The relative unpopularity of white furniture in our country is due to the not quite correct representations of fellow citizens about practicality. It is believed that white or light beige color - a bad solution for furniture, including soft. But the dark tone, on the contrary, is considered practical.
This color solution fits into the interior of different styles. White furniture complements the light and sunny, but rustic Provence, adding to it a refined note. But in the solemn and somewhat cold empire such colors bring comfort, comfort and home. White furniture is also suitable for a standard classic style apartment. Such a decision is a real salvation for those who are planning to significantly refresh the interior of a typical Khrushchev. A color solution that is unusual for domestic homes will allocate a room, visually expand the volume and revitalize its classical appearance. Well, beautiful covers that cover the sofa and armchairs, you can protect them from dirt, which are difficult to extract, such as stains from coffee, traces of food, cosmetics or pencil lead.
Shades of white
For those who have little experience in creating interiors, the ideal solution is to build a color scheme of the room on white shades. It is unlikely that there will be another color in nature, which is distinguished by such diversity. In addition, most shades of white perfectly match with each other, as well - with gray flowers. But a black and white decor needs a separate conversation, for now, it's worth saying a few words about a single-colored interior. Minimalism is equally good for a small bedroom in an apartment and for a large dining room, which is necessarily present in a modern cottage house. The main thing is not to simplify everything to the point of absurdity, because otherwise it will get boring, or worse - the hospital style of the room will come out.
Therefore, it is worth following three simple rules:
- Moderately use bright white;
- Select the details of different invoices;
- Leave the room in the room for three things of contrasting color.
Snow-white is best to do only individual pieces of furniture, it is those that need to focus attention, put emphasis. It can be fixtures, a mirror, a part of the wall on which the fireplace is located, or even a carpet. The white floor is an effective solution, but it is necessary to take into account that it will have to be updated in a short time. And it's not even that the white floor is difficult to clean - the already mentioned modern detergents will help to cope with this task. The main problem - scratches and small dents, which inevitably appear on any flooring, whether wood or laminate. However, you can use modern coatings that are excellent against abrasion and easy to clean, and it is very difficult to scratch such materials.
See also: Kitchen design in light colors +75 photo
Classical, you can recognize two design options - using light furniture against a background of darker walls, as well as contrasting furniture on light. Both options are advantageous for any room, including a small one. In the first case, the emphasis on furniture simply does not give an estimate of the size of the room, and in the second, even a small bedroom or a hall will appear visually wider. When choosing any type of design with overwhelming predominance, the white room turns out to be filled with air and changing depending on the angle of natural light. But the coincidence of the tone of furniture and walls - a fairly rare design meeting. Use it must be with great care, paying special attention to the decorative details - only in this case in this room can be reached home comfort.
Glossy white
Выбор для любого помещения глянцевой мебели белого цвета – возможность добавить дому шика и почти придворного лоска. Не зря журналы мод называют глянцевыми – дело не только в особенностях полиграфии. У белого глянца есть огромное преимущество перед черным или даже коричневым оттенками. Дело в том, что на белом фоне значительно менее заметны отпечатки, являющиеся серьезной проблемой глянцевых поверхностей. Тем не менее проводить полировку мебели все равно придется. Причем использовать полироль и бархотку необходимо будет не реже трех раз в неделю, иначе лоск потеряется, и дом будет выглядеть весьма неряшливо. Glossy white – замечательный вариант для мебели, которой оснащается кухня. Это изначально простоватое помещение сразу обретает некую степень респектабельности. Прекрасно выглядит и глянцевый ванный гарнитур – его «сияющая» поверхность значительно освежит даже весьма бюджетный ремонт.
Selection of finishing materials
The walls of the room, furnished with white furniture, can be decorated with different types of materials. The most common solutions - the use of plaster, pasting wallpaper or upholstery panels. The first option is quite unusual for domestic apartments. To create the necessary effect, decorative plaster is used. It contains a modern plasticizer, due to which the plastered surface can be textured like wood, natural stone or even fabric. It is worth noting the practicality of such decoration of the walls - for durability with plaster, neither wallpaper nor even wooden veneer will be leveled. In addition, the color of the walls in this version can be easily and relatively inexpensively updated. The only drawback is the high cost of decorative plastering work.
The most traditional variant of selection of a material for furnish of walls in a residential premise. The advantages of wallpaper are known - just to stick it up with your own hands, are quite inexpensive, hide the unevenness of the walls and add room to coziness. Minus - the need for a fairly frequent update of wallpaper. Furniture white requires the purchase of very expensive wallpaper, which emphasize the prosperity of the owners of the house. Especially this rule should be taken into account for white wallpaper - inexpensive options look too simple and not rich enough. If single-color whites are chosen, attention should be paid to their texture - manufacturers produce options simulating plaster, stucco molding and even wood. To white furniture, all three versions of textured imitation are perfect. However, traditional wallpaper will also look good, especially if the furniture itself is characterized by an abundance of decorating elements or complex shapes.
Finally, perhaps, the most status-based solution is the use of panels. It can be both a wooden and a modern version - made from MDF composites. Outwardly, they are very similar, not every specialist distinguishes them. In addition to the beautiful appearance, the panels are longevity and visually increase the room. In order to make the narrow room wider, you need to place the panels horizontally. It draws the room, gives volume, but visually reduces the ceiling. If the task is to make the room too spacious, it is worth placing the panels vertically. Especially advantageous looks hidden illumination. Such an idea not only increases the internal space, but also solves the problem of insufficient illumination of the room.
