Even the name conjures images of ancient peoples, elves, wizards and hobbits. Once you get there, you can easily think that you are lost somewhere in Middle-earth. In fact, John Ronald Ruel Tolkien was fascinated by this place, and, they say, it is this the place inspired the man who brought us Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf. It is classified according to the classification adopted in the UK, to the so-called "ancient forests", that is, to those forests that have existed since at least 1600.
Pazlewood occupies an area of 5.67 hectares (0.0567 km ²). The terrain is an abandoned many centuries ago, the development of iron ore, conducted in an open way and since then overgrown with forests and mosses. On the place of the quarries were formed unique folds of the terrain, called Scauls, which are not found anywhere else in the world. Puzzled trails have a total length of about 1.6 km, lots of stone blocks of unusual shape, small inconspicuous caves. The forest is surrounded on all sides by farms. The nearest town is Coleford - located about a kilometer to the north.
At the time of the Roman Empire in place of Pazlwood began mining iron ore. After the careers were abandoned, nature restored the forest cover, forming, according to Maxim magazine, a "fairytale" landscape.
At the beginning of the XIX century, the owner of these lands paved the winding path between the trees and ravines of Pazlewood, organizing entertainment for his friends and children. After about a century in Paslewood could go in, leaving any amount in the "box of honesty." on the donation of the local church. Since then, the forest landscape has not changed much, except for a few additional trails and bridges. Currently - a popular tourist attraction, pony rides, a playground, a benches, a cafe and a souvenir shop.
It is believed that the landscape of Pazlwood inspired writer JRR Tolkien, who often strolled here, to create the Old Forest, Liholesia, Fangorn and Lorien, appearing in The Lord of the Rings. In the Forest of Dean (part of which is Pazlewood) writer Joan Rowling often walked; perhaps his landscapes inspired the writer to create the Forbidden Forest, featured in a series of Harry Potter novels. In 2008-2009, Paslewood saw the shooting of the 11th episode of the first season and the third episode of the second season of the series "Merlin". In 2010, the Puzzlevue filmed the episode "Flesh and Stone" series "Doctor Who".
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