The design of the cafe complete with the quality of service and delicious cuisine creates the mood of visitors. The beginning restaurateur needs to work out the design of his institution with special attention. Naturally, any cafe is designed for a certain category of guests. Business people will not be comfortable in the interior with futuristic motives, and young people quickly get bored in the luxurious classical atmosphere. However, the design of the cafe project must be so high-quality that even a casual visitor becomes a regular. The main goal that the designer should pursue is the creation of an unusual, original institution, in which, nevertheless, comfort will remain. People come to the cafe to relax. The more pleasant and comfortable the pastime will be in the institution, the more often it will be returned to it. Let's talk about the most important thing about the styles that embody in the interiors of the cafe.
Recently, more and more multifunctional cafes are opening, which are more like small restaurants. Among the style variety, the following interior solutions can be noted:
- Loft or noble industrial. Style is now experiencing a real "boom". His business card - brick walls are used in half of the fashionable interiors of houses and public institutions.
- Retro. The direction is actual in narrow circles of connoisseurs of antiquity. Usually reproduce the situation of American jazz clubs, which visited the ladies in fur coats and gentlemen with ties. Such cafes collect a bohemian audience that can immerse themselves in a new world of luxury and elegance.
- Russian. In this style, the main room is stylized under a tavern with massive wooden furniture and a horseshoe above the entrance (fortunately, as the proverb says).
- Fusion. The direction is a stylistic potpourri. Fusion is classed as a more modern eclectic. Style allows you to decorate the cafe is unusual, but cozy. A sophisticated interior solution will attract visitors from the category of "informal".
- Country. Country style, which is simple. It allows the owner to save on finishing, but at the same time to design the room in an original way.
- Provence. Classics of the French hinterland is characterized by lightness and grace. For registration use old furniture, which will look in a similar interior is appropriate and organic.
- Chalet. The direction originated on the Alpine slopes. It uses wood and natural materials. The facade is decorated with panoramic windows, and a special sign of comfort will be a fireplace.
- Eco-style. The modern man reaches out to everything natural, that's why the interior emphasizes the closeness to nature. For example, the central hall can decorate wooden decks instead of chairs, and on the walls in the role of the main decor will perform compositions from branches.
- Disco style. Suitable for those who are nostalgic for the insane 80's. The setting of the cafe will be flashy and challenging with the use of bright colors and posters with music bands that were popular in those distant times.
- Empire. The direction is distinguished by grace. In decoration use floral ornaments, floral patterns. Furnishing is tidy on twisted legs, decorated with carving of handwork. The room is decorated with stucco.
- Modern. Style is characterized by lightness and unobtrusiveness. Pastel colors and natural materials prevail in the interior. The direction took an intermediate position between the luxurious classics and laconic modern styles.
Separately it is necessary to note the ethnic style. Styling a cafe for a certain country with a national cuisine, the owner will kill two birds with one stone at a time:
- Will bring in the institution of immigrants from this state, who missed their homeland.
- Lures to his local, who want to eat exotics.
We often open a cafe in the ethnic style of two types:
- With the interiors and cuisine of the neighboring countries: Uzbek restaurants with traditional for Tashkent pilaf, a cafe with nostalgia for Armenia or Ukrainian "huts", where they serve a rich borsch and dumplings.
- Stylized as an institution of exotic countries for the domestic visitor. This includes Greek, Italian, American, Mexican cafes.
Let us dwell on some styles, a detailed description of which will explain the reason for their popularity in the interiors of modern cafes.
In ethnic institutions, it is desirable that the staff speak the language of the country in which the interior is styled. If to match, then in everything.
In the classical decoration the tree will prevail. It is used for furnishing and furnishing. However, these are not rough woody country surfaces, but finely and neatly processed elements. Textiles use natural, "heavy" fabrics with delicate and elegant ornaments. Do not fit the classic style for small rooms (less than 15-20 sq.m.). The problem is that in limited spaces it is difficult to translate it so that the direction does not lose some of the charm and luxury. Classic decor is very restrained, the style does not accept the abundance of small details that threaten to turn the interior into bad taste. The ceiling and walls are decorated with stucco, the entrance can be supplemented by an arched vault supported by columns. The main door is painted in a noble white color and decorated with a golden handle and carving. In the color palette prevails brown, chocolate, olive, golden. Also in the decor they use crystal: glasses, figurines, chandeliers. Classic style is more suitable for the interior of the restaurant.
