As a child, we all caught butterflies. Someone tried to collect collections from them, someone made a wish and let go. But all of us without exception admired these little beauties. Perhaps they are the most delicious insects on Earth.
No wonder invented so many beautiful comparisons: "flutter like a butterfly", "it's easy, like on the wings of a butterfly." The only pity is that the life of butterflies is often measured in only days.
But we can extend their existence in handicrafts. Butterflies with their own hands is a simple and beautiful way to let butterflies into their lives and settle them in their home. And most importantly, what to learn is very easy. In this article we will tell you and show you how to make your first butterflies from the materials at hand. Also you can see the photos of beautiful butterflies with your own hands, given in the article.
Arming yourself in a good mood, prepare your work for the work, find a way that is right for you, and proceed!
Table of contents of the article:
- We make paper butterfly
- Elegant Butterfly in Mulina or Wool
- Butterfly made of nylon pantyhose
- Photo of ready-made butterflies from paper in the interior
We make paper butterfly
How to make a butterfly from paper with your own hands? Do you have any unnecessary magazines or old colored paper? Are you ready to spend a few minutes of your time? Then we begin.
In our work we will use:
- a sheet of colored paper or an old journal page
- scissors
- wire
Operating procedure:
Before you is a rectangular sheet. You need to make it square. To do this, add it as shown in the picture and cut off the excess. The cut off part is not removed far, because we will need it.
In the second step, add the opposite corners of the square so that the triangle is formed.
Now we need to fold the triangle with an accordion. We will try to do as many additions as possible, so our butterfly will be more elegant.
We unfold the sheet. Wire the center. A pair of large butterfly wings is ready.
Now, from the previously cut portion of the leaf, make small wings.
To do this, we repeat all the steps described earlier: cut out the square, turn off the triangle from it, add the accordion, straighten the wings and fix it in the center.
The next step is to connect the large and small wings with wire. From it we make the body of our butterfly. If it does not turn out to be volumetric - we wrap a small piece of paper or cloth inside.
The last step is the antennae and our butterfly is ready!
Elegant Butterfly in Mulina or Wool
How to make a butterfly with your own hands? Especially from threads - We will gladly share with you a master class about this. For work any thread: floss, wool, cotton or linen will suit. Also very interesting are butterflies from twine.
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Decoupage of plates - an interesting master class with step-by-step instruction and photo examples
Rug in the bathroom with your hands - detailed instructions for beginners (55 photos of ideas)
You will need to work:
- thread
- PVA glue
- scissors
- file
- small capacity
- bead beads
- decorative wire for antennae
Operating procedure:
Возьмите file и маркером нарисуйте контуры вашей бабочки.
Переверните file, чтобы не испачкать бабочку.
В емкость налейте PVA glue и добавьте в него совсем немного воды. Тщательно перемешайте.
Necklace with your hands - the best master class with photo examples
Decoupage by yourself - step by step instruction with photo and description
Rugs with their own hands - photos of the best variants of beautiful rugs in the interior
Теперь замочите thread (можно использовать любые) в смеси клея и воды. Отожмите немного, чтобы клей не капал с ниток.
Out of the threads inside the outline lay the wings of your butterfly.
As soon as you find the quantity and density of the resulting "lace" sufficient, leave the butterfly to dry. Full drying occurs about a day, but if your butterfly is small, then it will dry faster.
Когда бабочка высохнет она очень просто отделится от поверхности fileа.
Now it remains only to glue the beads, having formed a butterfly body from them, and antennae from decorative wire.
Stands under the hot - how to make their own hands? Step-by-step instruction with photo
The dream catcher - a master class with step-by-step instructions
Salted dough pieces - how to make your own hands? Instruction with photo ideas.
You can make a dozen such butterflies, tie a fishing line to them and hang them in the doorway. A very interesting effect is guaranteed.
Butterfly made of nylon pantyhose
If you have a white nylon tights at home, you can make a very beautiful and very simple butterfly in them. Such, butterflies on the wall, made by own hands, can become and pick up for curtains. The main thing is that they will become an unusual detail of the interior of the room.
What you need:
- Pantyhose (better if white, look good black, but it's hard to work with pantyhose tights)
- thread (самые обычные швейные thread в цвет колготок)
- needle
- wire (thick enough to hold the shape)
- the wire is thin (for attaching parts to each other)
- beads and buttons (for decoration)
- Double-sided tape
- good mood
Operating procedure:
First cut or bite off 2 pieces of wire: one becomes a contour for the wings, and the second - a body. The length of the pieces depends on the desired size of the butterfly's wings. Therefore, there are no recommendations here.
Bend the wire outline of the wings.
Take the second piece, make a loop in the middle, drop the rest down. Taurus is almost ready.
Cut out two circles with a diameter slightly larger than the wing of our butterfly.
Fit half the wings (large and small wing on one side) with a nylon and pull everything in the middle, where there will be a trunk. Do the same with the second side of the butterfly.
Now connect the body and wings together, fix the connection points with a thin wire.
Thread the mulina or a thin wire around the body. To make it it is necessary as though "sewing" wings to a calf.
On the back, glue a piece of double-sided tape to attach your butterfly to the wall or any other surface.
Now it's time to decorate the butterfly's wings: sew beads or small buttons, glue sparkles or small flowers from the fabric. Make your butterfly the most beautiful!
Photo of ready-made butterflies from paper in the interior