A small apartment - there are few areas, but there are many problems. Here it is necessary to work hard to fit both the recreation area, the reception area, the office, and the kitchen in three square meters, and make it so that there is free space left. By the way, we will talk about the kitchens today. How to correctly plan space, how to create not only comfortable and functional, but also beautiful, fashionable, stylish cuisine of your dreams?

So, for you, dear readers, a selection of the most interesting design solutions for a small kitchen. Using these ideas, you can design and implement a unique interior in which everything will be thought through to the smallest detail, and the local "chef" will not interfere in the performance of his difficult duties.

The first is color
As they say, the taste and color of a friend is not, therefore, the color palette is a purely individual matter. However, do not neglect the advice of professionals, and they say that a small room is best filled with neutral white, beige, gray, sand, brown. Light tones visually expand the space. It's boring - you say - I want something bright, unusual, inspirational ... And this question has an answer: against the background of a monochrome interior, small contrast details are especially advantageous. For example, a bright blue vase, a luscious green lamp, or a multi-colored rug. With this kind of accessories, the overall style of the interior is easy to change with minimal loss of money and time.

The second is furniture
When designing the design of the kitchen, special attention should be given to its filling, that is, furniture and household appliances. To her, as they say, there are special requirements - maximum functionality and practicality. It should not be massive, made of natural wood or covered with veneer from valuable wood species, otherwise it looks like "an elephant in a china shop". The best furniture for a small kitchen - a table and cabinets of plastic, glass, with an abundance of metal decor. The more shiny, chrome and mirror surfaces - the stronger the effect of "expanding" space.

Third - the placement of furniture
We can say that this process is the most important and significant. It is necessary to think in advance and decide where the dishes will be stored, where - detergents, in which boxes should banks with cereals and so on. It is in the old aristocratic estates were provided for separate rooms for dining, cook, and so-called economic block. In modern panel houses all of the above merged with the total area, at best, 12 square meters.

A large number of drawers, drawers, cells, open and closed shelves, various niches and hidden "caches" - that's the perfect solution. You can also consider the use of built-in home appliances as the right choice. The more hidden behind the doors of cabinets - the more visually more space. The blessing on the market is a great variety of various built-in appliances. They can be mounted both in the kitchen furniture itself and in the walls.

In addition, the compulsory technique for modern kitchens may differ in size: a small refrigerator, a hob for two hot plates and so on. Smaller microwave ovens are recommended to be attached to brackets above the work surface.

And one more secret - railing - chrome tubes or bars with hooks and shelves. Thus, kitchen utensils are always at hand, and at the same time there is no congestion, on the contrary, an air effect is created.