When creating a small space, many owners face obvious difficulties. How to place everything necessary in a small room, when for this catastrophically not enough space? However, professional designers can give practical advice for the organization of a functional interior. Following their recommendations, the room design of 12 sq m can well satisfy the demanding owners. What you need to do for this, and where to start - we'll tell you later.
Thanks to its aesthetics, involving a minimum of decorative elements, the design on 12 square meters will not appear to be flawed in terms of quadrature. If you do not have designer delights in any way, then it is quite possible to mix style trends - the addition of minimalist decor with various motifs and interior items. Such eclecticism often concerns a furniture set. About him talk a little further.
Zoning and lighting of a small room will also be important. To clearly delineate a small space is best to use color. The main recommendation of most specialists is the installation of light colors.
Color requirements
Such a serious role, which is assigned to color, is due to its ability to visually expand the space. If, however, it is rash to disturb the overall harmony by some contrasting insertion, this can lead to the opposite effect. It should be remembered that dark colors narrow and so little space. Their impact is characterized by psychological pressure, a sense of discomfort. The same tapering property can "boast" warm tones.
Despite the feeling of warmth and comfort that they cause, their intimacy negatively affects the design. Much more effective is the use of cold, refreshing tones, as they brighten the surrounding atmosphere. Make it visually cooler, which is perceived by the eye as a sign of a spacious room. The most vivid examples are all shades of white, silver, pink and light blue.
Attention! Snow white shade is a win-win option. He brings lightness and a sense of peace. The atmosphere of a small room will contribute to a complete relaxation after a busy everyday life.
If, however, the ascetic decoration of the interior of a room of 12 sq. M is not included in the plans of the owners, then it is quite possible to use the accent wall. It is put at the head of the sofa or bed so that it does not interfere with sleeping peacefully at night. The most popular are sand colors combined with an admixture of azure.
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A popular shade is also beige with an accent chestnut. But you can use other interior items to create a bright accent. This can be a juicy coloring of textiles, a characteristic texture of a furniture set, a larkiness of wall posters. They perfectly dilute the white scale of a small room. And opponents of contrasting inserts can be limited to using semi-transparent ornaments when designing flat surfaces. This cladding can be found among all kinds of wallpaper and decorative plaster.
When creating an accent wall, the main thing is to observe a sense of proportion. She should be alone. All other walls should remain light.
Another important remark of designers is the strict limitation of the number of tones. Even if the eclectic style is used, there should not be more than three. Only then it will be possible to add a holistic impression from the design of a small room of 12 m.
Zone delimitation
Even such a modest quadrature sometimes has to be divided into zones. Since massive partitions are inappropriate here, the same color and cladding material is used for zoning. The different structure of the materials used excellently replaces the cumbersome elements of the headset. Much less often used textiles, to use the same curtain to distinguish between functional zones.
And it's very difficult to meet the design of a miniature room of 12 sq m with a podium near one of the walls. However, it is quite multifunctional, since it assumes a compact arrangement of a sleeping place with drawers for things. At the bottom is the working space with freedom of movement. For the same purpose, the room almost always remains open.
Surface Finishing and Lighting
When laying the floor covering, it is recommended to use the texture pattern in a competent manner. For example, when using laminate panels, the latter can be laid using a diagonal method. This approach somewhat widens the visual perception of the area of the room. For the same effect, stretch ceilings can be praised. Their snow-white texture visually deepens the useful volume of the small cubicle.
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But even ordinary glossy paint can perform the above work if the ceiling surface is perfectly flat. On the walls it is worth placing several mirrors. They a priori increase the space of the room due to the optical illusion of doubling. Either two small, or one, but more. It can be located opposite the window opening. Then the sun's rays will additionally illuminate and visually increase the interior of the room of 12 sq. M.
Attention! Three or more small mirrors are capable of doing the opposite - visually reduce the area of the room.
Glass surfaces are generally considered a good filling for a modest little room. They can be presented on a small coffee table, facade elements of furniture. The effect of lightness will perfectly complement the good lighting. It's about installing small luminaires, since volumetric applications are clearly not worth it.
Local, spotlighting is quite sufficient, provided that it will go all around the perimeter. Elegant floor lamps will easily solve the lack of light, if the owners are accustomed to the bright light of a large chandelier.
Furniture set
It is logical to look at the rejection of most pieces of furniture. Instead of high cabinets, it is recommended to use compact chests of drawers, since their useful volume is not much different in fact. The operation of a variety of niches and soft elements of the headset also looks preferable to heavyweight shelves and cabinets.
If the shelves near the walls, the emptiness of some shelves will favorably emphasize the airiness of the design of a cozy room of 12 sq. M. The obvious advantage is the availability of consoles and flooring. They allow you to save useful meters of limited quadrature, while providing enough space for various accessories. The last should be quite a bit.
The layout of a small room depending on the destination
Here we will consider possible options for using a small room.
- Design of a small bedroom. Without a minimum set of headsets in these apartments can not do. It should consist of a bedside cabinet or chest, the bed itself, as well as a closet for things. Women can insist on a dressing table. But here it is important to understand that all pieces of furniture should be modest in size. If you place the TV, then you should buy only a thin plasma on the wall. In order not to conceal useful meters, the doors of the cabinet are recommended to be made sliding. Or at all to refuse it in favor of two pencil cases of smaller dimensions. To visually fix the design flaws, it is worth placing art objects on the walls. Pictures with a glossy surface, photos of city streets - all this can look extremely stylish. The main thing is to refrain from massive frames;
- Registration of a small living room. You can use the principle of pairing - when all the same decors are placed opposite each other. From mirrors to furniture. Expand the living room helps placement of the headset in the form of the letter "G". Then it would be appropriate to place the monitor away from the sofa. If the living room boasts a bay window, the placement of furniture in this place will allow to "extend" the premises. In addition to the accent wall, you can use a decorative fireplace with masonry and lighting. The spotlights will perfectly match the mirror panels;
- Children's design. For one child, these dimensions are quite suitable. Since you can limit the minimum set of headset and leave at the same time enough space. For two children will have to use a bunk bed or prefabricated designers with drawers. Subjects of the children include the presence of striped cladding surfaces and the use of air textiles. It is important to use only ecological materials of light colors;

- Kitchen design. To design a small room of 12 sq. M does not seem boring, it can be decorated with a bold color palette. In the kitchen, color experiments are allowed, since this quadrature is sufficient to accommodate all necessary items. However, experts recommend using the niche technique for household appliances.
Attention! To make the layout as practical as possible, it is better to use the U-shape. The island or peninsula is not suitable for such a square.
If the room is extremely narrow, it is better to do without a dining table. Instead, you can choose a modern bar counter, and replace chairs with stools. The working module on the wheels will also look appropriate. Its universality will play a significant role in the preparation of food.
To design a small-sized dwelling should be approached creatively. With certain investments and adherence to the recommendations of professionals - 12 square meters will be enough for any idea. If you correctly adjust the lighting, you can even decorate the living room. However, it is easiest to create a successful interior for a children's room and a kitchen. But everywhere you should limit the number of items of heavy furniture. Minimalism is the best choice for the owner.