everything as it was, have the right to life. Everything depends on the wishes of the owners. Let us consider the possible solutions of space.
Using the sliding door
The part of the partition is played by a sliding door. This simple way you get a "transformable" interior. Of course, this is a combined bathroom with a larger area than originally, but if necessary it can be turned into a separate one. Places for a large bath is clearly not enough, so it makes sense to replace it with a shower. If the partition and the door of the booth are made in the same style, then the room seems more spacious.
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Idea for a combined bathroom
The location of a hygiene shower with a tray next to the toilet will save space. In comparison with the shower, mounting the pallet is much easier. On sale there are models from different materials. The pallet is equipped with twirled legs, so there is no need to perfectly level the surface. It is important to correctly determine the location for the drain hole.
Separated WC
It is not always possible to combine two rooms. In this case, to win space, it is advisable to put a booth with a shower or a bath parallel to the door. The plumbing is hidden behind the decorative screen. Since the space is not spacious, it is advisable to use the suspended structures of the sink and toilet bowl.
Interior with boiler or boiler
This is another option, when nothing needs to be changed in the original layout. The boiler is hidden inside the falshkorob located in the toilet. At the same time in the same box is hidden and toilet installation. The electric boiler can be replaced by a gas water heater.
Complete redevelopment of the bathroom
If you mount a shower in the toilet seat, a significant amount of space is released in the opposite corner. Here, place the corner table top and built-in sink. Under it there is a place for a small washing machine. The toilet is transferred to a neighboring wall.
Arrangement of the bay window
Before talking about the design of the bay window in the living room, it is necessary to determine what functional load he needs to bear:
- The most common option is the arrangement of a recreation area. This solution is suitable for those who like to relax on the couch after work, with a book or in front of the TV. The issue with furniture is solved elementary: there is enough sofa (sometimes it is replaced by two chairs) and a small coffee table.
- Erker perfectly fits the workplace. For families with children this is important, since it is impossible to single out a separate room for a home office.
- The protruding part of the room is an excellent place to place an electric fireplace. It is completely safe and corresponds to the specifics of the bay window.
- An unusual solution: to equip the playing area for the child. Especially it is convenient for families where the teenager has his own room, and the baby is with his parents in the hall.
- Erker - an ideal place for placing decorative items: an outdoor vase or a small original sculpture.
You also need to think over the "clothes" for the windows. The purpose of the bay window design is to provide good lighting in the room. Therefore, blind heavy curtains will hardly fit here. The specific version of the curtains depends on the scenario of using the bay window. Roller blinds or blinds are suitable for a home botanical garden or study. It is desirable to decorate a dining area or a place for rest with curtains made of light textile. Cornices use profile, round or string. If you love all the non-standard and unique, it is worth considering the stained glass windows.
See also: Design of a standard one-room apartment of 38 sq m
Color spectrum
The choice of colors can be very different. Much depends on the chosen style solution. For example, for Scandinavian style a single color palette for all housing is a matter of principle. As a rule, the basis of Scandinavian style is shades of white: for the ceiling, walls and even the floor. The background is ready. Now it is necessary to place bright accents. In the Scandinavian interior can be up to 5 shades. Types of accents: a multi-colored rug, decorative cushions or furniture of dark color.
Color spectrum лофт-интерьера формируется иначе. Роль фона играет кирпичная кладка или ее имитация (как вариант – грубо оштукатуренные стены). Обязательные моменты – одноуровневые потолки и одинаковое напольное покрытие во всех комнатах. Что касается мебели, текстиля и аксессуаров, то они могут быть какими угодно: от суперсовременных до антикварных. Например, в коридорчике традиционную вешалку заменит стойка с «плечиками» и дощатая полка для головных уборов.
- For mixed solutions, combining elements of classics, Provencal style or modern, such advice is appropriate:
- Choose 2-3 shades. They can be contrasting or, conversely, combined. Accessories choose the color of the finish.
- The main background for all housing is uniform (as a rule, neutral), and one wall in each room is brightly colored or wallpapered with a pattern that matches the style.
The interior looks beautiful with 2-3 general colors and one in each room.
In a two-room apartment it is possible to use such solutions:
- Classic. The canons of style require an abundance of good-quality expensive furniture, luxurious and monumental. For a relatively small apartment is more appropriate neoclassic with characteristic accessories, but without excessive pomposity.
- Neo-Baroque is another interesting option for a two-piece. Furniture is the most necessary, but the furnishings are luxurious: with bright decorative plaster, stucco decorations and underlined richly illuminated lamps.
- High-tech, minimalism, techno. These styles provide for the absence or minimum of decor. As color accents use bright paintings on the walls, furniture upholstery or carpet.
Even in a standard standard apartment, you can create a unique interior that emphasizes your personality. A little imagination and creativity - and you will do very well.