Modern landscape design: novelties and trends

Modern solutions in landscape design

Modern landscape design involves the decoration of large land areas, park areas and household plots. It stands at the intersection of plant growing, architecture and construction. Previously, this way to improve the allotment was only available to secured homeowners, but today the situation has changed. Ideas of landscape design allow creating a convenient and beautiful site for everyone without exception. In the country, you can not only plant cucumbers or take care of flower beds, but also create whole works of art from plants and decor items. And landscape design does not involve the arrangement of exceptionally large land plots. Decorate stylishly and modernly, you can even give a dacha on traditional six hundred square meters, if you take advice from the designer or information from encyclopedias. Unique styles of landscape design make it possible to turn a yard around a cottage into a trendy and cozy garden or park.

Suspended armchairs Patio area with garden furniture Registration of a personal plot with plants Variant of registration of a site by a lawn grass Spruce on a garden plot

What to consider when designing and planning a site

When designing a landscape design project, it is necessary to take into account all corners of the homestead territory. The arrangement of the allotment should lead to a beautiful view of the site from each species point on the plot of land. It can be an entrance gate, and a greenhouse. You can not ignore even the garden beds. On a site it is necessary to lay many paths so that to each corner of a garden it was possible to reach not through thickets of a grass, and on well-groomed paths. Also, landscape design involves a balance between the buildings and green spaces. Those. The mass of a dwelling house and outbuildings must be compensated for by a mass of plant crops. A huge garden with a small house in the center will not look very good. The same can be said about huge cottages in small plots. They do not look aesthetically pleasing. When designing a landscape design, you need to take into account the size of all objects on the site.

Fountain in landscape design Rubble and planks in the design of the plot Registration of a site at the house Lawn grass on the site Zoning с помощью кустарников  Placement of the reservoir on the site


If you do not divide the territory into functional areas, it will not look beautiful and neat. Competent zoning of the land allows increasing its functionality and making maximum use of all available land resources. Before zoning the site, it is necessary to determine all the structural features of the allotment: relief differences, contours of the allotment, the location of the electric cable, the green spaces already available on the territory, etc. All this should be noted on the scheme of the site, and only then zonirovat territory with the available information. The following zones should be on the territory: the owner's house or the area of ​​the apartment house, the guest house (gazebo, brazier), children's, garden and entrance group (the place near the entrance to the territory, decorated with flower beds and interesting decorative elements). If there is a stand-alone bath on the site, then it should be placed not far from the location of communications to provide it with the right amount of water.

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Environmentally friendly materials

For a stylish design of the land used by a variety of materials, but today they pay more attention to their environmental friendliness. Most often for the purposes of landscape design, stone is used. It can be limestone, marble, sandstone, pebble, gravel, river stone, crushed stone or granite. The type of stones used depends on the financial capabilities of the landlord. Also, mulch is used to decorate the plots, laying decking under the trees or playgrounds for children. To decorate individual elements in the garden area use glass, making it stained glass or whole static figures. If sculptures are placed on the territory of the allotment, then most often they are made of copper. This is an inexpensive and environmentally friendly material, but it requires special care, t. is susceptible to corrosion. Often the garden plot is decorated with products made of wood. This material remains in demand for many years, because it is environmentally friendly and resistant to mechanical damage.

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Savings of natural resources

Modern design of garden sites contributes to the restoration of human contact with wildlife. Some part of the plot of the plot is left especially untouched, and the cottage is inscribed in the natural interior. This approach allows you to seriously save natural resources, using the energy of the sun or wind. Of course, solar panels or windmills are not yet particularly common among the owners of garden plots, but soon the situation will change. Also, electricity on your site can be saved with the help of special luminous artificial stones. They fill paths or decorate the facade of the building; when using them do not need electric lights. And today, scientists are engaged in breeding a class of plant cultures that glow in the dark. While such plants were grown only in the laboratory, but in a couple of years the novelty will appear on the world market.

Steps in landscape design Modern style of garden design Shrubs in the garden design Palm trees near the house Lighting plot Garden area: top view

One of the principles of landscape design is the saving of natural resources.

