The ability to equip a small bathroom is a very useful skill! Even if you do not have to huddle in a small apartment, perhaps your knowledge will be useful to you for designing a guest room or a small ladies' boudoir!
But even if you are content with more than a modest bathroom - do not despair. There is a large number of architectural solutions, even for super-small rooms!
Good news: this article contains a lot advice on the arrangement of bathrooms!! Let's try to play with the space!
You will see that there are many solutions to one problem. In one case, it's appropriate to make a bold accent, using bright colors, and in the other, on the contrary, it is better to hide everything that is superfluous, letting the light and simplicity go.
Straight lines create a sense of space
Let's start with the basics! Just one step separates you from a compact and concise design: get rid of all that is superfluous. Look at the photo below: a simple white tile, small pendant lamps and a glass shower stall. That's all you need for a modern and stylish design.

Another popular color option is neutral tones. Gray-brown, sandy, beige will help you create a friendly and relaxing atmosphere.

Often enough one accurate detail and the interior gets the theme and completeness. In the photo below you see a rest room in the spa. Small accessory for the bathroom helps to sustain everything in one style. Even small details can make a big difference.

Live flowers are a special glamor for the ladies' room. They are able to instantly transform the most ordinary interior. Very impressive look tropical plants in flowerpots.

When the room is small, you can not save on the finish! The compact bathroom, decorated with metal and marble, looks impressive. If you manage to pick up a vintage sink, then the interior will turn out expensive and luxurious.

Bold ideas will add style
From clear and neutral lines we turn to bright and attractive. If the previous approach called us to hide flaws, this time we will learn to emphasize the merits of the interior! For example, lace tiles so redrawn the space visually, to determine its size by eye becomes difficult.

Ludicrous wallpapers also add dynamics and smoothly dissipate the look. And also - this is a wonderful background for decorative lamps!

Instead of wallpaper, you can use stencils. Look at the photo - the object of the decor is one single wall. This creates an illusion of volume: there is a feeling that there is free space behind the sink.

Another way to fool your vision is to visually "break" the space! Use contrasting colors and textures, create ledges and niches, resort to the help of mirrors.
Human perception is arranged in such a way that if we find it difficult to imagine a form, then the size is also lost.

Not everyone has the courage to use bright colors in a small space. But in vain. The bathroom is the ideal place to create an outrageous and memorable interior. In any other room, such experiments may look ridiculous.

Compact storage of things is a must for a small room. The most common a council for the design of bathrooms you can consider built-in shelves and shelving, as well as suspended furniture.
Thus, the usable area remains untouched. If you opted for an open type of furniture - maintain the ideal order, otherwise your cozy bathroom will quickly turn into a closet.

If you do not have the opportunity to use built-in shelves - take a closer look at the next device.
Multi-tiered grid from CB2 has five levels (six, if you count the top one) - it is enough to place hygienic supplies, towels and washing powders.

Horizontal wooden shelf is also good option design of the bathroom!! If you hang it at the window and decorate with live plants - you will get a nice green corner.

It's nice when everything is neatly arranged on the shelves, but what if there is no furniture at all? Use the decorative tray! It will fit as an element of decor, and also you can store toiletries on it.

And how do you like this organizer? It is easy to place here all necessary for a modern bathroom.
В прозрачных контейнерах удобно хранить ватные палочки и салфетки, а стильные дозаторы подойдут для мыла и шампуня. Теперь all косметические средства идеально вписываются в дизайн!

How else to maximize space? You can use the advantages of finishing! For example, to design in one color gamut a floor and a covering inbathroom shower cubicle. The general color will unite them into a single composition.

В заключение хотелось бы вам продемонстрировать еще один accessory for the bathroom: хромированная сушилка для полотенец от СВ2. Это не просто предмет интерьера, а полноценный и функциональный арт-объект!

We hope that you have already seen that the possibilities of modern design are unlimited. But the most valuable for you should be your own experiments!