Interior design styles - 33 photos of beautiful examples

The interior design and style in which it is executed reflects your preferences and tastes, so it is very important to design the space of the room so that you feel comfortable and cozy there. Now almost any room has its own design, which can be attributed to this or that style. The styles of interior design have their own characteristics, and where the country style is appropriate, the classical type of design will not do at all. We would like to tell you about different styles of interior design, about their characteristics and features. After reading this article, you can easily determine which style suits you.

Basic styles of interior design

Interior design in classical style

If you like low-key elegance and antique minimalism, and eternal persecution for fashion is not for you at all, then your choice is a classic style.

Interior design in classical style — это лаконичность и элегантность, строгость и торжественность одновременно. Данный стиль считается этакой «золотой серединой» и поэтому подойдет для оформления практически любого помещения. Для классического стиля характерно однотонное оформление стен, но допускается лепнина, а геометрические формы должны присутствовать буквально во всех элементах. Касательно мебели — это всегда дерево, украшенное искусной резьбой. Также, большие зеркала с массивными рамами, натуральные камни и дорогие ткани, обязательные элементы для данного стиля. Классический стиль, в своей неповторимой манере умело сочетает помпезность и минимализм. Interior design in classical style, фото 1

Interior design in classical style, фото 2

Interior design in classical style, фото 3

Interior design in classical style, фото 4

Interior design in classical style, фото 5

Interior design in classical style, фото 6

Interior design in classical style, фото 7

Interior design in Art Deco style

Strictness and minimalism is not for you, but smooth curves and shapes, is that what you would like in design? Art-deco style is what you need.

Art deco absorbed the sensuality of modernity, the features of Futurism, Cubism and presented the world with something new. In this style, the Art Nouveau trend is actively used - gentle, smooth lines resembling the bends of sea shells. Images on the walls suggest the use of animals and mythical motifs, but at the same time it is allowed to use precise straight lines and extensive monochromatic planes. The color palette is quite extensive and includes colors such as: white, red, olive, black, chocolate, gold etc. Such a diverse style of interior design, like art deco, carries an expression, sensuality and represents an active mix of different cultures.

Interior design in Art Deco style, фото 1 Interior design in Art Deco style, фото 2 Interior design in Art Deco style, фото 3 Interior design in Art Deco style, фото 4 Interior design in Art Deco style, фото 5

Interior design in the style of Provence

This style will be appreciated by those who aspire to non-aggressive chic, but at the same time against modern, creative design solutions. The interior design in the style of Provence can be described as a gentle, modest charm. In houses with such a design, every little thing lives its own life, and even a small pin plays its big role. The white color predominates in this style, it is especially important to paint the door in white and complement it with colored murals, thus making a parallel with the Provencal nature. Walls and ceilings are also preferred to be painted in light colors, and as a decor, you can use the ceiling beams of dark wood. Chests, oak cupboards, chests, as well as furniture with openwork carvings and inserts, perfectly complement the room decorated in the style of Provence. Carpets, cotton nettings and quilts in combination with light, delicate curtains will help you complete the idea of ​​styling.

Interior design in the style of Provence, фото 1 Interior design in the style of Provence, фото 2 Interior design in the style of Provence, фото 3 Interior design in the style of Provence, фото 4 Interior design in the style of Provence, фото 5 Interior design in the style of Provence, фото 6 Interior design in the style of Provence, фото 7

Interior design in country style: elements of rural motives

Design in the style of country, still called design in the rustic style. The country style radiates heat, homeliness and simplicity. There are many varieties of this style, namely: English, French, American, Russian etc. Everything depends on the culture of which nationality the author of the project wanted to convey.

Characteristic features for all varieties of style are, soft and warm colors in the design, the use of natural materials and motifs. Stucco stylized under a tree, or paper wallpaper will suitably decorate your walls, and wooden panels and unpainted ceiling beams. Furniture in the country style is used only from natural materials, preferably chest of drawers, sofas and armchairs, without special finishes, decorated with weaving. Interior design in the country style assumes the presence of interior items emphasizing the rustic style. Tablecloths and curtains made of chintz, linen, etc.; pottery, animal skins and ornaments on various decor elements, all this will be an excellent addition to the main interior.

Interior design in country style, photo 1 Interior design in country style, photo 2 Interior design in country style, photo 3 Interior design in country style, photo 4 Interior design in country style, photo 5 Interior design in country style, photo 6

Read also: Ethnic style in the interior - 39 photos of rooms

Popular styles of interior design and their characteristics

Design is in step with the times, for the last decades there have appeared many new directions and interesting styles and here are the most popular and creative ones:

  • Loft - a style that appeared relatively recently, but fell to taste for many designers. "Loft" - translated from English loft. Most often, to create a loft take a huge, spacious, non-residential premises, which use a minimum of furniture, because its main advantage is its simplicity and scale.
  • Fusion - the most popular style for today, used for the design of premises. This style, assumes a combination of the incongruous. Very unexpected design compositions are created, one can not say that they are always successful, but who and what can you tell if you are creating in the style of fusion?
  • Neoclassicism is a familiar and beloved classic composition, which was perfected and brought to maximum functionality. Tandem eternal with progress.
  • Hi-tech is a style that was born in industrial premises, where each thing performed a certain function. Metal, glass, concrete, pipes passing through the whole room, air ducts and fittings, all this includes hi-tech.

Look at the photos below for examples of interior design in popular styles today.

Interior design in loft style, photo 1 Interior design in loft style, photo 2 Interior design in fusion style Neoclassic style interior design, photo 1 Neoclassic style interior design, photo 2 Interior design in high-tech style, photo 1 Interior design in high-tech style, photo 2 Interior design in high-tech style, photo 3