
In recent years, the fireplace has ceased to be an exceptionally classic element of the interior. Modern biomodels are made of metal and glass, and they work on environmentally friendly fuels, which do not give smoke and soot. Fireplaces become the central element in the design of living rooms, libraries, bedrooms and kitchens. They came to replace the cumbersome ovens on which they used to cook their food. Depending on the location of the fireplaces are classified into four types: island, angular, built-in and wall-mounted. Most of the material goes to the first view, since the unit is installed in the middle of the room and has four walls. The most economical option in terms of cladding and decoration is the built-in model. In the classic configuration, the fireplace consists of a firebox, a smoke box, a chimney and a portal. We are interested in the last component, since it is decorated with stone decor, wood, inlay, gypsum. More modern models of electric fireplaces are a box without any communications. Due to this quality, they are used in the design of not only country houses, but also urban apartments.
- In the composition of the composite there are lightweight fillers, due to which each block has a small weight. This feature of the material allows you to apply it for finishing not only the fireplace itself, but also the accent wall on which it is located. Because of its high weight, it is not recommended to use natural stone in decorating surfaces with a height of more than 1 m.
- The stone for fireplace decor is easy to assemble, and its suppleness and relative softness allows the construction of a complex configuration.
- To cut the material, only a Bulgarian is needed, while cutting a real rock is not so easy.
- The democratic price of artificial stone, perhaps, became its main advantage. For a very reasonable fee, you can finish not only the fireplace, but also part of the wall, the doorway. Natural cobblestones require painstaking processing with the use of special equipment, which causes a large production cost of the material.
- Artificial stone is produced in various color variations. The usual breed is characterized by a scanty range of shades. Stones of rare flowers will cost very much.
- The material allows the use of seamless technology for finishing, which is impossible when working with natural rock.
Although the acquisition of artificial stone for sheathing, it seems a great idea, he has some disadvantages:
- Natural breed has a unique pattern. No imitation can replicate the natural texture of the material.
- This stone, thanks to its hardness, is not afraid of mechanical damage, and the time of its operation varies from a few tens to a couple of hundred years.
Although both materials with proper approach allow us to embody the most original design ideas, artificial stone is more "flexible" in this respect.
Criteria for choosing a decorative stone for decoration
When choosing the optimal artificial material, it is necessary to pay attention to a number of nuances:
- The product should be well packed.
- The surface of the material should be smooth. If the stone has a porous structure from the front side, then the technology of its production was violated. Such material will not last long.
- Experts believe that imitation should have an "endurance". In their opinion, the strength of the stone reaches its maximum values only after the expiration of a month from the moment of its manufacture.
- To the product is attached several certificates. Since the material is synthetic, it is important that these documents are available, because it is about finishing the surface, which will periodically heat up. Flaws in production will necessarily affect the quality of the artificial stone, as a result of which it can become harmful to human health.
- On the packaging of quality imitation there must be a name of the manufacturer of the manufacturer, the date of manufacture.
Also, you should not buy artificial stone "from hand", because you do not know where and by whom it was manufactured, how it meets the quality standards and how many years it will last.
Tile suitable for decoration
Not every type of tile is suitable for finishing the fireplace. Depending on the manufacturing technology and structure, the material is classified into several types. Each of them differs not only in cost, but also in characteristics, features of installation and terms of operation. Choose a tile based on the characteristics of the room, which is decorated with a fireplace.
For example, for a bath buy a heavy-duty material that is not afraid of high temperatures and high humidity. For the kitchen, an imitation with similar characteristics is selected. Less demanding of the tiles are living rooms, bedrooms, offices. Their microclimate is stable.
В качестве основного составляющего плитки выступает глина. Материал отлично крепится на любую поверхность с помощью обычных жидких гвоздей. Теракакота обладает высокой паро- и воздухопроницаемостью. Это помогает декору поглощать лишнюю влагу в помещении и участвовать в формировании благоприятного микроклимата. Терракотой облицовывают не только каминные порталы, но и фасады домов. Материал морозостойкий, поэтому он идеален для оформления помещений с нестабильной температурой (к примеру, бани). Особая фактура поверхности позволяет терракоте долго отдавать тепло, поэтому камины, декорированные такой плиткой, медленнее остывают. По прочности материал не отстает от печного кирпича.
Mayoica — это глазурованная терракота. Дополнительный глянцевый слой допускает чистку поверхности абразивными составами, контакт с которыми не повредит плитке. По характеристикам майолика не отстает от терракоты. Она тоже легко закрепляется на поверхности, долго отдает тепло, может использоваться в помещениях любого типа. При производстве верхний слой майолики украшают узорами. Богатый ассортимент рисунков позволяет подобрать материал под дизайн интерьера.
Heat resistant clinker tiles
Clinker is made from clay of several varieties and fireclay powder. In the composition add natural dyes. The material is environmentally friendly. Since its structure is low-porous, it slowly gives off heat. Frost resistance allows you to decorate fireplaces in houses and temporarily used baths. The thickness of the clinker varies from 0.9 to 1.2 cm. The tile is durable, durable and insensitive to mechanical damage. On the surface, the clinker is fixed with liquid nails. Unfortunately, the material does not have a terracotta hitch, so the reinforcement mesh is additionally used for finishing.
