Kitchen by right is one of the most priority places in the house. They cook, take food, meet guests, drink tea with the whole family, work for a laptop, even rest. It should be comfortable and cozy. If space allows, in the room put a sofa - light and compact or large, massive.
- with the help of it it is convenient to carry out the zoning of the room, separating the working area from the dining room;
- on it they sit, lie, even fully sleep;
- There is a huge variety of models for every taste;
- there are those that can be transformed in several ways;
- Most models include boxes, shelves, storage compartments;
- convenient to use - will replace a lot of chairs, armchairs.
- most often they are expensive, which is associated with additional costs to protect the structure from kitchen dirt and grease;
- can be quite rigid;
- folding models are inconvenient to place near the table;
- A large corner will not fit any room.
In a small kitchen, a full-fledged sofa set is not appropriate - it will take up all the free space. For such cases it is better to buy a small kitchenette or with a folding option.
How to choose the right one
When choosing, consider, for the kitchen what area and shape it is bought. This piece of furniture should fit well in the interior, conform to the general style of space. For a non-standard kitchen with a bay window, provided the rest area is located near the window, in some cases it will be necessary to make a sofa on order to place it compactly, neatly.
Size and shape
First you need to decide what functions the sofa will perform - whether it will only sit on it or it's a full-fledged sleeper. The last point plays a big role, especially when the apartment is single room, and the kitchen is big. If there are not enough storage space in the room, you should choose a model with an abundance of boxes for storing utensils, other utensils.
In the shape of kitchen sofas:
- Rectangular;
- Corner;
- Island;
- Therker;
- Semicircular.
The island model is suitable only for a very spacious room, and to the semicircular you will need an oval shaped table. If the sofa is planned to be laid out, you should pay attention to the strength of the frame and the quality of all mechanisms. Separate models of sofas are made in several dimensional variants.
Models of sofas
A stationary sofa, which can not be transformed in any way, can only be a place for sitting. Corner ones are made in right and left versions.
Folding design for the kitchen does not differ from that purchased for the bedroom and living room, there are:
- Telescopic;
- Cougars;
- "Dolphin";
- Akkordeon;
- Pantograph;
- Evroknizka;
- Folding bed, etc.
Modular variants are made up of several parts that are placed all together or separately.
All of them are made of wood (pine, walnut, oak) and plywood, with steel legs and backrest elements, laminated chipboard with seats made of rigid foam. Comes with some models comes from two to seven pillows.
Upholstery - color and textured solution
In the kitchen, there are often changes in temperature, humidity, furniture in it is prone to contamination with food. As an upholstery material sofas use leather, fabric with thermal printing or without, a combination of several materials, but necessarily moisture resistant.
Do not choose the upholstery of complex texture - it is problematic to clean it qualitatively, popular materials such as flock, tapestry are not convenient. Natural leather - very durable, durable, with an excellent appearance, pleasant to the touch, but expensive.
The color of the sofa can coincide with the colors of other kitchen furniture, contrasting with the walls - yellow and gray, the color of ocher with green. The original scarlet with white sofa, upholstered with artificial leather, is combined with a scarlet stretch ceiling and the same kitchen apron. Many bright colors in the interior of a single room is not recommended.
Popular pastel colors - beige, blue, light violet, aquamarine, "pearls". To make the sofa less dirty, get a beautiful cloth coverlet, which is easy to wash.
Recommendations for use
Do kitchen couches require special conditions? For a high-quality model, it is not necessary to create them. To ensure that it does not deteriorate, it is enough to organize good ventilation, which is especially important if the room is located on the first floor. For cleaning soft, wooden, metal parts, special detergents are used, sold in household chemical shops.
Where to install the sofa
The location depends on where the recreation area is planned. The kitchen in which it is located is not only a place for cooking food, but also a dining room, a living room, a bedroom. The design of the kitchen interior with a sofa is always quite unusual.
Rest area by the window
If space allows, you can put a sofa in front of the window or perpendicular to one of its corners, so that during the meal it was convenient to admire the view opening behind it. In the case when it is located directly along the window, it is convenient to read lying down in daylight.
In the kitchen-living room, where there are two windows, about one place a rest area with a cozy sofa, and along the other - a workspace. In this case, these places are separated from each other by a bar counter with high chairs - a dining area. If the kitchen is combined with a warmed balcony or loggia, then a small couch can be put there, and a place for a meal will be a flip top at the place where there was a window to the balcony.
