A very common and loved by many plant purification, planting and care for which is very simple. This flower is of many kinds and varieties. It is appreciated by summer residents, and simply by amateur gardeners, because it is not only beautiful, but also useful. He has many varieties, everyone can choose a plant to your taste.
In this article, read:
- 1 General information about the plant
- 2 Popular varieties
- 3 Planting and care
- 4 Cleansing prominent (Sedum). Cultivation, care, reproduction. Video
- 5 Decorative scrub brush - from purple to "monkey's tail"
General information about the plant
This plant has different names, its purification is called amateur gardeners. In the past, this plant was used to get rid of the pain.
Gardeners-professionals call this plant Sedum, using the Latin name purification. The plant itself is short, its parts are very close to the ground.
There are about five hundred species of botanical purification, they are so unlike each other that it hardly comes to mind that these are species of the same plant.

Cleansing visible with large umbrella inflorescences. Coloring the flowers from white to pink, sometimes their shade tends to a saturated red color.

Lush caps of buds of ornamental shrub cleansing (Sedium) before autumn flowering.

To clean the garden plot looked bright green, it should be planted on the sunny side.
Purification can be found all over the world, in countries where the sun shines brightly, and in temperate climates. All its species have thick fleshy leaves, this is its distinctive feature. The plant is rather unpretentious, quickly rooted, grows, looks like a rug that grows very fast. Therefore, landscape designers like it, it will decorate any garden plot.
There are annual varieties, biennial and perennial.
There are heat-loving species and frost-resistant, some can be grown only at home,.
His modest inflorescences resemble umbrellas, and can be of all colors, a gardener can choose a shade to his liking, especially spectacularly look plants of different colors sitting side by side.
It is useful to grow this flower for beekeepers. It is especially good to plant it in the immediate vicinity of the apiary, the bees will attract bees, being an excellent medon. With its help you can mask unsightly patches of flowerbed or garden, it will look great if you plant it between other, rather tall and large flowers, so that the bare earth does not create a dull, untidy appearance. Since the cleansing is thick leaves with a supply of nutrients, it tolerates the heat and even the drought well. If for some reason they forgot to water him, for a couple of days nothing terrible will happen to him.

Loved by horticulturists and landscape designers purple purple with a rich color of inflorescences and leaves.

In the garden area, dense, undersized bushes of purple gardening are used by gardeners as a natural low hedge to differentiate the areas of the site.
Popular varieties
Among the ornamental species of this plant, the most known are several. The famous purification was brought from Asian countries, such as Korea, Japan, China. The plant is relatively low, blooms in autumn. Cleansing visible completely fades in about a month. The color of its flowers is sustained in the pink range, sometimes the flowers are pale, almost white, and sometimes their shade tends to a saturated red color. To plant the clearing is to be seen in those parts of the garden that are well illuminated by the sun, since the Clematis is a prominent light-loving flower. It can be propagated by cuttings, layers or seeds. Each gardener can choose how it is more convenient and customary.
Purified purple is also common in the countries of Asia and Eurasia, probably only in cold countries with a harsh climate it can not be met. The color of its flowers can range from lilac to pink. Purified purple differs from its relatives in that its leaves are covered with a layer of wax, so they can not dry out for a long time, moisture does not evaporate. However, Purifier purple likes heat, it does not need to be planted in the shade. Such an original rug helps to rid the garden of weeds, they simply have nowhere to grow and take root. Purified magenta reproduces by layers or seeds. Reproduction by other means is undesirable.

Bright-yellow inflorescences of one of the species of the family of ornamental shrubs are acrid.
Purified acid is a poisonous plant. However, many know how to use it for medicinal purposes. It is found mainly in European countries, in Russia it is not grown as a cultural plant, it is found in the wild, in swamps, in forests. The leaves of this flower are practically no different from the leaves of other species, and the flower is bright yellow, warning of danger. Acrid caustic is very beautiful, but it is not recommended to tear it for bouquets, let people admire it from a distance. Purified acrid blossoms in places where there is enough heat and light. Its reproduction and cultivation at home is not recommended. In the Middle Ages, acrid scum was considered an obligatory culture in the witch garden.
Morgan's purification is successfully grown in domestic, room conditions, it can often be seen in apartments. The purification of Morgan is usually hung on a wall in a special pot for ampel plants. His long leaves hang heavily down, for which the plant was jokingly called a monkey's tail. Reproduction of this species is mainly by layers. The purification of morgan is unpretentious, it can easily grow even a budding florist.

Purification of Morgan is grown at home in hanging pots.
Popular among gardeners and fans of this plant is a hybrid purification, it stands out with beautiful bright yellow flowers that will effectively look on the flowerbed. A false cleanser can present a horticulturist all shades of pink. This species is extremely resistant to dryness, the plant is winter-hardy, reproduces easily, it is not exacting to the soil. The only drawback of this variety is that the cleansing is false aggressive, depressing other plants, so it should not be planted next to delicate species.
Planting and care
Planting and care за ним не требуют от садовода большого мастерства. Нужно помнить, что очиток очень любит солнце. Не нужно сажать его в тени, иначе он потеряет всю свою внешнюю привлекательность, побледнеет, не будет выглядеть здоровым и нести свою эстетическую функцию. Тем не менее, перед посадкой , нужно изучить внимательно сорт , так как некоторые виды могут любить тень или просто места слегка затененные. Но в большинстве своем это растение любит свет и тепло.
Since this plant is small, located close to the ground, each spring will have to remove the fallen leaves from the place where the cleansing grows. Do this in the fall is not necessary, it will not be superfluous if the leaves will cover the plant from the effects of cold. But in the spring the flower can simply die under the leaves without seeing the light.
Reproduction depends on a particular variety, you need to carefully study what is written on the package.
With respect to the soil, this plant is absolutely unpretentious, normally feels itself in any soil, on loam, where there is a lot of sand or stones, ideal for creating alpine slides. But if the cleaning is grown at home, it is not superfluous to add a little compost or humus to the soil. It does not require frequent loosening, it is necessary to do this very carefully, so as not to damage the roots.
When transplanting, you need to carefully study how many years a particular species can grow in the same place. In order for the plant to look attractive, planting and caring for the flower should be correct, it must be rejuvenated, in time to remove those leaves and stems that have already outlived their time. If the flower is in the garden, then at least once a season you can add a little humus to it. The flower, like many others, is responsive to fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.
Such a flower, as well as any cultural plant is difficult to co-exist with weeds, so beds and flower beds need to be weeded from time to time. Cleaning does not need frequent irrigation, watering should be moderate, it can not be poured, otherwise it will simply die.
Remember, though the flower is rather unpretentious, planting and caring for it still require compliance with certain rules. Be careful!
Cleansing clear (Sedum). Cultivation, care, reproduction. Video
Decorative scrub brush - from purple to "monkey's tail"