Until recently, houses in the style of high-tech could only be found in the West. At the moment they are popular in Russia. This style is not only practical, but also very convenient (in particular, frame houses). Projects of houses and cottages in this style are usually executed by designers-specialists.

Modular house in the style of high-tech - the latest innovation of modernity.

Hi tech is first of all innovation and technology.

Country mansion in one of the provinces of France.
In this article, read:
- 1 The interior of the house is high-tech
- 2 Features of high-tech style
- 3 External finishing of the house
- 4 Interior of a bachelor room in high-tech style. Video
- 5 High-tech style in the interior design of the lady and his facade
The interior of the house is high-tech
No wonder many people compare modern houses in high-tech style with the home of the future. In the construction of such houses only the newest materials are used: concrete structures, mirrors, metal, glass. The main thing in high-tech style is practicality.
In the decor of high-tech interior, metal, plastic and glass are used. Each object performs its function, so the superfluous elements of the style does not imply.
In the style of hi-tech, strictness, clarity and clarity are preferred. There are no fancy patterns and angles. The tone is set to black, white, marble and gray.

The stylish interior is interesting for the color zoning of the room.

Studio apartment in high-tech style is remembered with a bright, catchy design.
In the style of high-tech do not use a tree, it is completely replaced by metal, although rarely there are houses from the bar.
In the interior of cottages often make partitions that allow you to quickly change the situation. In the interior of the house hightech will fit the door-coupe, among which now popular doors with lighting or with the effect of broken glass. In this house there should be large wide windows (often on the roof), sometimes a window can occupy the entire wall. Often in such homes there are solar panels.

A strict, laconic design without excesses is ideal for active, business people.

The bedroom is in high-tech style with a minimum of details.
Features of high-tech style
One of the features of this style is modern designs and engineering equipment, which, as a rule, has an unusual form. They also note the following high-tech features:
- clear and simple lines;
- the uniformity of furniture and walls;
- metal constructions;
- a large number of glass and mirrors in the interior;
- sliding partitions;
- sources of light throughout the apartment or house.
Typically, a house is built in high-tech style with a flat roof of dark tones (regardless of the color of the finish).

An interesting element of high-tech style is lighting.

A spacious living room in a high-rise building in New York.
Frame hi-tech houses are a way to build a quickly warm and cozy house of the right size. Frame houses hi-tech take much less time to design and build.
A comfortable frame house of large and small sizes is a universal solution.
More technology, more corners, more space - inherent high-flow principles.
On windows in such house it is better to use vertical or horizontal jalousie. Curtains must be strict, monotonous and restrained. If it is a frame house with large, spacious windows, it is better not to close them.

A spacious apartment-studio in the style of high-tech is decorated with the finest observance of the traditions of design direction.

Inside, warm lighting makes the atmosphere homely.
External finishing of the house
Most often, high-tech style is a country house. In the city, we do not often apply such a design.
Cottage in the style of high-tech should not immediately attract attention, but on closer examination should look modern and expensive.
The exterior colors of the decoration are almost not bright, most often they are combinations of black and white, beige and black, gray and white, black and gray.
The design of the house and the room can be designed in different ways, but without departing from the general idea.

Modular house - an ideal option for suburban real estate.

However, it is still possible to use wood in small quantities.

Interesting design of window frames makes the house unusual and unique.
When setting the living room in a high-tech style, you need to take into account the style: clear angles, straight lines and different lighting options. Despite the fact that the style requires large spaces, it is possible to realize the idea in the living room of standard sizes. The only difference is that in a larger living room, you can use glass partitions, while in a small room this is not possible. Designers advise not to use unnecessary elements of decor. You can put large photos or pictures in the room. As for furniture, it is better to choose the light colors, marble, glass or matte plastic. Walls and bookcases will be superfluous.
Hi-tech is not exactly suitable for bedroom interior, but sometimes this bold move can justify itself. The walls are better painted in light colors. They will look good black and white photos. In the interior of the room can also fit strict chairs, a small round or square glass table, a mirror, an original metal watch.
In the design of the bathroom you must follow the same principles of style. It is worth to abandon the round bath, choosing a triangular or a standard square. Plumbing must also be of strict shape with clear angles, you can order it separately.

The project of a country house of the known creative figure of England.

A hunting lodge is an excellent example of the fact that the unity of a person with nature can be comfortable.