Handicrafts from improvised tools - 50 ideas for creating

Handmade or the creation of crafts with your own hands from improvised tools is an interesting and useful way to spend your leisure time. Many do not even realize that using the simplest materials, you can make yourself these masterpieces that will adequately decorate the home interior or will be a successful addition to any celebration. To such work it is necessary to involve children with their unrestrained imagination, aspiration to creativity. In our article, we will tell you in what ways it is possible to decorate hand-made articles from improvised means. Also consider a photo album of finished products from 50 photos.

Crafts from cones with own hands

Cones - a very beautiful relief natural material, which allows you to make the most original figures. Look at the photo, how charmingly the handicrafts of cones look like with their own hands in the form of a family of penguins, small owls or a busy hedgehog. All of them are made using additional materials, such as foam rubber, felt and others.

For example, as a basis for the hedgehog, a plastic bottle is used or the branches are pressed, rewound with scotch, which is subsequently pasted with cones. It is important to make Christmas handicrafts made of cones with our own hands, photos of which are presented in our article. Make a toy-ball, as shown by step-by-step instruction or a Christmas wreath, protecting the home from the negative. Working with cones, it is necessary to take into account their property to change shape depending on the dryness. We all know that when water gets wet, the cone closes, and when it dries up, it dissolves its "petals" again. So, to avoid deformation of the craft, you need to dip a cone in a container with joinery glue, and then let it dry out.

Crafts from the handy tools, photo 1crafts from cones with own hands photo, photo 2handmade crafts, photo 3crafts from cones with own hands photo, photo 4handmade crafts, photo 5crafts from cones with own hands photo, photo 6handmade crafts, photo 7

Simple hand-made articles from cereals

Using all kinds of cereals, it is possible to easily decorate a beautiful application, and pasta will make simple bulk crafts, for example, a wonderful Christmas tree. Doing an application with a child, help him to initially draw a sketch, distributing which of the groves will be designed for this or that site. Lubricate with glue alternately the necessary places and sprinkle them with the material. For the design of small spaces, make a paper tube wide on top, and below zauzhennuyu. Scoop up the croup, sprinkle it.

crafts in the home, photo 8simple hand-made articles, photo 9handmade crafts, photo 10hand made napkins, photo 11hand-made articles made from cereals, photo 12

Crafts from cereals with their own hands make out on thick paper, cardboard, plywood. You can also apply raw materials for decorating Christmas toys, for example, single-colored balls. In this way, handmade articles made of beads are made out. On the surface of the toy, the glue is applied with the necessary pattern, then it is sprinkled with croup or beads. Pasta compositions can be painted in the required color, using acrylic paint, or a balontic dye.

hand-made articles made of beads, photo 13

Crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands

Пластиковые бутылки часто используют садоводы-любители оживляя территории приусадебных участков. Пластик не подвержен воздействию влаги и в этом его главное преимущество. Обратимся к фотографиям и осмотрим изготовленные поделки из пластиковых бутылок своими руками домашними умельцами. Например, симпатичный розовый поросенок из 5-ти литрового бутыля. Он может быть как украшением придомового участка, так и оригинальным вазоном для цветов. Забавные пингвинчики, оформленные с использованием красок, станут прекрасным дополнением новогоднего интерьера. Crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands цыплята, божьи коровки, расставленные по территории участка, значительно оживят его и, наверняка понравятся Вашим детишкам.

Crafts from the handy tools, photo 14handmade articles made of plastic bottles, photo 15crafts made of felt by hand, photo 16handmade crafts, photo 17handmade articles made of plastic bottles, photo 18

Crafts from CDs with their own hands

Завалявшиеся на полках старые DVD-диски вполне пригодятся, чтобы изготовить игрушки-украшения. Их можно разукрашивать, превратив, к примеру, в божьих коровок или других существ. Crafts from CDs with their own hands разнообразны. Работая с клеем, можно сформировать красивый цветок, разрисовав его, склеить пышную сову или же просто использовать диск для оформления циферблата часов. Для новогоднего торжества предлагаем оформить красивый шар со светодиодной гирляндой, который украсит интерьер комнаты мягкими переливами цветов.

