Wooden housesApelles, located in Karja, Finland, stand out from projects of eco-houses. Building is located among the natural surroundings of stones and trees, where the rule of not violating the natural habitat is observed with particular care.

Designed by the architect Marco Casagrande, the unique house required almost a year to develop the design and another year to complete the construction. It was built with the help of two local carpenters, who usually build wooden boats.

Kasagrande разработал Apelles дом с целью создания семейного дома с многофункциональной жилой зоной, и сильной связь с окружающей средой. В соответствии с темой деревянной лодки,design The interior of the house has a continuous composition, where the walls of the kitchen and even the living room are comfortably fitted with furniture. The main bedroom includes three large portholes serving the role of windows. In addition, the use of internal zones can vary depending on the time of day. The same space can be used for all life needs: work, food, rest, entertainment or sleep.

Wood houses are distinguished by high heat and sound insulation, as well as access to geothermal heating using a 150-meter (492 ft) well. In winter, free space can be heated with the help of the heat of the earth, in combination with two fireplaces. Natural shine наполняет дом круглый год через большие окна и проходы со стеклянным потолком. Kasagrande надеется на продолжение строительства «хороших домов для хороших людей» и умалчивает о своих новых проектах, которые, как он надеется, снова будут удивлять. «Так много можно сделать с помощью наших рук за пределами мейнстрима промышленной fiction", he said. "Sustainable architecture this is not an exact science, it connects us with the natural. Architecture is the mediator between human nature and the environment, which also brings harmony into our lives, and does not allow the modern man to distance himself from nature.