Modern components of landscape design

Landscape design is a complex of works on ennobling the homestead territory in various accessible ways. To create a beautiful stylish section, you must carefully think over all the components of the composition. They must obey a single project. The designer on the site should smooth out all the clear geometric lines, making them smooth and blurry so that they look as natural as possible. All objects on the backyard should look like components of wildlife. Nadel should be decorated with spectacular flower beds and stylish front gardens. The shape and size of the flower beds depend on the style and size of the plot. An important element of landscape design is the lawn, which must be cut in time. And, of course, on the site you should leave tall trees and small shrubs, stylizing them under a single concept of a design project.

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Trees, shrubs

Modern landscape design assumes maximum ecological compatibility, therefore it is not recommended to cut down trees and shrubs on the site. Exceptions are old dry trees, which are in terrible condition. It is best to lay paths in the area between the existing large vegetable crops. It is also worthwhile to plant new trees. Green plantations should be many, they make the garden a full-fledged garden. They emphasize the interesting layout of the territory, integrating all the details of the site into a single system. Plant shrubs and trees on the site in places where they can emphasize the shape of the relief and the elements of the structures on the landscape. Green plantations effectively look near the stairs, retaining walls, bends of garden paths and arbors.

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Plants for garden compositions English style in garden design Decoration of the flower bed garden lamp Arbor near the pond Summerhouse in Japanese style

On a homestead in a climate of variable climate can be planted:

  • apple tree;
  • cherry;
  • irgu;
  • mountain ash;
  • linden trees;
  • maple;
  • lilac;
  • barberry;
  • larch;
  • cedar;
  • ель и т.д.

Types of water bodies

A modern site is difficult to imagine without a quality pond. Of course, to build a pool on the backyard can manage a little, but to decorate an elegant pond under the power of most homeowners. If the site has a natural body of water, then it can be ennobled and somehow beat. But most often an artificial reservoir is being made on the territory. There are many varieties of such reservoirs, here are just some of them: ponds with fountains, miniature ponds in a barrel, decorative bogs, natural mini waterfalls, children's pools, etc. Each of these reservoirs has its own characteristics, design reasons, design rules and designation. For example, a decorative swamp is characteristic for allotments located in the lowland, and mini waterfalls look spectacularly on the areas located at an incline.

Landscaping the area around the pond Fish in the pond Reservoir on site Design of artificial ponds Landscaping of a site around an artificial reservoir Plants in the pond

Decorative architectural constructions

Декоративные сооружения – важные детали ландшафтного дизайна. Они подразделяются на мелкие элементы, малые архитектурные композиции и крупные дизайнерские объекты. Эти сооружения должны гармонично сочетаться и друг с другом, и с другими элементами декора (водоемами, клумбами, деревьями и т.д.). Decorative architectural constructions на садовом участке стандартно представлены в виде каких-либо растительных элементов и искусственных составляющих. Это могут быть и фигурно подстриженные кустарники, и живые стены из растений, и необычные живые изгороди в форме лабиринтов, и скамейки из различных материалов, и арки, и декоративные мостики. Сооружений, которые смогут облагородить садовый участок, очень много. Нужно подобрать предметы, которые эффектно впишутся в существующий дизайнерский проект, и установить их на приусадебной территории.

Red shrubs White fence Hedge Arch in the garden design Decorative mill Decorative fountain


Красивые садовые дорожки – обязательная деталь любого ландшафтного дизайна. Их размеры и количество зависят от площади территории. Tracks имеют не только практическое, но и декоративное назначение, поэтому их нужно красиво и уместно оформлять. Материал для дорожного покрытия нужно выбирать, основываясь на специфике участка и типе грунта. Tracks должны перекликаться с фасадом жилого дома, чтобы ландшафтная композиция выглядела законченной. Если на участке много впадин и холмов, то в конфигурацию дорожного полотна следует включить ступеньки. Дорожка на участке не должна утыкаться в стену. Лучше составить целую сеть небольших облагороженных тропинок, которые плавно огибают и пронизывают все ландшафтные элементы на приусадебной территории. Также дорожное полотно может вести к какой-то важной архитектурной детали: фонтану, статуе или лавочке.

