Half-submerged shooting from alessandro catuogno

Photographer from Italy - Alessandro Cattuo (Alessandro Catuogno) creates pictures of the sea and landscapes from under the water, semi-submerged. Photos are very unusual and delicious.

His work emphasizes the harmony of nature and creates some illusion of the world, which see underwater animals, for example fish. Very exciting and peculiar.

Photogallery Total | 10 pictures Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno Half-submerged shooting from Alessandro Catuogno