In the design use a simple geometry. The classical space is inadmissible to overload with complex configurations.
Modern style
Modern interiors strive for laconism and simplicity. It can not be said that this style completely abandoned luxury, but it became less flashy and more restrained. The direction was created in opposition to the traditions. The gray, white, black and accent bright strokes prevail in the tones of the interior: blue, blue, violet. The classic relief was replaced by perfectly smooth surfaces. From materials prefer the metal, plastic, natural stone and brick. Decorate the room with marble tables, soft puffs and "pears" in the center of the hall, stylish lamps of unusual shapes, bright dishes. About catchy shades should not be forgotten, as they will help dilute the overall "sterility" of the atmosphere and bring coziness. Also, the room is adorned with numerous lamps, sconces, ceiling chandeliers. Lighting is developed on three levels, and special attention is paid to point sources of light, which emphasize the winning sides of the interior.
Для минимализма характерна простота в оформлении и почти полное отсутствие декоративных элементов. Гость из востока пришел к нам пару десятилетий назад и закрепился в интерьерном дизайне, похоже на долгие годы. Стиль любит свободу, большие пространства, которые за счет света кажутся еще просторнее. Однако, чтобы помещение не создавало впечатление сплошного полотна, его обязательно зонируют. Актуально использование ширм или декоративных перегородок между столиками. У посетителей появится возможность отграничить свое личное пространство, и в то же время оставаться частью общего зала. В палитре красок первенство отдают белому. Цвет чистоты подчеркивают серым, черным, синим, желтым. В отделке используют камень, кирпич, древесину, штукатурку. Поверхности материалов нарочно не обрабатываются, чтобы подчеркнуть их натуральность. Также для стиля характерно обилие стекла, в котором выполняют редкие декоративные элементы. Minimalism придерживается простых линий и форм, исключая любые «геометрические» эксперименты.
Marine themes
Sea style is considered a favorite option for decorating interiors in country houses on the beaches. Cafes, which are usually scattered on the waterfront to the services of tourists, also prefer this direction. In cities where the south only dreams before vacation, the establishment, decorated in a marine style, will cause pleasant nostalgia and help to really relax, as during a full rest. In the palette of shades use a "quartet" of tones: green, blue, blue and white. In their strong company poured the brown colors of deck board and steering wheels. In upholstery of furniture and textiles traditionally there is a sailor's "strip". In the decor you can use the anchor and, ships in bottles, telescopes, navigation aids, sails, lifebuoys, tackles, falling from the ceiling. The original solution will be the design of the doorway under the shape of the steering wheel, the "spokes" of which will disperse sideways on the walls. Windows are made small, as on ships. One of the accent walls is covered with wallpaper, depicting an old map of the world or islands with treasures. The picture is printed on a "sheet" with charred edges on "yellowed" from time to paper. Some restaurateurs go further and embody the theme of pirates in certain areas of the cafe. For example, VIP-hall, decorated with massive chests with artificial gold, cells with live parrots and old lanterns in the role of plafonds.
East style
Cafes in the oriental style look non-standard and mesmerizing. In the interior design necessarily develop a soft, diffused lighting that gives a warm light. The floor is covered with tiles with ornate patterns. A complex ornament is one of the main features of the style, which is used in almost all surfaces. The tile is partially covered with soft mats. Seats are low, necessarily zadekorirovany numerous pillows. In the eastern cafe, as a rule, guests are offered to smoke a hookah. It is more convenient to do this in separate rooms, which are separated from the general premises by translucent curtains. The doorways are decorated with arches with characteristic arches that have a sharp, elongated tip exactly in the middle. The room is decorated with a large number of lamps of round shapes that hang from the ceiling at different levels. In the color scheme, shades of red, brown, and blue are preferred.
See also: Design of a cozy coffee house
Italian style
Italian style сохранил многие черты барокко, которое в свое время получило бешеную популярность в этой стране. В палитре оттенков превалируют коричневый, оливковый, терракотовый, кремовый, апельсиновый, желтый, кирпичный. В отделке используют комбинацию рельефной штукатурки, необработанного камня и массива дерева. Причем сорта последнего выбирают благородные, чтобы подчеркнуть легкую роскошь интерьера. В дизайне интерьера используют массивную, низкую мебель, которую декорируют обивкой с цветочным орнаментом. В качестве альтернативы можно выбрать легкие плетеные кресла вместо стульев. На стены вешают коллажи из фотографий. Важным элементом декора могут стать необработанные потолочные балки и подпорки, которые послужат еще и условными границами совмещенных зон. Текстиль выбирают богато украшенный узорами. Столы обычно покрывают клетчатыми скатертями. В декоре используют комнатные растения, плетеные элементы, винные бутылки, которые выносят за пределы бара.