Interior styles
Белые предметы отлично вписываются во множество стилей. Но существует несколько примеров дизайна, наиболее полно раскрывающего потенциал мебели этого цвета. Это, прежде всего, прованс, мягкость и спокойствие которого выберет любая хозяйка. Недаром мебель комнат, оформленных в этом стиле, обычно имеет бежевый или белый оттенок. Да и популярный эффект «старости» не будет смотреться на шкафах этого цвета неряшливо. Provence – отличный выход для тех. кого настораживает однообразность белых интерьеров. Комнате можно добавить яркости с помощью цветной шторы, которая будет гармонировать с живыми цветами в простых глиняных горшках, являющимися отличительной особенностью прованса. А коричневый ковер не станет моветоном – ведь он повторит цвет и фактуру оставленного неоштукатуренным участка стены из кирпича, так популярного в этом южно французском интерьере.
Minimalism and Futurism
No less organically, such furniture fits into the interiors created by the canons of constructivist minimalism. This style is characterized by large free spaces, a high and light ceiling, and placing in the room only the most necessary furniture. Of course, every detail of a laconic room should represent a perfect thing in terms of design. And what can look better than a chic white sofa or a cabinet of the same shade? Futuristic interior, which appeared in the 60's, is again gaining popularity. And if there are still doubts about the convenience of fancifully shaped armchairs resembling seats in the felling of fantastic interstellar ships, there can be no fear of the relevance of white furniture in such an interior. White is ideally suited as the primary color of home-spacecraft furniture, as it is imagined by Sidney Meade or another neo-futurist designer. By the way, black and white wallpaper or a few gray-white figurines will not let the eye get tired of the same colors. Well, if you want a variety of tones - the proceeds will come small details, painted in azure color.
This style appeared under Napoleon when the deliberate pomposity and solemnity, in which the new empire wanted to separate itself from the first Republic, entered the fashion. Similar chambers (to call the Empire rooms "rooms" simply do not turn the tongue) perfectly in harmony with furniture, color suggestive of the deceptive lightness of white marble. In addition, the well-known draft of the Empire, with its obligatory columns, busts and paintings, to some excessive pomposity will be balanced by the clean and slender lines of plain white furniture at first glance.
A more realistic style for our apartments is the age-old post-Soviet eclecticism. After all, the young family rarely thinks about the general design of the apartment. Much more often, repair work at home is done on a room - it's easier with both household and financial terms. And the footage of the housing makes you think more about practicality than about artistic delights. White furniture will fit into a similar "Ikea-style", as they call the situation, which implies a thoughtful use of living space, in the West. For example, a corner soft set of white color will save space and refresh the sample room.
Read also: Bedroom design in green colors
Living Room Furniture
The interior of the living room done in white is a good approach for creating a room that adjusts to the positive after a long working day. To make the room look light and cozy - experiment with a combination of colors.
Black-gray tones are appropriate to use in a spacious room. Otherwise they will create a sense of isolation and anxiety. If the dimensions of the kitchen-living room are large, make a snow-white accent wall, diluting whiteness with dark beams made of natural wood or imitation. Furniture should be chosen not bright white, but closer to cream shades. In the living room it is better to choose furniture of traditional outlines - this will add comfort.
A small room requires a different approach when the soft white walls are complemented by a glossy ceiling and a contrasting hue. It is better not to choose black, but the color of natural wood. Suitable "moraine pine", "zebrano", "bubinga" or "nut". Furniture in a room of small size will fit elegant, easy-to-look. Seating sets with a stamp of monumentality only emphasize the tightness of the room.
Bedroom furniture
With furniture of this color in the bedroom, it is advisable to be careful. After all, the room helps a full restoring sleep of the owners. Therefore, do not play in color contrasts - a tonal difference acts on the psyche excitably. A great option would be a combination of blue or soft blue walls and slightly aged white furniture. To achieve greater color harmony, it is necessary to resort to the reception, which is typical for "Provencal" bedrooms, when furniture and walls "share" with flowers with each other. So, the handles of cabinets and decorative lamellas of the bed are painted in the same color as the walls. It is desirable to decorate the room with panels, lamps or other elements of decor of white material.
Attention! Place in the room statues, etc., you can and dark shades.
Furniture for children's room
Do not think that white is not a childish color. It is suitable because of the ability to increase space and make the room more light. White furniture is able to soften the colors used in the interior. So, bright red (favorite "teen" color) neighborhood with white furniture makes less aggressive, black - not so gloomy.
Children's Scandinavian style, combined with white furniture, is universal. If a girl lives in the room, the decoration in white and pink or blue shades will do. A red and white, used, incidentally, as the club colors of several football teams at once, will suit a guy.
And for young children, white furniture is just a godsend. After all, she transforms the room, introducing a note of beauty and magic. To make furniture easy to clean up dirt, it is better to choose the options from harmless plastic, or wooden beds and tables with a special non-soiled coating.
Furniture for kitchen
But in the kitchen, a bold experiment is possible. Do not be afraid to spend additional minutes for cleaning - then forget the rule of combining furniture and walls of different shades of white. Kitchen - studio is made in two colors - neutral white and silvery or matte metallic, supplemented by rare impregnations of black. For such a kitchen is suitable functional soft furniture made of durable and perfectly washable leatherette. The sofa is better to choose the corner, and the chairs - "semi-rigid". Want to give preference to white furniture with a marble pattern - then it should be combined with the cutting surfaces of natural white marble or its imitation, emphasizing the status and solid financial position of the owner.