Few today can fully appreciate candelabra from bronze and understand what role in the modern interior they are able to play. Nevertheless, these products, having a long history, are not going to disappear from our everyday life. Let's take a closer look at them and try to evaluate the present and the need for this attribute.

The classic bronze chandelier will be decorations for the interior in the Baroque or Empire style.

Classic set - two bronze candelabras and exquisite watches. Ideal decoration for the fireplace.
In this article, read:
- 1 A bit of history
- 2 Bronze and articles of bronze
- 3 Why a candelabra in our interior?
- 4 Creativity
- 5 Making a candelabrum. Video
- 6 Candelabrum - an elegant decoration of the interior of an apartment or a country house. Photo Gallery
A bit of history
Historians can not unequivocally say where, who and how invented the candelabra. Different sources come across different information, but the conclusion suggests itself: the candelabra appeared when the candle appeared, not before. After all, this object was created in order to keep a burning candle or a stick of incense.
Interesting myth, in which the ancient Egyptians told how the original chaos once blossomed lotus. It was not a simple flower, from it came the God of the sun Ra. So darkness has receded, and since then the idea of a flower that gives birth to light has become one of the most popular among all mankind. It is not by chance that this flower-candelabra is most often seen.
Today decorative items for candles are usually metal. Sometimes porcelain, ceramics or even wood are used for making candlesticks. However, stylish chimney candelabra, wall or floor version are made of durable, reliable and aesthetic bronzes.

Wall chandeliers for the living room in the Art Deco style.

Modest design of the chandelier is ideal for interior decoration in a classic style.

The copper candelabrum is stylized as a general interior composition.
If we talk about the origin, then the word itself comes from the lat. Candela - a candle. This candlestick is traditionally outdoor, having a support, from which branches in different directions rosettes - holders for candles. In other words, it is a multicolor.
The most ancient candelabra are known since the time of the Etruscan culture. This is a large metal products, up to 1.6 meters high of iron, silver and bronze. The pole was decorated or executed in the form of animal paws. Usually the Etruscans were limited to four rosettes, that is, only 4 candles shone on them.
These decorative items fell to the taste of the Romans. We can not say that they made something new in a constructive way, but added decorations. The candelabra was not only floor-standing, there were suspended, table and wall patterns.
Metal chandeliers adorned the interiors, illuminated the picturesque paintings, decorated the space, and even talked about a certain candelabra style, bearing in mind the large number of these products in the interiors. So strong was the desire to conquer all the same gloom with the help of light.

A stylish candelabrum made of brass with floral motifs harmoniously is written in the interior in the style of country.

A copper candelabra in the style of a classic.

The unusual design of a candelabrum made of copper.
Wall candelabra played a role in the history of interior and lighting. They, unlike floor lamps, were not so mobile. They always covered the space in which they were.
Over time, table candelabra appeared, which could be easily transferred. The expression "beat candelabra" can testify to their popularity. There was a tradition when unscrupulous players were taken to "clean water", and then they were beaten with chandeliers.
In Russia they only met with candelabra in the 18th century. These were metal products brought from France. Among the samples there were wall, table and floor examples. They were decorated with mythical and mysterious for Russian people animals, lions and griffins. Often one could see the ancient gods. Also used floral ornaments. Often these were fabulous plants and flowers. They did not just decorate the surface of the product, but as if they themselves formed it. These were delicate, elegant products. Later they were created by Russian smiths. Many samples are recognized as real works of art.

Gold-plated copper chandelier for luxurious baroque. It will look elegant in the living room or hall.

The intricate design of a copper candelabrum can become an element of eclectic design. A good choice for lovers of luxury.
Bronze and bronze ware
Since we are considering products made of bronze, you need to say a few words about what it is. Of course, bronze is an alloy. The main ingredient in this alloy is copper. It is mixed with other metals, for example, zinc, aluminum, tin, etc.
There are bronze in such qualities as:
- chemical composition;
- technological features.
In the first case, the composition of the alloy is important, and in the second case, its application, since the bronze may be deformable or foundry.
Depending on the composition, the alloys are called:
- tin bronzes;
- lead bronze;
- beryllium bronze;
- alloy copper with manganese;
- silicon bronze;
- aluminum bronze.
Of course, it will not be possible to make a bronze item by hand. This requires special conditions. A furnace that is capable of heating up to a temperature above 1170 ° C. This is the melting point of copper. In the process, chemicals are used, which at home will be harmful to health.
For many centuries, bronze stood in line with precious metals. Even today it is considered expensive material, and therefore a large number of imitations and imitations can be seen on the market. Inexpensive alloys or even plastic are coated with a thin coating of bronze. This leads to a cheaper product, but time puts everything in its place. On the longevity can not speak, and the appearance, of course, deteriorates quickly.

