The kitchen is not just a place to prepare food. If we are talking about an area of more than 15 m2, the space combines many useful qualities. In a well-planned, well-designed kitchen-living room, there are many people at the same time, without interfering with each other.
Choosing the style of the kitchen-living room, rely on personal preferences, consider financial possibilities. Fashion trends look fresh, organic, but the implementation in practice requires high costs. If the family budget does not plan for additional expenses, stop at the classical options.
Planning the division of the kitchen into separate zones, having furniture, kitchen accessories should initially be correct, as this will affect the details of the repair. If the communications are carried out based on a specific layout, after the changes it will be difficult to remodel it without compromising the appearance and functionality of the premises.
Regardless of the type of planning, the kitchen design of 17 sq.m assumes the presence of the main zones:
- working space;
- dinner Zone;
- a place for rest;
- a place for games and entertainment.
Single row
Single row, прямая, линейная – названия одной планировки, считающейся простой по характеристикам. Данный тип расположения мебели и аксессуаров предполагает размещение их вдоль одной стены прямоугольной кухни.
For the convenience of the hostess, the sink is often installed between the work surface and the refrigerator, the rest of the kitchen appliances are at the discretion, but on the same line. Rest zone with a straight lay-out consists of a rectangular table adjoining the opposite wall, several compact chairs. In single-row arrangement, it will not be possible to use large furniture sets, place a large number of kitchen appliances.
Double row
With a two-row or parallel layout, furniture and equipment are placed on both sides of the kitchen. At the same time, at least 1.2 m of free space remains in the middle, otherwise there is no sense in such an arrangement.
Important! Using a two-row arrangement, do not expose the kitchen cabinets the same way, make one row shorter.
The parallel parallel kitchens play the role of a corridor connecting various rooms among themselves. Non-traffic areas are limited by a wall with a window, a balcony.
Угловые кухни пользуются популярностью из-за компактности, удобного расположения. L-shaped планировка позволяет на небольшой территории разместить достаточное количество предметов, без ущерба для свободного пространства. Для дизайна кухни-гостиной площадью 17 кв.м такой вариант удобен вдвойне. В углу ставится мягкая мебель, вдоль стен размещаются остальные предметы, рабочие поверхности. В итоге, получаются две обозначенные зоны: рабочая и столовая.
See also: Kitchen design in light colors +75 photo
U-shaped планировка для кухни площадью 17 квадратных метров — идеальный вариант. Согласно правилам интерьерного дизайна, расстояние между предметами должно быть не менее 1 м, а в такой кухне места будет гораздо больше. За счёт установки дополнительного количества шкафов, в кухне можно хранить много кухонной утвари, различных полезных приспособлений.
The question of locating the dining area is solved in various ways. Often the table is set in the center of the room, if space is available. Another option is to place objects on one side, releasing the center for other purposes.
Layout полуостров очень удобна в плане функциональности. Выглядит подобно острову, однако один торец кухонного блока, вынесенного в центр кухни, соприкасается с остальным гарнитуром.
In the peninsula, build anything: a hob, a sink, turn it into a bar counter. It all depends on how large the kitchen area is, and on the destination of the peninsula. When a working triangle is formed, it is convenient for the hostess to prepare food, wash dishes, and get food.
An island in the kitchen is a great help for a large room, especially if the room is in the shape of a square. When the hostess prepares, it is important that everything is close, at arm's length. If the kitchen is large, with the surfaces located along the walls, it is difficult to provide full functionality. The island planning comes to the aid.
On the island place a sink, cooking, cutting surfaces, ovens, dining area.
Functional zones of kitchen-living room
To the owners and guests feel comfortable enough, and the landlady does not get tired behind the stove, it is important to correctly distribute the available space, especially if it is large enough. If the kitchen-living room is not divided into functional areas, there will be a sense of chaos in the room.
The main zones for which the kitchen is divided are the following.
Cooking area
This is the element of any mistress. Here she spends most of her time trying to please the family with delicious treats. The working area should be arranged conveniently so that you do not have to run from the sink to the stove, from the stove to the fridge. Regardless of the type of planning, the basic principles of using the workspace are taken into account, with observance of all safety rules.
Dinner Zone
Perhaps, the most pleasant place in the kitchen. Here you can relax after a hard day's work, enjoy delicious food, pause for communication with a friend.
The zone for food intake is made in accordance with the general interior of the room, it is performed in an original way from the design point of view. It is enough to buy a beautiful furniture set, new chairs to focus on the dining area. This also includes a chest of drawers for storing kitchen utensils and other accessories.
See also: Kitchen design 6 sq. M: interior (+30 photos)
Rest zone
Many people like to lie on the couch with their favorite book, that they practically do not leave this zone of real comfort. It can be anything: a coffee table with a comfortable armchair, a soft corner, a music center, a sofa with a TV - like someone who used to relax.