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Crafts at home from a salted dough

Crafts made from salted dough are very durable, and also durable enough. For the preparation of raw materials you will need 1 glass of cold water and half a cup of salt. All this is mixed and the flour is poured in such a way that a "steep" dough turns out. In the future, you can roll it out and cut out the figures, or you can sculpt them with three-dimensional figures. Finished work is dried for 5 hours in the oven (500) or outdoors for 2 - 3 days. Then they can be painted, varnished etc. You can also make crafts from salty dough with your own hands in the form of hearts for Valentine's Day, funny doggies for the upcoming New Year, Easter eggs and rabbits, as well as simple interior decorations.

crafts from salted dough with your hands, photo 22crafts made of salted dough with their own hands, photo 23handmade articles made of cardboard, photo 24handmade crafts, photo 25crafts from salted dough own hands, photo 26

Crafts from matches with own hands

Crafts from matches with own hands потребуют особого терпения, усидчивости, внимательности. Они прекрасно развивают воображение и позволяют создавать настоящие «архитектурные шедевры» в миниатюре, картины, заниматься моделированием кораблей, самолетов и других транспортных средств. Если Вы только хотите научиться их делать, советуем начать с простых конструкций, чтобы приобрести некоторые навыки. Например, изготовьте простой домик, как показывает пошаговая табличка, снежинку или небольшую новогоднюю елочку. Оформляя трехмерные поделки из спичек своими руками, на первых порах, стоит пользоваться клеем, облегчающим работу, хотя опытные умельцы зачастую обходятся без него.

crafts from matches by own hands, photo 27crafts from matches with own hands, photo 28hand made artifacts, photo 29handmade crafts, photo 30

Crafts from buttons with own hands

Используя пуговицы можно изготовить разнообразные картины, панно, изящно оформить фоторамки, сконструировать новогодние игрушки, а также объемные фигурки. Crafts from buttons with own hands мы представили на фотографиях в нашей статье. На фото изготовлена картина с осенним деревом, где используются разноцветные пуговички. Даже если у вас их немного, рисунок можно нарисовать, а имеющиеся пуговички приклеить, создавая объемность изображения. Делая новогодний шар, на пенопластовую заготовку пуговицы крепятся с помощью шпилек или просто приклеиваются. Изготавливая объемные поделки из пуговиц своими руками, используйте гнущуюся проволоку, на которую нужно нанизать детали и сформировать фигурку, как показано на примере веселой гусенички.

hand-made articles from buttons, photo 31handmade crafts, photo 32hand-made articles made of buttons, photo 33Handicrafts from handy tools, photo 34hand-made articles made of buttons, photo 35

Crafts from plasticine own hands

Molding from multi-colored plasticine is especially interesting, and also useful for children, because, in addition to the pleasure of creating wonderful figures, it helps to develop speech. Children's crafts made of plasticine with their own hands can be in the form of favorite fairy-tale or cartoon characters. For example, it is not at all difficult to dazzle, popular today, the characters of the cartoon "Smeshariki", which, for sure, will please your baby. Ask him to make handles and legs, while you are engaged in the "corpse", and then fasten all the parts. On the eve of the New Year's festivities it is appropriate to make crafts from plasticine with their own hands with symbolic figures of dogs, snowmen, a lush tree (see photos of the article).

handmade crafts made of plasticine, photo 36crafts from acorns with their own hands, photo 37crafts from ribbons by own hands, photo 38handmade crafts made of plasticine, photo 39crafts from plasticine to your hands, photo 40crafts from plasticine with their hands, photo 41crafts from plasticine to their hands, photo 42

Simple crafts made from fruits and vegetables

Different gifts of nature - an interesting material for crafts, however, there is one minus in them - they are not durable and quickly deteriorate. They are formed mainly for thematic school exhibitions or when decorating festive meals. Also, cute crafts made of fruits with their own hands will help to feed the fastidious child, making them into funny animals, as did a caring mother, having formed from a pear, grapes and strawberry cute hedgehog. Do not forget about the New Year's table. By the coming year, the Dogs cut out a banana cute yellow doggie-dachshund.

handmade crafts, photo 43handmade crafts, photo 44hand made fruit crafts, photo 45hand made fruit crafts, photo 46

Crafts from a pumpkin with their own hands can often be found in the autumn period. This is partly due to the entry into our life of the American holiday of Halloween, on which pumpkin lanterns with frightening "faces" are made. To form the craft, you can cut out a pumpkin carriage (based on the fairy tale "Cinderella") or a cozy house of gnomes. Bright crafts made of pumpkins can be made with your own hands to transform the private house territory on the eve of the New Year. Vegetables must be cleaned and painted with bronze paint, turning into a New Year's ball, making holes in it, and putting a garland in the middle.

Read also: New Year's crafts for 2018 - 60 interesting zadumok

handmade crafts, photo 47handmade crafts, photo 48Autumn hand-made from natural material with your own hands, photo 49crafts from the box with your own hands, photo 50

As far as we can see, crafting hand-made articles from improvised means is a great way to transform a residential interior, adding a touch of coziness and identity to it, practically without incurring any material costs. This lesson will breathe new life into obsolete things, it is interesting and useful to spend time with your family.