Japanese style
Japanese style является составной частью восточного. Он сохранил его основные черты, но и сам не лишен индивидуальности. Актуально оформление интерьера в соответствии с канонами этого направления для суши-баров и кафе с одноименной кухней. В отделке используют древесину светлых оттенков. Стены и потолок декорируют панелями, которые используют повсеместно в стране восходящего солнца. Места для гостей оформлены с помощью низеньких столиков и циновок или стульев без ножек. Декорируют заведение роскошными имитациями ваз эпохи Минь, панно с изображением цветущей сакуры, объемными фонариками, дорожкой из плоских камней прямо на полу. Интерьер оформляют в нейтральных тонах: белом, черном, коричневом, сером. Окна занавешивают панельными шторами из шелка, хлопка, льна. Обязательно в помещении присутствуют живые растения.
Rococo станет хорошим вариантом для обладателей тонкого художественного вкуса. В помещении углы слегка сглаживаются, так как стиль предпочитает плавные линии. Наличие высоких потолков — одна из особенностей рококо. Стены отделывают дорогими тканевыми обоями с тончайшим рисунком. В облицовке также используют светлое дерево, керамическую плитку и мрамор. В рококо применяют большое количество лепнины, которую сверху покрывают позолотой. Окна занавешивают тяжелыми шторами из натуральных тканей все с тем же растительным узором. Центральным элементом декора станет огромная люстра из хрусталя с лампочками, установленными на манер свечей. В оттенках превалируют белый, коричневый, винный, бирюзовый, голубой, розовый.
High tech
Interiors in the style of hi-tech are cozy in modern style, however, it will be difficult for them to be those who are "for" the tradition with both hands. For this reason, the high-tech direction will give comfort mainly to the younger generation. This nuance should be taken into account when developing the concept of an institution. In the decoration of walls and ceiling use plastic, chrome and glass surfaces, untreated brick and stone. Lighting uses a multi-level, neon-cold. The floor is best laid with a glossy glaze. Furniture uses a simple, with a strict line geometry. In shades, the main ones are gray, white and black. The trinity can be complemented with lilac, blue, red, blue, yellow, that is, any color that is highlighted with appropriate backlighting. Windows use panoramic. Curtain them with stylish blinds. As a decoration can act art objects in the style of cubism, constructivism, futurism. Dilute the cold, technological environment with indoor plants in square or triangular pots.
Children's Cafe
Some cafes create a separate children's area where parents can send their children and have a rest. However, in recent years, a growing number of institutions that are designed only for toddlers, such a culinary Disneyland for crumbs. The central hall is usually divided into three zones:
- General for all children;
- Zone for boys. A rest corner for young pirates, robbers, astronomers, machinists and robots;
- A playground for girls, where young princesses will find entertainment to their liking.
Any children's cafe should focus not on healthy, but such tasteless food (as most of us believed in childhood), but on confectionery and ice cream. Usually in such establishments children are taken away on some solemn occasions, so the restaurateur should provide for the presence of a mini-banquet hall. Children's cafes are designed based on fairy tales, with bright decorations on the walls and a similar decor. Sometimes provide for the presence of leaders with entertainment programs that will make the rest of the kids more vivid and memorable.
The restaurateur should also arrange a rest area for the parents, that is, those adults who will come to look after the young company. The zone should be detached so that children do not get in the way, but with a good view.
Summer cafe
Summer cafe может быть двух типов:
- A separate institution that works exclusively in the warm season, but with the onset of cold weather closes.
- The restaurant patio, which is attached to the main restaurant and offers guests the choice of an additional area for recreation.
As a rule, the summer zone is moved either to the backyard of the establishment, or directly in front of the facade and shop window. The terrace is equipped with light furniture. It is necessary to have an awning on the roof, which will protect you from accidental rains. Decorate the summer cafe with potted plants in pots, dwarf trees, curtains in improvised "windows" that help protect themselves from wind and scorching sun.
