
Corner fireplace in the interior +70 photo

The fireplace today rarely acts as a heating element, as it was done in the old days. Of course, it can be warmer and more comfortable, but its main goal in a private house or a city apartment is decorative. The living room immediately acquires the

How to make a hanging arm yourself: tips, photos and videos

Rest and tranquility are practically the basic principles of arranging any interior in our time. This is understandable, because after a hard day you want to relax in a cozy corner, where no one and nothing will disturb. Just such a place can become

Bio fireplace in the interior

Fire is one of three processes that you can watch endlessly. Fireplaces initially performed only a practical function. They warmed the room, they were preparing food "with a smoke." When decorations began to appear in the dwelling of a man, the

How to choose a wallpaper for a bedroom

The holy of holies of any person - the bedroom - the most secluded and intimate place in the apartment. There you do not want to let outsiders, there is silence and peace, and the interior does not seek for fashion and new trends in design, but for

A small kitchen - a punishment or an opportunity to show

A kitchen in which there is practically no place to turn around is not a fairy tale, but a harsh reality of our time. But, no matter how it sounds unlikely, such a room can still be a source of joy and coziness, and the competent design of small

How to make a small interior attractive - useful tips from

Over time, the familiar atmosphere that so inspired the beginning, bored, things that were so popular, do not bring the former sense of joy, a person ceases to feel comfortable in the created environment. How can you introduce diversity into the

Apartment design - photos of fashion trends in the interior

One bedroom apartment is ideal for a single person or a young family. A small apartment does not require much trouble, and the bills for a communal apartment are not so expensive. But it is not easy for the residents of a small dwelling to arrange

The charm of small bedrooms or 10 effective ways to create

Stylish and refreshing design Bedroom decoration is a special task. Unlike the kitchen or the living room, this room reflects the tastes and preferences of its owner, characterizing it as an individual and acting as a private refuge not only for

There is no thin without good, or the new interior of a

Liz Weingart did not think that the reconstruction of the interior of a small bathroom, located in her house, will take several months. Investment banker and marketer Liz was on a business trip in California at a time when the neighbors living on

On the seas, on the waves - dynamic design of a small

We offer a stunning design of the bedroom unusual house with a modest footage, which was successfully developed and implemented by talented designers and specialists of the Glamor Nest project bureau in the American city of Los Angeles, California.
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