Porcelain tiles
За появление керамогранита мы обязаны итальянцам. Технология производства нового облицовочного материала впервые была опробована в конце прошлого века. Монолит непористый, что значительно повышает срок его эксплуатации. Porcelain tiles изготавливают из мраморной крошки, оксидов металлов, кварцевого песка с добавлением пигментов путем прессования под высоким давлением. Искусственный материал хорошо себя зарекомендовал во время испытаний низкими и высокими температурами. Это качество керамогранита позволяет его использовать при оформлении каминов в парных, на кухне и для отделки фасадов домов. Материалом можно украсить помещение с практически любой стилистикой, так как он выпускается с широким ассортиментом цветовых и текстурных вариантов. Поверхность керамогранита не выгорает под солнечными лучами.
tiles — штучные детали отделки, изготовленные из особых видов глины. Их поверхность обрабатывают глазурью, которая придает ей глянцевый блеск. Из-за высокой стоимости изразцам так и не удалось выбиться в лидеры рынка. Технология их изготовления предполагает обжиг при высоких температурах, что делает материал жаропрочным и долговечным. Для изразцов характерна высокая теплоотдача, что полезно для тех помещений, где камин не просто интерьерный элемент, а еще и альтернативный источник тепла.
Since the tiles are very expensive, they can only decorate the mantelpiece. For the rest of the portal, cheaper material is selected, which will be combined in color and texture.
Master class for laying tiles
Putting the fireplace with tiles with your own hands is not so difficult. The whole process of finishing will take 5-8 hours. A high level of mastery of the builder will greatly speed up the procedure. Grout is performed on the next day, so you can get a beautiful, stylish interior element in just two days.
The process of finishing is divided into three stages:
- Surface preparation;
- Works on facing;
- Finishing.
Finish the process by decorating the mantelpiece and part of the chimney, if you plan to use wall decorations.
Preparatory work
Before you can decorate the fireplace, its surface must be pre-prepared. If it removed the old layer of finishing, then the portal is cleaned of the residues of the adhesive and aligned. Then the surface is degreased and small dust particles are removed, which can subsequently affect the quality of the fixing of the finishing material. Finish the processing by applying a layer of mastic that seals the microcracks.
Read also: Chandeliers in the interior +75 photo examples
Tools and materials
The following materials will be required for the job:
- Tile;
- Corner elements;
- Heat-resistant grout for joints and glue;
- Identical pieces of drywall to create smooth seams between the elements.
The standard set of tools includes:
- Level and plumb bob;
- Latex gloves;
- Building pistol;
- Bulgarian with a disc for cutting tiles;
- A comb spatula;
- Rubber hammer;
- Waste capacity (bucket, bowl);
- Drill and nozzle for mixing dry mixtures.
The list of materials is sometimes supplemented with special means for surface treatment after tiling. For example, some apply mud repellent.
The technology of laying the tiles on the walls of the fireplace and the chimney
The fire should only be applied after finishing the surface preparation work. Begin from the corners. They are fixed after the measurements. They will serve as a guide, which will ensure the laying of even rows of tiles without distortions. In the tank, heat-resistant glue is mixed. Then it is applied with a comb trowel on the back side of the tile. For better adhesion, the glue is covered also with the surface of the fireplace in a similar way. Then a tile is applied to it and, after correcting the location, is pressed with force. Finish fixing by tapping with a rubber mallet. To keep a gap of the same width between the seams, pre-prepared pieces of plasterboard are inserted in them. It can be removed only after 12 hours from the moment of fastening the decor. If necessary, the tile is cut into pieces of the right size by the Bulgarian. After a day after laying, you can start grouting the joints. The composition has a base white color, which is corrected with the help of special dyes. Grout is mixed with the pigment according to the instructions, and then filled into a construction gun. Its nozzle is inserted into the groove of the seam and gently squeezed out the mixture, moving along the gap. The grout should be level with the tile, but do not protrude over it. If part of the composition is on a clean surface, do not immediately try to wipe it off. The grout is removed after it has hardened, using a screwdriver or a knife. After 1.5-2 hours, the composition begins to thicken and acquires a consistency of a thick paste. Now proceed to the seaming of the joints, which is carried out using a conventional flat screwdriver.
If the fastening of the elements will be done using glue without mastic, then the "purl" side of the finishing material is slightly moistened with water.
After laying the tiles, the portal and the chimney are decorated with plaster moldings, wooden elements, and metal ornaments. The fireplace should be designed in accordance with the stylistic concept. In the classical interior it is decorated with paintings, candlesticks, antique clock. Modern versions use avant-garde and futuristic sculptures, author's photographs. For provence pick up porcelain vases, plates on the stands and fresh flowers.
In ekostile give preference to natural ornaments: spilam wood, cobblestones, cones, dry twigs, collected in a bouquet. Decor fireplace for the New Year is made of festive wreaths, miniature Christmas trees, garlands, socks for gifts. Unusually look options when the portal is on the pedestal, and it has a hollow niche for firewood.