Path from a tree Path from fema Winding path Making the garden path grass Path in landscape design Large and small natural stones in the design of the garden path

About the modern garden

A garden plot is difficult to imagine without a garden. Flowers and unusually decorated shrubs play a purely decorative role, but the dacha should be of some use. In the face of the latest developments and the fashion for environmentally friendly products, it is absurd to abandon the cultivation of a small garden. Vegetables and fruits will not spoil the appearance of the garden, but will only complement it. The design of the garden must begin with proper planning. It is necessary to think in advance where exactly the beds will be located, and what vegetables will grow on them. It is better to take the most sunny part of the allotment with the garden. Then it must be carefully delineated to give a more accurate appearance and for ease of planting. All the beds should be the same size and rectangular shape. The beds should not be too wide, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to reach them in the middle of the path. They can even be raised. This will not only give order to the landscape, but also improve the yield indicators.

See also: Landscape design of the site in front of the house

Vegetable garden in the country Vegetable garden in the suburban area The garden design option Garden beds in landscape design The greens on the beds Square flower beds

Modern trends in the design of beds

Landscape design of the garden allows you to refine the garden area without losing its functionality. Moreover, the beds will have a stylish appearance not only during the riotous flowering of the greenery and the removal of the crop, but also when they are completely bared. To begin with, you can make a bed of bricks for beds. Then the garden will look more tidy. Also for the decor of the beds you can use ready-made modular sections, which are sold in the horticultural shops. Special containers are being sold today. In fact, these are huge pots, in which plant crops are planted. They look very nice and have mobility. If necessary, such containers can always be rearranged to another part of the garden. Between all the beds you need to correctly design the garden paths. Trails should be laid out with small pieces of wood or covered with rubble.

High beds

The choice of design paths in the garden depends on the type of decoration of the road surface on the rest of the backyard.

Plants for the garden

The choice of plant crops that will be planted in the garden depends on the climatic conditions of the region, the composition of the soil, personal preferences of homeowners and even fashion trends. When planting plant crops, it is necessary to take into account the orientation of the allotment. High plants should not shade low. But do not put the same culture on the same place for more than two years in a row. This will deplete the soil and lead to a poor harvest. When planting vegetables, you need to remember that the tops of carrots, beets or potatoes are interesting in their own way. It does not need to be hidden, it's enough to just weed the beds. One of the beds can be occupied with herbaceous plants: dill, parsley, fennel, etc. For better yield, you need to have similar and well-compatible crops with each other.

Compatibility of crops in the garden

They require the same care, which is convenient for watering and weeding. Well-compatible vegetables include:

  • cabbage and cucumbers;
  • peas and celery;
  • onions and parsnips;
  • potatoes and beans;
  • carrots and tomatoes;
  • beet and radish.

Communication and lighting

Landscaping allows you to make the site beautiful day and night. Effective appearance of the homestead in the dark is achieved competently selected lighting. There are many types of landscape lighting. Near the flower beds, gates and building structures can stand standard vertical lights. But the backlight from the bottom of the garden object will allow you to pinpoint its silhouette. If you place a searchlight on the tree of uneven glow, the whole area will be lit by a soft scattered moonlight. Individual lighting is required and reservoirs on the site. Their illumination should be harmoniously combined with other illumination of the territory. As for communications, in the framework of landscape design they must be reliably hidden from prying eyes. The following systems are among the engineering networks that need to be beautifully decorated:

  • lighting;
  • drainage;
  • поливная;
  • stormy.

Garden lights near the house Lighting plot Backlighting in landscape design Homestead at night Lighting near the garden path Beautiful track lighting


Modern landscape design of the site of any stylistic directions presupposes a qualitative design of the entire homestead area. You need to take care of the garden, small flower beds and garden paths. All elements must be in harmony with each other. At least one detail falling out of a single landscape can significantly spoil the perception of the entire picture. The network of utilities can be partially hidden under the ground or in specially equipped flaps and racks on the site. Landscape design is aimed not only at decorating the territory. It allows you to make the allotment maximum functional. Even the decorative arrangement of the beds can improve the yield indicators every year. Before landscaping the country's territory, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan of landscape works, and only then proceed to planting the site.