Zone for games
If you have small children, you can not do without this space. Make a cozy soft corner, fill it with toys. The game zone does not hurt and for the entertainment of older guests. Equip space with equipment for table games, a table for chess, etc.
If you allow space of the kitchen-living room, if desired, equipped with a working area or studio near the window, in another light part of the room. A small computer desk, a musical instrument, an armchair, a bookcase are installed. Why look for another place to work if creative thoughts are most often visited here, where freshly brewed coffee with delicious pastries is always at hand?
The rules of uniting kitchen-living areas
The integration of functional zones is carried out with the help of special visual techniques, from selected lighting to the installation of original partitions.
One of the most common methods used for zoning kitchen space is the finish of the floor and ceiling, the color allocation of individual areas.
In the kitchen area, it is recommended to use moisture resistant floor coverings - linoleum, laminate, ceramic tile, for walls use tile, washable wallpaper, combine various materials. The living room area is decorated with more noble decorative materials, adhering to a single color style in the interior design. Do not forget that different zones are in the same room.
Bar counter
Bar counter — один из наиболее удачных вариантов для зонирования кухонно-гостиного пространства. Визуально такой элемент чётко отделяет кухню от зоны отдыха, устанавливается в декоративных и практических целях. Служит перегородкой и местом для посиделок, где можно перекусить, выпить кофе, поболтать. Сама кухня превращается в буферную зону, что удобно для хозяйки.
Important! It is not recommended to use a bar counter as a dining area. It is not very roomy, and also unsafe for babies who are not comfortable sitting on high bar stools.
Successfully selected partitions perform a functional and decorative role, they are sliding, motionless. Often as a partition install a false wall - this does not require expensive materials, additional permits, it is enough to use a regular drywall, beautiful finish.
Sliding partitions are convenient for their versatility. If necessary, the interior detail is easily removed, visually expanding the space, then reappears, dividing the kitchen and living room into two separate zones.
The partition also has a practical function - a shelf for books, screens. But most often, it's a beautiful decorative element, suitable in color and style to the rest of the interior.
Separate attention deserves such reception of zoning, as use of illumination. Light design is no less important in the interior than decoration or furniture.
See also: Wenge color kitchen - design and 25 photosDo not limit yourself to a single source of artificial lighting, even if the room has many large windows. Daytime in the kitchen-dining room is quite light, but at the onset of twilight, instead of the long-awaited coziness, the room will be filled with an unpleasant twilight.
To prevent such an error, you should take care of a sufficient number of different luminaires, decorative sconces located in each functional area. With well-chosen lighting, the kitchen-living room looks harmonious, volume, accents are placed correctly.
It is necessary to have a soft, natural light in the dining area to create a cozy atmosphere, the food looked appetizing, attractive. In the recreation area place a sconce, a floor lamp with a more subdued, decorative light, which has a maximum relaxation.
In the cooking area, several sources of varying intensity are used. The hostess of the house should see well the dishes, kitchen appliances, everything she cooks. Do not interfere with built-in lamps in suspended cabinets.
With the help of lighting, you can correct planning errors, fix architectural flaws - visually lift, lower the ceiling, expand, narrow the room.
Furniture and equipment
A few tips on how to better furnish and equip the kitchen, combined with the living room. Since the room consists of several zones, it is important to correctly place the accents in the room. This can be done at the expense of pieces of furniture - bright and original, or, conversely, classical, in neutral shades. Do not forget about balance, balance colors, according to the rules of design.
You can not neglect a single style in the interior. It is not entirely appropriate to design a recreation area in the Scandinavian style, furniture for the dining area to choose in the style of high-tech, and place cooking for cooking in the style of country. Thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons, determine the interior and then buy the necessary furniture.
As for technology, the solution remains for you - what accessories to buy, at what cost and in what quantities to buy food processors, other useful devices. The choice of devices for today is great. However, I would advise not to abuse the abundance of noisy equipment - do not forget that the kitchen is combined with the living room, and the husband who listens attentively to the report from the football match may not be delighted with your culinary efforts, even if you cook his favorite cake .
A false wall, reinforced partition can partly solve the problem with noise insulation, but does not eliminate it completely. The presence of noise in the kitchen-living room is one of the drawbacks of combining the two premises.
In this case there are much more advantages:
- increased space;
- многозадачность;
- convenient location of functional areas.
Regardless of where you live - in a private house or apartment, the kitchen-living room is a suitable option for small, medium and large-sized premises with an area of seventeen square meters. With any planning, you can find the optimal solution by correctly distributing the functional space, correctly placing furniture, kitchen appliances, thinking lighting.