The dragon tree is so called dracaena bordered, or marginal, one of the representatives of the Dracene clan. Despite the formidable name, there is nothing frightening in a beautiful plant. The name of the dracaena was obtained because of its juice, which forms a thick red mass when frozen, similar to blood. The resin was used from time immemorial as a varnish, paint for fabrics and hair, food coloring. The ancient Aztecs and Mayans referred to the dracenus as the "tree of happiness."

Dracaena fringed today is used for decorating the interiors of apartments and houses.

The height of the dracaena bordered, which looks like a palm tree, can reach three meters. An unusual decoration for the living room or hall.

Dracaena fringed due to its decorative properties is very popular among designers.
In this article, read:
- 1 General information about the plant and modern varieties
- 2 How to care for a dragon tree?
- 3 How can I multiply the dracenu?
- 4 Dracaena fringed in the interior design of the apartment. Video
- 5 Extraordinary dracaena bordered - an interesting detail of any interior. Photo Gallery
General information about the plant and modern varieties
The young dracaena resembles a fountain made of long, narrow leaves wilting as it ages. Growing up, the plant acquires a tree-like shape, most often doubly branched. The leaves on the powerful wooden stalk fall off, leaving behind a mesh pattern on the bark. The combination of a smooth trunk and a bunch of leaves on top give the dracene similarity to a low palm tree. In a spacious room or in a greenhouse, the dragon tree often reaches rather large dimensions: its height can be about 3 m.

The pale pink fringing of dracaena leaves looks gracefully in the garden amongst other plants.

Dracaena fringed in a low pot looks great in any interior.

An example of properly groomed dracaena bordered.
There are several varieties of marginates, differing in the number and color of the bands on the leaves:
- A typical representative of the species has dark green leaves, which have a thin burgundy or purple border at the edges.
- Variety Tricolor differs strips of 3 colors: a wide red around the edges, golden in the center and green between them.
- Colora variety has leaves with wide dark-red stripes bordering them. The plant looks red-leaved because of unremarkable remains of greenery near the central veins.
- The species Bicolor in the color of the leaves combine the green and pink shades of the bands.
- Dracaena Marginta Magenta has a well-marked narrow strip of red or crimson hue on bright green leaves.
Thanks to contrasting combinations of colors, all varieties of dragon tree look very impressive. They can be used as stand-alone plants in small rooms, or can be combined with other room colors that shade the unusual color of the Drazen leaves.

Narrow sheets of dracaena bordered are similar to sheets of palm tree.

Dracaena fringed is a tree of happiness in every house.

Spectacular dragon tree looks great in the ethnic interior.
How to care for a dragon tree?
One of the most unpretentious indoor plants, the dracaena is bordered, does not require special efforts from the floriculturist. Care of the plant is simple. The bright artificial light of office space is enough for it to feel fine in any weather.
The problem of lack of illumination can arise in those who grow dracaenes at home. Lack of light causes the formation of more chlorophyll in the leaves, which leads to a change in their coloring in the green side. Care is to ensure the dracenas bright and long (about 10-12 hours a day) lighting. In summer, you can put a dragon tree in a place protected from direct sunlight, not far from the west or east window. In winter, the problem can be solved solely with the help of additional illumination of the plant by a fluorescent lamp.

Caring for dracaena bordered can not be called difficult. An unpretentious plant is excellent for home growing.

Young dracaena in a pot with a small decoration in the form of a ceramic doll.
The roots of dracaena are sensitive to water stagnation and excessive moisture.
This is especially dangerous for plants that are at rest and at low temperatures in the room. In the warm period of the year, at a temperature above 20 ° C, watering should be carried out when the upper layer of the soil dries. In winter, it is necessary to reduce by half the amount of water received by the plant in one irrigation.
The temperature regime of growing draczen marginata does not require special heat or coolness. The plant feels good at comfortable human temperatures from 25 ° C to 15 ° C. These are the usual conditions of a city apartment or office.
Reduced humidity in a room with central heating adversely affects the appearance of the plant. At a humidity of 60% in the dracaena, the ends of the leaves begin to dry out, and then their edges. With prolonged exposure to dry air, massive yellowing and falling of leaves can be observed. Avoid this helps care in the form of frequent spraying with cool soft water or increasing the overall humidity of the room to 70-75%. It will be good to feel the dracaena bordered next to a large aquarium or decorative fountain, where it will require the most minimal care.

The domestic dracena bordered grows in a small pot. Sprawling leaves are difficult to distinguish from palm trees.

Correctly manicured Drazena fringed is saturated with sunlight.
An important point is plant transplantation:
- the most suitable containers are high, narrow containers, in which a large mass of dracaena roots will fit comfortably;
- a young plant must be transplanted annually into a larger pot, the diameter of which should exceed the previous one by about 10 cm;
- the composition of the mixture includes 1 part of turf, 2 parts of sheet earth and 1 part of sand;
- an adult plant needs to be transshipped every 2-3 years, as the container is filled with roots;
- transplantation of a large size dracaena is difficult, therefore, care should consist in the annual partial replacement of the top layer of soil 5-7 cm thick.

Low dracaena in a rectangular pot to decorate the veranda.

High dracaena bordered for office design.
How to multiply the dracenus?
Reproduction is best to begin in the spring, when the plant starts growing. Very rare flowering of the dragon tree in the room conditions, despite the most careful care, only vegetative ways of reproduction make possible.
To obtain the apical cuttings one must cut one of the branches so as to obtain a bunch of leaves with a growth point on the apex and a section of the stem beneath it several centimeters long. Cut the cuttings to stimulate the growth of roots (heteroauxin, rootstocks, etc.). Place the stalk in a moist substrate and cover it with a cap from a transparent container, bag or glass jar. Rooting occurs within 1 month. Care of the cuttings is to maintain the necessary amount of moisture in the soil.
You can root the stalk in the water. This method is very effective - the roots can appear after 2 weeks, and the process of their formation is easy to observe. Plant the plant in the ground one week after the first roots are grown.

The dracenia of the fringed root is rooted in the ground.

Cultivated under optimal conditions, the dracaena is bordered.
If you can not get a new plant for cuttings, then you can resort to reproduction by air layers. To do this, make a circular incision on the stem, where there are no leaves. Below the cut, fix a piece of polyethylene film so that it forms a bag around the trunk. Fill it with damp moss or peat, and tie the upper end over the cut. After the appearance of the roots inside the sac, part of the plant with the roots separated from the mother and transplanted into a pot. In the future, care for the planted plant is no different from the above.
After separation of the cuttings or dracaena lining, the borderline usually begins to branch below the cutoff, forming 1-2 lateral shoots. Superfluous can be used again for cutting apical cuttings.
Widely used in the design of interiors of apartments and offices of dracaena marginate is recognized as one of the best air purifiers from formaldehyde vapors, trichlorethylene and xylene. These substances are often found in high concentrations in modern urban apartments and office buildings. Useful properties of dracaena, simple care and its decorative appearance made the plant popular among interior designers and lovers of indoor plants.

Correctly grown dracaena will destroy all harmful substances that are in the air.

Dracena is fringed - a favorite of modern housewives.