The design of hookah can be, both modern, and on canons of classical east style. In the first case, use a smooth surface in the finish, furniture of austere forms, an abundance of white, neon lighting. In the oriental style, tile and textiles are used with a lot of fine patterns. The main thing that should be provided in such an institution is the availability of separate areas where guests can smoke a hookah calmly. In some cafes, this service is on the supplementary list and for visitors who want to put a couple of smoky rings, they create separate seats outside the common room.
Karaoke room
Karaoke cafes are more like night-time establishments. Of course, serious people can come here only for the purpose of "stretching" the vocal cords, but much more often the scene is captured by guests who are liberated by alcohol. A large number of the latter occurs on Friday and Saturday evenings. The excitement in the karaoke bar will be observed on the eve of the weekend. Strict restrictions on the type of interior decoration in the institution does not exist. For example, the restaurateur with success can embody in the decoration of country or Italian style. However, the general hall should be designed in such a way that visitors can easily observe the scene from any of its points.
Beer pub
The interior of the beer bar should be easy to communicate and relax. The atmosphere in institutions is often maintained at ease, facilitating the emancipation of visitors. Often they are equipped in basements. Cafe-bar can expand its audience and broadcast sports matches daily. In an interior of an institution recommend to use a tree and a brick. The shades are chosen from the "natural" scale, that is, from the tones of brown. The naturalness of the atmosphere will have to eat light alcohol, which will increase revenue.
Design project
Design project можно доверить профессионалу. Рестораторы, которые не стеснены рамками бюджета, могут позволить себе подобный шаг. Однако новички ресторанного бизнеса, частенько отказываются от услуг дизайнера. И речь здесь не только об экономии, но и о возможности сделать заведение авторским, как говорится «от и до». Если же вы решили оформить кафе своими руками, то для начала понадобится карандаш, рулетка, бумага для чертежа и картон для макета. В первую очередь тщательно проводят замеры помещения, ведь каждый метр будет использован в интерьере. Затем их переносят на схематичный чертеж помещения. Замеры понадобятся при выборе мебели и расчете количества материалов для отделки. Затем в чертеже кафе начинают намечать приблизительное расположение мебели. Не забудьте отметить рабочую зону для персонала — кухню и туалет. Кстати, расположение последнего должно быть выбрано так, чтобы гости из любой точки зала могли до него добраться, не привлекая к себе лишнего внимания. Стилистическая картинка на этапе проектирования уже плотно засела в голове, поэтому ее просто переносят на бумагу. Затем изготавливают макет и шлифуют обстановку, устраняя ошибки.
Bar counter
The presence of a bar is not only an attribute of institutions with a similar name. It is established everywhere, because among the guests from any category there are those who want to pass the time for a glass of a drink. In bars, the racks occupy the lion's share of the common hall area. In institutions that are focused on delicious cuisine, the "alcoholic" corner is located on a small area. Bar counters are designed in accordance with a common stylistic decision, but they often become accenting areas, the highlight of the interior, against which stand out. They are necessarily equipped with high chairs for guests. Efficient lighting will emphasize the feature of the interior object.
Cafe equipment
Under the equipment of a cafe means a set of technical equipment, which ensures its high-quality work. In front of the visitors there will be only coffee makers and shakers for whipping cocktails behind bar counters. Dishwashers, mixers, cookers, stoves, fryers - all this equipment is located in the kitchen area, which is hidden from the eyes of visitors. True, lately experimental styles have become fashionable, where cooks through the glass partition demonstrate the entire process of cooking for guests. Even if the technology is hidden from visitors, this does not mean that you need to save on it. The interior plays a big role, but if in a pleasant atmosphere dishes are served horrible, no one in the cafe will return. It is more profitable for restaurateurs to purchase equipment in a comprehensive manner, that is, a full set, since sellers offer good opportunities to save money. An important part of the interior of the technique becomes only in high-tech and modern style, close to him in spirit.
At restaurateurs before the opening of their own institution is always full of hassle associated with the organizational process. Depending on how clearly the work of the team will be established, the level of the institution's service is determined. However, no courteous service will save the situation when it is unpleasant for a guest to be in a café setting. The situation is very sad, since many do not attach special importance to this nuance, confining themselves to only one-type tables with a pair of chairs, which compel the entire room. Interior should be developed in detail, taking into account the numerous nuances. In the design often go to the victims or look for compromises, just like in real life. Only with this approach to business, your cafe wants to not only return again and again, but also to live in it.