1. Waterfall Skougafoss (Skógafoss)Этот водопад соперничает с Гюльдафосс за звание самого знаменитого водопада Исландии. Воды Skougafoss падают с высоты 60 метров, а ширина водопада — 25 метров. Рядом с чудом природы расположен campingA hiking trail is laid along the Scowgau River. The Þjófafoss waterfall In the heart of Iceland, crossing the volcanic plateaus and landscapes, flows the Teursau River, and it also has waterfalls. The name of the most beautiful internal waterfall is translated as "falling of thieves". According to legend, here they drowned criminals. Waterfall Dettifoss (Dettifoss)The most powerful European waterfall - this is Dettifoss. It instantly amazes with its size and power of overthrown waters. A wild and cruel waterfall is on the glacial river Jokulsau-au-Fiodlum, in a national park in the north-east of the country, near the peaceful Lake Myvatn. Canyons along the river are often compared to the Great American canyons. 500 cubic meters of water per second fall from the 44-meter height. The width of Dettifossa is 100 meters. 4. Waterfall Svartifoss (Svartifoss) Svartifoss is remembered thanks to huge basalt columns, which rises on its sides. Columns can be studied near, they are similar to man-made ones, however this is the creation of mother nature. Svartifoss - a high waterfall, with a six-story house, 20 meters. 5. Gülfoss Waterfall (Gullfoss) Islännia is very popular two-level waterfall Güdlfoss. It covers the entire width of the river Hvitau. The upper tier of the waterfall is 11 meters high, and the lower level is already 21. Fog is one of the signs of the waterfall, tourists are surely explained why there is always dusk and dampness here. Seljalandsfoss waterfall In the south-west of Iceland, the Khamragardar River rolls its waters. Decorates her powerful handsome - Seljyalandsfoss waterfall. It is tall, narrow, and slender. The waters of the Seljylandsfoss fall from sixty meters. This waterfall is easy to see without even going off the main ring road of the central Iceland. 7. Selfoss Waterfall One of the four waterfalls on the Jokulsau-Au-Fiodlum River (where Dettifoss is also located). It is wide and stretches for 100 meters, but the height is pumped up - just 11 meters. 8. The waterfall of Öxarárfoss In the south of Iceland is located UNESCO heritage site. It is the mysterious waterfall of Yoksaraurfoss. There is an opinion that this waterfall on the river Yoksarau was created artificially, several centuries ago, in order to draw water. 9. Waterfall Oufirufoss (Ófærufoss) And again before your eyes one more majestic two-stage waterfall of central Iceland. Previously, a natural stone bridge stretched across the waterfall, but in the 90s it collapsed because of an earthquake or because of the huge amount of water masses after the melting of snow. Merkjárfoss Waterfall In the south of the green plains of Iceland, the Mercyar River flows. And it turned out that one of the small hills, almost a rock, cuts through the Merkjárfoss waterfall.