Sofa in the small kitchen
For a spacious kitchen any sofa, and for a small one - only the smallest is suitable. If the room is narrow and long, then it is ideal for it rectangular, especially if it is a kitchen with a balcony - the exit should not be cluttered. Places for storage on cramped kitchenettes are often not enough, because the sofa boxes, compartments will come in handy.
For a kitchen area of 5-7 m. requires a little sofa more than a bench - up to 60 cm wide, and up to 1.5 m long. L-shaped models are placed diagonally from a sink or stove, a small dining table is next to each other. A sofa with a place for sleeping is a forced option when there are no other vacant places, since in the unfolded form it will occupy the entire kitchen.
The full zoning of a small room is also problematic - the dining area requires a lot of space, but it is also not possible to severely curtail the working area.
Visually expand the space can be by using a large mirror on the wall, light decoration of the entire room, as compact furniture as possible.
How to arrange a zone with a sofa
The ergonomics of the kitchen is one of its most important qualities. A universal sofa with storage compartments, a sleeping place, saves space and gives comfort.
The dining area with a sofa is made in different ways, depending on its shape:
- straight put along a wall or a window, you can arrange two such sofas opposite each other, between them - a table;
- L-shaped - suitable for a kitchen of complex shape, placed it usually in a corner, near a blank wall;
- The U-shaped configuration provides that in the center there will be a table;
- transformer - is dismantled into separate blocks for sitting in the afternoon, and at night it gathers to make room for sleep;
- an island sofa is located in the middle of the kitchen-living room or studio apartment, it can be combined with a kitchen table.
For additional zoning, the couch is placed on the catwalk - if the ceiling height allows.
Designer sofas in the kitchen
With all the variety of choice of sofas, some people still do not like it - you want something special, and cheaper. In this case, you can make a sofa with your own hands.
The scheme
First, you need to develop a drawing, which should take into account:
- dimensions of the product, backrest angle;
- all mechanisms, if the sofa will be folded or have drawers;
- materials of a basis, an upholstery, pillows;
- height of legs, expected load;
- specify the main working nodes.
If drawing skills are completely absent, then you can use ready-made sketches from professional websites.
Materials and Tools
As materials for a basis use a natural tree, ДСП, ЛДСП, metal, МДФ. Upholstery should be well cleaned, do not absorb foreign smells, water, be strong. From fabrics use velor, jacquard, cotton, linen, tapestry, microfiber, chenille, eco-leather.
That the upholstery does not spoil, the sofa is covered with a blanket, it is protected with pillows with pillow cases, which they make themselves. As a filler, batting, foam rubber, polyurethane foam, felt, latex, holofiber are used. Fasteners must withstand high loads, especially if the sofa is folding.
For work, a beam of 60 * 60 mm cross section, plywood up to 12 mm, fasteners - screws, metal corners for rigidity is best. From tools - a screwdriver and a saw. When making the packing, it should be taken into account that if you use foam rubber 5 cm thick, the seat will be semi-rigid. Wooden parts are ground, varnished, soft covers can be made with removable zippered covers.
The figures below show the assembly process in detail. They start from the frame: they make sawing of the beams according to the drawings, the details are treated with paint or stain, they are joined with screws. For greater strength, joiner glue is used. The back of the product is fixed with metal corners. Seats are made from plywood. If a place under the sofa is planned to be used for storage, then the lids are fixed using weights. The back and bench are made of soft materials that are difficult to deform, maintain a normal shape. The filler is fixed with glue so that it does not move. If there are armrests, then they are covered with a soft material. Sheathing depends on the imagination and the amount of finance of the one who makes the sofa.
Fabric or skin is cut, processed edges, fastened to the construction with a construction stapler. The fabric should not be pulled too tightly - it will be strongly abraded in places of tension.
When making furniture, you do not need to hurry. In the process, certain difficulties may arise, especially if this is your first experience. In this case, you should stop and think about how to fix the problem, if possible, consult a person who understands this.
In the modern design of kitchens with sofas it is important to observe the commonality of shapes, textures, colors. Designers recommend buying such a piece of furniture from well-known companies whose product quality has been checked by time. It will be slightly more expensive, but it will last much longer, retaining the strength of the structure and attractive appearance for many years, and if necessary, make changes to the interior, it will be enough only to replace the sofa covers.