If you dream of giving your apartment or house a stylish and attractive look, and buying professional interior designers can seriously affect your family budget, then do not despair, as computer technology will help to easily solve this problem. The Kelnik Interactive Agency has ensured that you could create an ideal variant of your home's layout without much effort and special education by developing the PLANOPLAN program, operating online, with which you can realize your building dream.
The main purpose of the PLANOPLAN graphic editor is to reproduce on the screen of the computer monitor various design options for the premises, so that the user can choose the one that he likes best. The most interesting is that, in addition to the already prepared interior templates, which you can take as the basis for your future design of the apartment, you have the opportunity to completely change any detail of the layout, creating your own unique style. For example, using a set of tools that has an online planner at home, you can instantly change the facing of walls, move or choose other furniture, hang other curtains on the windows and so on. If you want, you can not use ready-made options for decorating rooms, but you can design the type of room yourself, determining its size and geometric structure.
You have the opportunity to decide what materials will be floor, walls, ceiling and other components of the interior ... And when choosing color coloring, the possibilities of the program allow you to take into account the influence of light sources, helping to present the final look of the room at any time of the day. And all this you can observe in 3d format from different angles, which gives a fairly complete idea of how the room will look when you are directly in it after the repair is completed.
Of course, in order to successfully work with PLANOPLAN, you must at least be able to use the computer and the browser - the program for performing actions on the Internet, and also have some idea about the modeling of the interior in the online mode. But the creators of this graphic editor took care of your comfort by providing a number of preparatory lessons on learning how to work with the program, so there are no obstacles to realizing your ideas.
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