Stylized candelabrum with plafond - a creative lamp for a bedside table.

Massive copper chandelier for royal apartments in baroque style.
Why the candelabra in our interior?
Nowadays, there is enough light in the interior, and the candelabrum can look ridiculous, like an obsolete element. And even not quite understand the popularity of these products.
Once chandeliers performed an important function, they contributed to lighting the premises. Today they are decorative objects. But they are used all for the same reason that a person feels an acute urge to have a fireplace, candles, and watch live fire. It is not just a hearth symbol embedded in the subconscious. The development of civilization increasingly alienates man from nature. He suffers from this and seeks to shape his environment and surround himself with objects that make this connection felt.
Even the simplest candlesticks, wall or fireplace, can completely transform the interior. This is their aesthetic value.
Nowadays, decorative table, floor, wall candelabras can be seen not only in country houses with a large area, but also in cramped urban apartments. Today it is a luxury item.
There is one more nuance. Some people tend to buy antiques that are able to emphasize the status of the owner. But there is also a tendency to acquire copies of famous samples or their imitation. Which option to choose depends on the buyer and on the tasks that he sets, creating an image of his interior.

Chandeliers made of copper imitate wood snags. A unique design solution for interiors in the country style.

Exquisite chandelier for a refined interior in a classic style.
Designers recommend in most cases to use in the interior of table candlesticks. Let it be metal compositions not only on antique, but also on any other topics. It is the desktop candlestick that is most in demand today.
According to most interior designers, decorative metal candelabra are the final chord in decoration, even if there are no candles there.
Metal candelabra is better to choose for interiors in classical style. Today, you can see crystal candelabra in shops and shops. These elegant products with a lot of curls and an amazing game of light, but functional can not be called. They are decorative.
Against this background, to decorate your interior, you can seriously consider products made with your own hands.
But why all the same candelabra? The answer of most designers is simple. Without ornaments it is difficult to make the interior cozy and close to a person. The candelabrum is traditionally a large product, immediately setting the tone and style of space. The abundance of numerous statuettes and souvenirs only clutters the interior, making it difficult for perception. Therefore it is better to put one big and elegant thing, than long and carefully pick up a lot of trifles.

A noble, refined golden candelabra for nine candles will decorate the interior of any country house or hunting lodge.

A pair of identical golden candelabra decorate the bedroom in the Baroque style.

A stylish candelabrum made of copper for four candles for a country lounge.
As already mentioned, the presence of the candelabra creates a unique romantic image of the interior. With its help, you can create an appropriate environment and easily change it. The candelabra can be made by the hands for the holiday, for example, the New Year's candelabra.
The traditional material for the candlestick is metal, sometimes ceramics and porcelain. But in our time there are practically no restrictions.
You can create chandeliers with your own hands from improvised materials.
Of course, the main condition is safety.
Everyone saw candlesticks made from pumpkins on the eve of Halloween. You can create cardboard, plastic, glass chandeliers. Only candles can not be lit. In this sense, metal products remain indispensable.

An unusual design solution for decorating candelabra from copper. Stylish interior details will look great in the guest room or bedroom.

The smallest details are clearly visible in a detailed inspection. The work of this master.
Having developed a fantasy, you can make candelabra for all occasions. It can be candlesticks summer, winter, autumn or spring. For a holiday and for everyday life.
When creating a product, you need to remember the main points:
- the candelabra should be stable, that is, the foundation is made large so that it can keep all the candles in balance;
- if the use of lighted candles is planned, then the material is chosen fire-resistant;
- it is important to immediately decide on where the product will be located, from this, and calculate the proportions and create a design.
The creative process is always fascinating. It allows us to expand our understanding of the world and of the things that surround us.

The classic copper candelabra for three candles is not just an assistant in cases of a malfunction of the electrical network, it is also a stylish detail of any interior.

Strict outlines of a chandelier for a classic interior.